Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1563: The domineering ancestors

"This is good!"

When Xu An was killed, Nie Yun grabbed it from the air, and a turtle-like beast fell into the palm of his hand, which was the "yuan".

It seems that at the trade fair, this guy didn't exchange this thing.

With a change of spirit, Yuan was taken into the world of things.

Before, there was strength from Dan Tian to provide power. At this time, the speed of "yuan" world throughput power was faster.


I grabbed it again and took possession of the sword and streamer spear.

The streamer and the long sword are both offensive dominated magic soldiers, although the increase in strength, but not large.

"grown ups!"

Luan Duan also flew over, his face full of respect.

Before, he also felt that the soul was cut off by the opponent because the soul entered the opponent's body, and the heart was unwilling. Now he saw that Mi Mi, who was stronger than his strength, was beheaded and killed instantly. cold water.

At this time he knew that the other party really wanted to kill him, and he would never waste the second move!

"Let's go back……"

Xie Nieyun smiled slightly, was about to speak, and suddenly saw Duan Yi's face changed, his eyebrows jumped.

"what happened?"

Seeing his appearance, Nie Yun's face was solemn.

"There is a strong person coming, and the strength is stronger than you, I'm afraid that dominates the strong person ..."

Luan Duan is also busy.


Suddenly, Nie Yun swept at his powerful spirits, but found nothing.

His soul has reached the level of domination, there is really a word to dominate the strong. I can definitely see, if he really can't see it, how can he find it?

"Hide it first!"

Although no abnormalities were found. However, Nie Yun was always careful and moved his spirit. He instantly refined the ancient ship under his feet into a small spot and disappeared into the air. At the same time, Tian Xin Teng danced and completely cleaned the battlefield. Only then does the soul wrap itself and the paragraph, melting in the mist in the ocean of chaos.


I just hid. There was a violent tremor in the space, and an ancient ship suddenly appeared in place and stopped not far away.

Seeing the appearance of this ancient ship, Nie Yun's pupils shrank.

The ancient ship is magnificent. With a splendid atmosphere, a circle of soldiers stood on the deck of the ship, each of which was powerful and infinitely powerful. A huge pattern on the hull slowly rotated, flashing a golden light, shining eyes.

"Dry blood royal ship, this speed ..."

See this pattern. Nie Yun recognized it, it is the emblem unique to the dried blood royal family, if the ancient ship of dried blood royal family alone. It won't make him feel scared, but the speed and power of this ship exceeds the power of half-step domination, obviously there is a super strong man driving!

Which ... is the dried blood ancestor who dominates the level?

With a movement in his heart, Nie Yun hidden on one side quietly looked at the hull, and sure enough he saw a serious old man standing on the deck. With both hands behind his back, he simply stood. But as towering as the mountains, the Emperor Gan Xue was afraid to breathe behind him.

"It is clear that there is a fighting atmosphere here, I did not expect to escape so soon!"

The old man's eyes were like electric mans, glanced in front of him, raising his hands and feet with the power and confidence to control the heavens.

"It's probably some boring people, for what benefits are competing for, ancestors don't mind!"

Dried blood emperor road.

"It's all right in peacetime. I just felt the breath of dominating the soldiers. I wanted to grab them for you. Now it seems they have run away!" The old man looked around for a week, but found nothing and waved: "Did you say that Nie Yun came to the Three Realms this time?"

"Back to my ancestor, before I got the eyeliner near the battlefield, I saw it in the Three Realms and I should have come!"

Xungan the blood emperor said, talking about Nie Yun, his eyes are full of hatred.

"That's good. I went elsewhere to find it. The Three Realms banned killings. This is the rule set by the three kings. Even I can't violate it. When you get to the place, watch carefully. Once he leaves the Realm Tell me, I'll kill it directly, it's over, and there is still work to be done. I can't delay too much for a little person! "

Wu Qianxue's ancestor's face did not change at all. It seems that beheading Nie Yun is only a trivial matter, not to mention.

"My ancestor shot, this kid will definitely be killed instantly! Don't delay too much time!"

Hearing the words of his ancestors, the Emperor Ganxian's eyes brightened and he nodded quickly.

I dominated the strong to personally deal with a non-dominant, absolutely arrived, without any trouble.


The ancestor of Qiangan Xue just asked casually, and when he waved his hand, he would drive the ancient ship forward, and suddenly raised his eyebrows: "He Fangxiao dared to overhear us and talk to death!"

The palm of the roar snapped forward.


The palm of his hand flickered like an electric awn, and the foggy ocean formed a huge black hole under his grasp, covering it straight ahead.

Laoshan is full of rain, and the dark clouds turn over the mountains!

Although the tricks haven't arrived, the powerful power has broken Shenzhou, tearing the universe.


Just as the black hole was about to come to somewhere, a gun suddenly came over in the unreal, sharply piercing the black hole, with fierce wind and rain.

The gun shadow opened like a peacock, radiating countless rays of light, boiling in the chaotic ocean.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

The gun shadow and the black hole collided with a series of crisp sounds. 佷 apparently suffered a big loss. The two figures flickered slightly and squeezed out of the hidden place.

"Dominate the soldiers? Who?"

Xu Ganxue's ancestor raised his eyebrows and looked at the two in front of him.

"Below Xia Miji, this is Duan Yi, seeing the Lord Master appear, do not dare to disturb, they hid, and also asked Hai Han for the rudeness!"

A figure holding a pistol, hugging fist forward.

"Mi, Duan? The two on the top 100 list, 61st and 63rd?"

Xu Qianxue's ancestor thought for a moment and nodded.

"It's us!"

The silhouette with a spear was busy.

米 骧 is dead, naturally this person cannot be him, it is Nie Yun!

虽然 Although he hid cautiously, but the dominant one was too sensitive and was still found. He was in a hurry and knew that he could not escape, and he changed his appearance into a mime.

He possesses a master-level soul. In this way, even the master can hardly find the flaw.

"Sneaky! Give me the spear in your hand and let you go!"

Dried blood ancestor Lengheng.

"Huh?" Nie Yun frowned.

Just now he was squeezed out. The other party should have noticed that the spear in his hand is the master of the soldiers, knowing that it is being forced, it is too aggressive.

Even if you dominate the strong, sometimes you have to talk about rules, so what's the difference between speaking and snatching?

"Master, this streamer has followed me for many years. It is a way to save my life. I can't give it away easily. I also hope Haihan!"

Nie Yundao.

"Huh? Dare to go against what I mean? Very good, it seems that many years have not shot, others have forgotten me!"

He thought that the other party would send the spear directly when he heard the command, and the dry-blooded ancestor sank when he heard this.

"Don't fight!"

Seeing the other person's appearance, Nie Yun knew that the dried-blood ancestor had already killed himself, and his heart was cold, and he hurried to Duan Yiyin.

Is also the dominant power, this old guy is too far away from Xiao Yaoxian and Tian Yige's master Shen Jun. Not the same concept at all!

Duan also knew the danger ~ www.readwn.com ~ Don't dare to resist immediately, his body flickered, disappeared from the place, and then entered a huge world.


Xuan also put Duan into the world of objects, Nie Yun was afraid to stop, and his arm was raised, and the gunman shot abruptly. At the same time, his body turned sharply and fled straight ahead.

Rather than wait for the opponent to take the shot, you might as well take the shot first!

I fled in the direction of the Three Realms.

As long as you enter the Three Realms, even if the guy in front of you is the master, you do n’t dare to do it easily. It is safe to escape.

"I don't know if I live or die!"

As soon as Nie Yun moved, the dried-blood ancestors saw his intentions, sneer, and grabbed them suddenly, the world broke, the space and time were rotated, and the five gun fingers in the sky were pinched in the palm of his hand and disappeared immediately.

Obviously, it was not his strongest strength that Nie Yun was forced out of hiding just now.


Smashing the gun shadow, the dried blood ancestor sneered again, and grabbed again. The chaotic ocean was like a sand dug scooped out by a spoon, and a large vacancy appeared. The earthworms wrapped in the soil cannot escape, no matter how they struggle.




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadows Group @ 天若有情 gwj". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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