Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1564: Dominate

"I don't know what to do, come in!"

He grabbed Nie Yun, and the dried-blood ancestor Mei Yu raised his head. A water bottled weapon in the palm of his hand flew out of the sky, turning into the size of a world, and swallowed it in.


He took the bottle back to his palm.

"I was taken into the Qiankun pot, and it will be completely refined in a short time. It will become a nourishing sacrifice and blood banner. In the Three Realms, the spear should have become an unowned thing and can be taken out for you!"

The dried blood ancestor looked at the bottle in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

"Thank you, ancestor!"

Emperor Gangan blooded his fist in excitement, looking at the bottle, full of envy.

"This Qiankun pot is my master soldier who has worked hard to make hundreds of millions of years. It was specially prepared to deal with the calamity. It was just made a few days ago! With this treasure, even when encountering other masters, do not be afraid!"

I look at his gaze, a rare explanation of dried blood ancestors.

乾 This Qiankun pot is his most proud item, even if he is such a calm master, he can't help but want to show it off.

"In the pot, there are 12IX, 600 array formations, and in the depths of chaos, the fire of the sky and the water of hopelessness, and the world in the pot, the water and the fire continue to blend, as long as they do not reach the level of dominance, Entering it will undoubtedly die! "

"The fire of the sky? The water of hope ... Both of these are the most terrible things in chaos. Those two will surely die!"

The Emperor Gangan blood finally understood the terribleness of this Qiankun pot.

The fire of sky clouds, water of hopelessness, even now he is caught in it. It is difficult to survive without relying on the master of the soldiers. The two seem to be caught. No doubt.

"Dry blood is not coming!"

The two of them were talking, and a roar of a man strode over from a distance.

海洋 The Chaos Ocean was torn in front of him. The whole man's eyebrows were like electricity, and without exerting coercion, the Emperor Gansu could not help seeing it when he saw it.

Another dominates the strong!

主 This master looks from the outside, not like a peerless powerhouse, but like a goodsman walking the streets. With a heavy load on his shoulders, it looks like two mountains.

"Fuxu. Let's see you for a billion years!"

I saw the man's dry blood ancestor smiled and stunned his beard.

This person turned out to be the source of the legend of Fuxu Danshan, Fuxu!

According to legend, this Fuxu is just a powerful suzerain, now it seems. Not at all. Like the ancestors of dry blood, he is a dominating powerhouse, and the two know each other.

Maybe because of the understanding, the Emperor Ganxue could come up with the fakes of Fuxu Danshan, with infinite power.

"It's been more than a billion years, I haven't seen it for a total of 1.3 billion years, I haven't seen it for so many years, I didn't expect you to still have this kind of temper. Don't wink if you don't agree!"

Xi Fuxu laughed.

He saw the scene where the ancestors of dry blood dealt with Nie Yun just now.

"Speaking of killing people without blinking, I'm afraid I can't compare to you. A big mountain is pressed down, and the first-class world easily crashes into powder. At the beginning, you destroyed the ten major gates overnight. As for the record, I dare not fight! "

Dried blood ancestor said.

"Don't dare to fight? You tell me less here, I just killed some people who should be killed. When you unified the blood continent, how many strong men were you made into a blood banner?" Fuxu said.

"You two do not go to the Three Realms. It is really shameless to stand here and show off!"

The two of them were talking, another laughter sounded, and the ocean of chaos was agitated endlessly. A huge passage spread from a distance, thinking that the old man was standing above the passage, his eyes were as deep as the sun and the moon.

老 This old man has a black beard and a tall body, speaks like a bell and drum, and does not hide his powerful strength.

He turned out to be a master again!

Although the battlefield of the Three Realms is very important, every time one or two dominators appear, it is considered to be the limit. Three dominators emerge at once, and even the dry blood emperor smells a little unusual.

"Ferris, you don't stay well in Fairy Valley. Do you come here just to say a few words to us? If the skin is itchy, I can continue to fight with you!"

Xi Fuxu looked over and sneered.

"Haha, I fought against you for more than a thousand years. It does n’t matter if you fight or not. It ’s meaningless to fight again! Unless you make a more powerful magic weapon, but it also makes me suffer a lot and wants to beat me. , Not so easy! "

The howling old man laughed, his voice was loud, and the powerful sound wave shook many soldiers in the dried blood ancestor class A, all of them turned pale, and even the dried blood emperor throbbed his eyebrows, forcibly holding back.

The sound of the skyscrapers has special strength. Although they did not deliberately use sound waves to attack others, they still can't bear the low strength. It is easy to create a gap in the mind and it will be difficult to improve in the future.

"Well, you guys go down!"

The appearance of everyone looked at the eyes of the dried blood ancestors and waved their hands.


Many soldiers were relieved and hurried to the cabin if they were pardoned.

Although I am very honored to see so many masters, their strength is too low. Each of them is extremely powerful. For a long time, they see that the pressure is too great. The repair will not increase but will shrink.

"We are the most comfortable to be alone and dominate, and I hate these!"

I watched the people hurried to the cabin, and the skyscraper was disdainful.

"I also hate that these wastes can't help when they are really fighting. Keeping them is also a burden. As the master, you should have nothing to worry about, dry blood, you are greedy for power, be careful not to survive this catastrophe, and fall directly!"

Supporting the swinging hand seemed to disdain these soldiers.

"Hum, I fell, even if you die, I won't fall!"

The ancestor of Qiangan Blood was green and somewhat ugly.

"Don't believe it. When you reach our realm, you will realize your aptitude, gain and lose, and gain benefits. The more a person is greedy, the more you want to occupy, the greater the responsibility on your shoulder. If it ca n’t bear it, it ’s easy to cause disasters! The old Tianxuan was not unaware that the death was miserable ... ”

"The elderly Tian Xuan is that he doesn't know how to promote himself, he doesn't know cause and effect, and death is normal. Don't compare him to me!"

Dried blood ancestor interrupted the skyscraper.

"Well, don't say so much. This calamity is coming. As long as you can carry it through, the three calamities and nine difficulties will be completely over. If you can't get through, and you can't make everyone fall here, even if you are the master, you will still be the same The dead road is falling, the soul is flying! "

Xi Fu shook his head, revealing the meaning of loneliness.

虽然 Although they are the masters, they still have three disasters and nine disasters that cannot be avoided. The disaster really comes. Even with this strength, it is equally difficult to escape.

干 "Dried blood, you are well informed, what was the source of this catastrophe?"

Hearing Fuyao's words, everyone was dull, and asked Ferris.

两个 Both of them are lone rangers. Although their strength is deterring the heavens, the source is far behind the dry blood ancestors who have the dry blood empire.

"I don't know the source, but it must be related to King Shura of the year. Such a powerful king is not so easy to die. At the time, the three kings jointly sniped him, I am afraid he will return to revenge!"

The old blood ancestor was full of terror.

I can scare the dominating power, and no one believes it.

"Related to King Shura?"

The Ferris face has also become very ugly: "If it is really related to him ~ www.readwn.com ~ this catastrophe, I am afraid that it is not just as simple as the fall to dominate the strong!"

"When King Shura went to the Chaos Supreme, stealing the heart of Chaos, attempting to break through to become the King of Heaven, looking for a distant gate of ancient fortune, he was hunted down by the three kings of Ashoka, Chaos and Lore King, and fell. Xinghe! Although he was dead at that time, with his means, there must be a later move. He really wants to return to revenge. No one who participated in the incident at that time can escape ... "

Fuxu breathed out a sigh of relief: "However, it is useless to think about it. In the eyes of King Shura, we are just ants. Even if we are resurrected, we will definitely find Asoka, Chaos and others. We just need to be careful. Not necessarily too dangerous! "

"This is because, although we were involved in the encirclement of the Shura world, we also acted on orders. We don't have many opinions. We really should find us, and we shouldn't be embarrassed ..." After hearing this explanation, Ferris was relieved.

"Haha, before the calamity has come, you are so scared one by one, and you are not afraid of other people ’s jokes!"

He laughed again, and another master flew over.

Ps: Xieyue Supreme Realm enters the late stage, and Nie Yun can soon reach the domination, standing on the peak of human beings, thinking a little bit excited. . Quack, ask for a few monthly tickets. . Remember to vote. .




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadows Group @ 天若有情 gwj". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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