Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1558: Cutting the soul

"King Chaos?"

Yi Duan also squeezed his fist, a strange color flashed in his eyes, looked at Nie Yun, his eyes kept turning, I didn't know what to think.

不错 "Yes, 500 in the third-level world or five in the first-level world, one king of chaos!" Nie Yun said indifferently.

Raised the price to the other party just now. The other party did not appreciate it, and he also directly increased the price.

正 Anyway, Chaos Wang Shi, let alone him, even the dominant one is not easy to obtain. For this priceless treasure, whatever price is more appropriate.

Besides, the sky-high price is paid on-site, but not at this price.


Kuan Duan also waved his hands, but his eyes stared at the Chaos King Stone in front of him.

“I do n’t know if it ’s expensive, but I ’m the one who trades Chaos King Stone for the small world! I ’m the only one! You can think about it and answer me when you think about it!”

After seeing what should be said, Nie Yun stood up, rolled his wrists, Wang Shi returned to the world of objects, and the blocked space around them flowed again. Looking at the crowd around, he didn't see what he was going to trade.

"What did they say?"

"I don't know, but it seems that the transaction must be completed!"

"Can trade with Duan Yi, this boy is really not easy. Who is it, can you find out?"

"I don't know, this looks and soul breath have never been seen ..."

Uh ...

Seeing Nie Yun blocking the space, he stood up a moment later, and everyone knew that both parties must have completed a certain transaction. As for the specifics, they couldn't see it, and naturally they didn't know.

"Oh. Don't go!"

Yun Duan did not expect that the young man would just walk away and be good at trading methods. At last I thought about it, and stood up.

Chao Shi, the king of chaos, is extremely cherished. The winners are all carefully treasured. No one wants to sell them, let alone exchange some small worlds that are not very useful.

"Ha ha!"

Nie Yun didn't bother to listen to his shout. A few steps back to his seat and sat down. Close your eyes and adjust.

The catfish has been hooked, so there is no need to spend any effort. The other party is willing to change, and does not want to change. The initiative is in your own hands! Hard to catch up, will only sit on the ground, but not beautiful.

"What does this guy do?"

"If he did this, wouldn't he be afraid of being killed by Duan Yi?"

Uh ...

Others saw him act, all stunned, looking at each other.

It's OK to trade with others, but the other party is a bloodthirsty madman who absolutely kills the world's famous **** of killing and makes this move with this person. This isn't what it is to die for?

Alas, their surprise was not over yet, and even more surprising things happened. I saw the **** of annihilation in the big world. Instead of being angry, he stood up and strode over, with a kind smile on his face, as if he didn't care about the other's rude behavior.

"We can discuss the price again!"

A few steps came to Nie Yun. Duan also no longer looks proud.

The other party is right, although Chao Shi has a price. But there are not many people who are willing to exchange it, and only exchange some small worlds, at least I have never seen it before.

"It's the price, that's it, if you don't want it!"

Nie Yun looked indifferent.

"Don't talk so hurry, let's discuss it again!"

He came to him, Duan Yi palmed on the shoulders of Nie Yun and smiled slightly.

Along with his words, a fierce mental force poured into Nie Yun's body along his shoulders instantly.

家伙 This guy is really fierce. Three Realms is not allowed to take any action. He directly intends to attack the other side with his soul, let the other side retreat, and surrender the Chaos King stone obediently.

灵魂 This soul attack is mediated by the palm of his hand, and no external energy fluctuations are exposed. Even if others see it, they think it is a normal conversation, and will not doubt coming up elsewhere.

Seeing his movements, Nie Yun smiled lightly and did not dodge, letting the opponent's soul burst into his body.

He struggles with his soul, as long as he does not reach the level of dominance, not only is it useless, he will only blame himself!


In his eyes, a fierce, dumb and ferocious soul drove straight in, blinking into Nie Yun's consciousness, and trying to destroy his vitality, but once he entered it, it seemed like he had entered the ocean, and half of the figures were not found. .


When he was wondering, a figure appeared out of thin air, his palms stretched forward slightly, and Duan Yi felt that his whole body seemed to be restrained and unable to move.

"you you……"

Until then, he knew that the soul of the other party was extremely powerful, far from being comparable to him, and the two were not at the same level at all.

"What happened to me? How many small worlds do you have? How many levels are there?"

With a humming whisper, Nie Yun's soul power wrapped it in a blink, making him unable to move, and at the same time with a strong sense of confusion, people lost their resistance and fell asleep.

Since the opponent shot first, he naturally will not be softened. Although he cannot kill himself here, it is very simple for the opponent to yield in a short time.


Luan Duan also wanted to restrain the other side, but did not expect to be restrained by the other side, his face became very ugly, but he wanted to refute but found that his body was stiff. Under the oppression of the other side's huge soul, the soul would collapse at any time.

说 "Say, and hand over the small world, I can not kill you, otherwise, I will make you a fool, very simple!"

A powerful soul is crushed like heaven and earth. Duan also wants to resist and feels that he can't resist at all. To reach this level, the soul is firm. It is difficult to completely deceive, but it is very easy to obliterate the soul and make him an idiot.

"I have only two third-level worlds, two worlds, one world, and no ..."

The palate is also gritted.

"Two third-level worlds?"

I thought the other party was a big fish. I didn't expect that there weren't as many as I thought.

As soon as his spirit moved, he looked at the soul of the other party. Nie Yun knew immediately that the other party was not lying.

When the first section also fled, the strength was not as strong as it is now, and it can destroy the small world, and it will not be particularly advanced. Besides, most of the small world devoured by his evil powers were destroyed, and they did not stay strong, so, From the outsider's point of view, he has many small worlds, but he doesn't have many.

"Give me these two little worlds!"

Nie Yun commanded.

"Yes!" Duan did not dare to refute, and Nie Yun immediately felt that the two sealed small worlds fell into the palm of his hand.

When the spirit moved, the two worlds were completely refined and integrated into the world of receiving things. Nie Yun's spirit locked the other side quietly and looked at the past again.

"Do you know who has a small world? It's better to be first-class!"

The other party didn't have enough small world, but he also wanted to strengthen his Chaos King Stone, which made Nie Yun's heart very upset.

"I don't know who has a first-class small world, but there are such places in the Three Realms ..."

Jian Duan did not dare to conceal and was busy.

"What does the Three Realms have? What do you mean?"

Nie Yun for a while.

"The Three Realms battlefield is a joint casting of the three powerful kings, and many of them are actually small worlds. Although these worlds are not big, they have solid space and solid laws. In theory, they are definitely better than the upper world ..."

Luan Duan is also busy.

"Very good, follow me later, enter the battlefield of the Three Realms, show me the way!"

Nie Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party, and when his spirit moved, Hui Jian emerged, and the section in front of him also volleyed in the past.


Qi Huijian volleyed, half of his soul was cut off in the blink of an eye, and he floated to Nie Yun ~ www.readwn.com ~ refined by him.

"You obediently, I will return these souls, giving you a chance to impact higher levels, disobedience, directly destroy these souls, let you lose all souls, and die!"

Nie Yun said lightly.

Cut the other person's soul in half and leave it in the sea of ​​knowledge. It is almost the same as the soul sacrifice. As long as the other person dares to betray, he can be killed!


The soul was cut in half, and Duan's strength was greatly damaged. He thought that the other party was a piece of fat, but he did not expect that he would become another person's food.

According to his own strength, even if the other party has such a soul, if he wants to escape, he will definitely be able to escape, otherwise it would not be possible to escape from so many powerful people to rise to the sky, but the other party was a pig and a tiger. Taking out such a powerful puppet soul force, he instead took out Chaos King Stone to lure his enemies deep, making him greedy, and it turned out to be like this.


Wu refining the other half of the soul, Nie Yun put back the remaining soul of Duan.


He exhaled, and Duan regained control of his body. He looked coldly at the young man in front of him. Although he was burning in anger, there was nothing he could do.

Ps: Four more arrived, ask for a monthly pass, hehe!




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadows Group @ 天若有情 gwj". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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