Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1557: Duan Yi

"The three realms of the battlefield are different from other places, and the dominant ones will appear, of course, there will be their names ..." the middle-aged explained.

Nie Yun continued to look at Xiaoyao Xian.

There are not many records of Xiaoyao Xian's deeds, in fact, there is no need to record. As long as it is indicated that it is the dominating power, anyone has the strength of Zhīdào. A single dominating word will make everyone dread.

Xiaoyao Xian's comment is simpler than him, and it is also a sentence with eight words: "Alcohol is like life, free and unrestrained!"

After reading Xiaoyao Xian's description, Nie Yun continued to look forward. Suddenly his face became dignified and his pupils contracted.

I saw in the books in front of me the words "Dried Blood Patriarch!"

"Dried blood ancestors, the father of the dried blood dynasty emperor, dominated the strong, possessed defense, offense, and soul defense to dominate the soldiers."

There was only one sentence above, and there wasn't much introduction, but Nie Yun's heart suddenly developed a strong pressure.

The grudges between him and the Emperor Ganxue are no longer in common, and now it is suddenly seen that the Ganxian Emperor did have a master-level ancestor, saying that it was false without pressure.

In addition, the ancestor has three main defenses: defense, offense, and soul defense. There are no shortcomings. I really have to run into it. How far can I run?

"Don't think about it, maybe this ancestor is practicing in retreat, otherwise, there was such a big noise in the dry blood dynasty, why didn't he come to me?"

When Hui Jian's mind moved, she immediately cut off various negative emotions.

Although this dry-blooded ancestor is a dominating powerhouse, he may not come to the Three Realms battlefield if it is not retreat or lost contact. The other party must have found himself long ago. How can he allow people to take away the dragon's seal, so happy?

Besides. The soldiers came to cover the water and cover the ground, and worrying too much was meaningless.

With the pressure of this dry-blooded ancestor, Nie Yun had no interest in continuing to read anymore, and he just combined the books and looked at the middle-aged person in front of him: "What is the price of this book, sell it to me!"

This book is of great use to him. Able to keep the message of the strong man at any time.

"This book ... I can't sell it ..." The middle-aged person only said half of it, and hurriedly said, "This book is not particularly precious, and I want to buy it. There are some for sale here, each one hundred high-end vigor Avenue Rune, or a Master Rune! "

"Anything that can be bought with money is indeed precious!"

Nie Yun nodded. Return the book to the other at will.

Although the price of a dominating rune is a bit outrageous. But what can be measured with money are valuable things, not expensive, like the Chaos King Stone he brought out, even the multi-dimensional gas avenue can't be bought.

"In fact, this book is a special magic weapon. The ranking above can be moved, as if your ranking is in the 94th position. But once you have defeated the 93 strongest, it will automatically rise up. Anyone who holds this book will see it, and there will be a record of the battle ... "

The middle-aged man took the book and was in his arms.

At present, this person can be ranked 94th in the top 100 list, and his strength is far beyond his comparability. Regardless of his attitude or the way of speaking, he is not the same as before.

"Well, where is this book bought?"

This book allows him to control the information of the strong at any time. It is very important. Besides, a hundred high-level vitality signs are not expensive.

"Master Moqu standing in front of the door ..."

The middle-aged man snapped a finger.

"Good!" Nie Yun stood up and walked directly to the Mo Qu.

When he came just now, he saw that the other side's cultivation was almost the same as himself, and he was also a half step to dominate the big three.

"Master Moqu, this master Nie Yun wants to buy a top 100 map ..."

The middle-aged man hurried to the front and came to Mo Qu, carefully.

"Nie Yun? Ninety-fourth Nie Yun?" Mo Qu froze, and then focused on Nie Yun.

"It's down!" Nie Yun nodded.

"People on the Top 100 list have the qualification to get Top 100 maps for free. This is for you. In addition, the owner of our house wants to see the adults. I wonder if Master Nie Yun can appreciate his face?

Mo Qu's attitude changed immediately, with a respectful taste in his words.

Being able to rank on the top 100 chart shows that the strength has stood at the pinnacle of the Three Realms, and even he is afraid to pretend.

"Your attorney ..."

Nie Yun didn't expect to have such preferential treatment. He took over the top 100 maps and looked strangely.

You do n’t know the owner of the other party, what do you mean to see yourself?

"Adults don't panic, our cabinet owner just wants to see the strongest on the top 100 maps and verify the strength in person. He can determine the ranking more, and it has no other meaning!"

Seeing his attitude, Mo Qu Zhīdào must have misunderstood something and quickly explained.

"Oh, that's the case, then I'd better respect and obey the order, but I don't know when the Lord is free ..."

This cabinet owner can come up with such a powerful top 100 map, I am afraid that the strength is not weaker than himself, it is also good to be able to see something.

"I will bring the adults to this exchange meeting, and I also ask them to attend the exchange meeting with peace of mind!"

Ink channel.

"That's good!" He only went after hearing the exchange meeting. Nie Yun was relieved, put the top 100 maps into the world of things, and walked back again. This time, instead of returning to his place, he went directly to that section. .

Others saw him heading for Duan Yi, all of them gave a stunned expression, showing a gloating expression.

Duan Yi's temperamental character, most of them are Zhīdào. In the past, he was looking for excitement when he traded with him.

Of course, this is also because they don't see Zhīdào's eyes as Nie Yun's sake. If Zhīdào is also a person on the top 100 list, he should not have such a mind.


When he came to Duan Yi, Nie Yun sat down directly.


Duan Yi's eyelids didn't open, just snorted coldly.

"Let me get off so fast, it's rude!"

Nie Yun didn't bother to threaten each other and smiled slightly.


"It's impolite to say Lord Duan? Is this man crazy?"

"Looking at age is a kid who knows nothing about heights and heights, I'm afraid I haven't figured out who this person is ..."


The people around him concentrated their attention before Nie Yun came to Duan, and at this time they all sneered at hearing this.

This person is really good enough, dare to talk to Duan Yi this bloodthirsty mad monster, do you want to die?


Duan also obviously did not expect someone to dare to talk to him like this, his eyes suddenly opened and Han Mang shot, with an invisible pressure.

"Since you're here, you definitely want to exchange things, so how can you change people out?"

Regarding the pressure on his body, Nie Yun chose to ignore it, and his face was lazy.


The pressure of seeing him was useless to the young man in front of him, and Duan Yiye's strength was not simple. His eyes were completely open: "What do you want to exchange, what do you have?"

"Master Duan Yi even exchanged with him?"

"How is this going?"

"Can this boy have a special charm?"


The confrontation between the two ~ www.readwn.com ~ only for a brief moment, the others did not recognize the strength of the young man at all, and thought that the bloodthirsty monster in front of him had changed his character.

"I want to exchange the small world in your hands. The higher the level, the better, preferably the first world!"

Nie Yun Zhīdào spent the traces of the other party's pressure, the other party had Zhīdào's means, and did not cover up, and spoke directly.

"Small world? I have this thing, it depends on what price you give it!"

Duan Yi originally thought that the other party would come to the lion to open his mouth, but he didn't expect that as long as there were some small worlds, he would be slightly wrong.

This thing is not very useful to their strong class.

"Three levels of the world, each of 10,000 high-level vitality charms, one-level world, one million high-level vitality charms!" Nie Yun said directly.

The price he said was a lot more expensive than the normal offer, but for him, the money was not Wèntí, as long as the other party had enough.

"Three levels of the world? Appetite is not small, this kind of vitality can't be bought. If there is nothing else, it's fine!"

Duan also waved his hand.

Although he admits the strength of the person in front of him, he is not afraid of the other party either. The transaction pays attention to the willingness of both parties. The vitality of the other party has little effect on him, and it is useless to be more, so he is not interested.

"You can't buy the Aura Rune, how about this thing?"

With a flick of his finger, Chao Shi appeared again in the palm of his hand. Nie Yun looked up at the other side, his mouth slowly rising.

ps: 4th at 9pm

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