Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1556: 0 strong map

"Just that one!"

Seeing that the young man was so obsessed, the middle-aged man no longer said much, fearing that his voice would be heard by others, quietly spreading his voice.

Looking in the direction he pointed to, I saw a middle-aged man with dark-browed eyes sitting in place, his eyes closed slightly, and no joy, anger, or sorrow could be seen, but no one around him could talk and trade with him. However, this person is really not easy to get along with.

"People in the tertiary realm!"

After a glance, Nie Yun smiled slightly.

This man is one of the few in the room who dominates the tertiary realm, and is still the culmination of the tertiary triplet, comprehending the 2,999 avenues.

This kind of person is similar in strength to the Emperor Ganxue, even in this Three Realms City, they can be considered top.

"How can you be sure he has enough small worlds?" Nie Yun didn't rush over to exchange with him, but asked.

The middle-aged man now dares to be so sure, there must be a reason, and Nie Yun does not believe that Pingbai answered this without reason.

"I ..." The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, and didn't dare to say more. It seemed that he was afraid of being caught by the other party.

"Rest assured, you and I have been blocked. No one can hear it except the master who takes the shot himself!" Nie Yundan said indifferently.

"Uh, okay!"

Hearing that the person was so confident in front of him, the middle-aged man hesitated and nodded: "This Duan also called him a bloodthirsty maniac in the past, and he is a great evil person who is famous for killing the big world! His practice is a kind of The blood-thirsty feat of killing too many people in the lore of the great world that year, was jointly pursued by many powerful men. But he was escaped, and then he dared not go back to the lore of the great world and swim in chaos. Kill the small world everywhere , As long as the small world he meets will take a few days, it will become an uninhabited wasteland! "

"Wandering out for hundreds of millions of years, he suddenly returned to the world of lore, and killed his enemies one after another. His strength reached a half-step to dominate the tertiary realm. There is only a distant line from the master. Because of this ... I think he must have enough small worlds ... "

Middle-aged man whispered.

"Blood-thirsty feat? Great! He's such unscrupulous massacre. Doesn't the lore killer matter?"

Nie Yun was strange.

The lore of the lore as the lore of the lore king, with such fierce characters appearing, why don't the strong kings ignore it?

"Feng Wangqiang rarely cares about things in the world, let alone. Lore King also naturally likes slaughter, otherwise it is impossible to call him lore. I heard that he became a strong king by killing him and killing him. Kill the gods, kill the father, kill the mother, kill relatives and friends, kill the wife and kill the child! There is no one in the world who does not kill, and this is the reason to become the supreme power ... So, for him, I definitely like this paragraph. Yes! It is said ... "

Speaking of this middle-aged man hesitated, looked around once again. Xiao Chan said: "In the past, I was able to escape from other people's siege. In fact, it was a means of killing the king. Otherwise, so many strong players are under siege and his strength is not as powerful as it is now. How could he escape successfully?"


Nie Yun did not expect that the king of lore still had such a brilliant "record" and nodded. Don't interrupt.

"This section has also been killed for so many years, there must be many babies on his body. But he is not willing to exchange, no one dare to ask ..."

The middle-aged man continued.


Knowing that this guy is a famous murderer in the Three Realms, naturally nobody dares to touch the mold. No wonder there are no people around him. It seems that the fierce name is also very important.

"Right, my friend, what's your name?"

The middle-aged man didn't even know the section in front of him. He felt strange and couldn't help asking.

As long as the old monster who has lived for hundreds of millions of years, no one does not know the person in front of him, how can this guy be like he has never seen?

"Oh, my name is Nie Yun!"

Nie Yundao.

His name is not secret, there is nothing to hide.

"Nie Yun? How does this name sound so familiar ..." The middle-aged man froze in place, his eyebrows frowning, his eyes rounded after a moment, and he almost fell to the ground: "You are the dried blood emperor of Xieyue Zhizun Realm." Nie Yun who stole the dried dragon's seal in his hand? "


Nie Yun didn't expect his fame to be so great, this person already knew that he was slightly wrong.

"It's you ..." The middle-aged man stunned, and then smiled bitterly: "No wonder you are not afraid of him, you dare to fight against even the Emperor of Dry Blood, don't say him ..."

"You are also in the Xiayue Extreme Zone?" Nie Yun couldn't help asking, seeing each other's details.

"I'm not in the Oblique Moon Extreme Domain, but in Chaos Extreme Domain!" The middle-aged man shook his head.

"Uh? Then how do you know me?" Nie Yun was surprised.

He made a big fuss in the dry blood imperial city, and the face of the dry blood emperor was greatly damaged. Although the matter is very big, the oblique moon supreme domain knows it. He doesn't believe that the news can be transmitted to the chaotic supreme domain, so that everyone else is so clear As soon as he heard his name, he changed his color.

"Don't you see the [Top 100 Maps]?" This time, it was strange for the middle-aged man.

"Top 100 maps? What's that?"

"This is it……"

The middle-aged man looked at Nie Yun like a monster, his wrist turned, and a book appeared in front of him.

Reaching out to take over the book, Nie Yun opened it and immediately held it.

"This top 100 map is summarized by the Three Realms City strongest. It records the strongest living in the Three Realms. As long as they are famous on it, they are all super strong! But there are only names and deeds on this, and there is no avatar. I must have known you for a long time ... "

Middle-aged man said.

Ignoring his explanation, Nie Yun kept flipping through the books in front of him.

I don't know who made this book. It was densely covered with information and deeds of the strong, and sure enough, he found himself in the 90th place.

"Nie Yun, the strength is unknown. He broke into the Xieyue Supreme Territory's dried blood palace with a single shot and snatched the dried blood dragon's seal from the half-step dominated Emperor Triple Blood Dry ..."

"Laughtering the ruins of God, domesticating Prince Fujiang into a servant ... killing the Dark Eagle, Golden Eagle and others ..."

The top is your own name, and the bottom is a detailed line of writing, which is very detailed.

These include the killing of the four strong men of Dugu Yanjun and Ganxue Imperial City, which are quite detailed.

Of course, compared with others, his deeds are very few. Others are old monsters who have been famous for many years. Each one has a brilliant record, and often a person has to record dozens of pages.

Behind the deeds are evaluations, with only one sentence.

"Offensively dominates the soldiers, ranking 94th overall!"

Seeing this evaluation, Nie Yun secretly was surprised by the organization that made this top 100 map.

After he played the role of master soldier, he basically knew that this matter was dead, and even the corpse was left. The only person who knew it was the Emperor Dried Blood. Such a thing is actually recorded on this top 100 map. I have to say, Their intelligence organization is simply terrible.

However, his strength can only rank in the 94th place, making him unable to help but have greater interest in the people in front.

Flip forward.

"The 93rd place, Hongtian, Chaos Supreme Realm, is a super-beast of the Chaos Ocean, Hongling Bird, flying at an invincible speed, and a weapon made from its own feathers. Although it is not as good as the master, it is also different. It ’s not that big, the two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine Avenue powerhouses had once gone into the one of the three main gates of Chaos Supreme Realm alone ... "

"The eighty-seventh place, Du Nian, has a strong soul, and the sea has formed a sword of wisdom ..."

"Sixty-sixth place ..."


The top 100 map details the characteristics of each strongman.

"Huh? Duan Yi? It's actually 63rd, this ranking is high enough ..."

Flipping around ~ www.readwn.com ~ Suddenly my eyes fell on a familiar name, which was just the paragraph I just said.

This name is in the 63rd place, which is obviously much stronger than his 94th place.

"Duan Yi, known as a bloodthirsty madman, who will kill the Supreme Realm, 2,999 avenues ..."

The following details the person's life, and he took a closer look. Nie Yun was sighed. From this alone, the person's experience was more exciting than he had heard before.

After reading Duan Yi, Nie Yun continued to want to turn forward, turned around for a while, and suddenly hesitated.

"Why is there ... there will be a dominating power?"

Wherever his eyes fell, a familiar name appeared, with the three characters "Happy Paradise!"

Xiaoyao Xian is the dominant player, how can he be on this top 100 map?

PS: the second more arrived, the remaining two more in the evening. . (To be continued) ()

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