Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1569: Spanking (on)

"Is Xiaoyao saved me?"

The dust was drawn into chaos, like the gravel sinking into the ocean, and could no longer be found. Watching the ancient ship of the dried blood ancestors fly away, Nie Yun changed his appearance.

Although Xiaoyao Xian is old with him, but he has changed into a dust, even if the other party finds it difficult to identify, why did he suddenly release himself to make a clearance?

"Maybe a special means of **** ..."

After thinking about it for a while, I can't think of it, anyway, now the danger is lifted, and it is a big deal next time I will encounter Xiaoyao Xian, please ask in detail.

"Well, right!"

Thinking of special methods, Nie Yun's spirit moved, and Duan also appeared in front of him. When facing the dried blood ancestors before, this guy was thrown into the world of Nawu to isolate a place and put it down. Now that the crisis is resolved, there are just some things to ask him.

"That lord ..."

Seeing that the two were standing in chaos, the danger was lifted, and Duan also hesitated.

He was stared at the master, and he had no hope of being alive. Who knew that he hadn't died in the end, but now he was released and lived well, but the master is missing, which is inevitably strange.

"It's safe!" Nie Yun didn't say much.

Staying mysterious at this time is more deterrent than outright.

Sure enough, looking at him, Duan Yi's eyes were more admired, and he was also secretly grateful.

In fact, the other party can run away without saving him. The other party did not do that, which means that he is a man of serious affection. As long as he is serious and loyal, he will never treat him badly.

"Dried blood ancestors haven't come before, why can you know in advance?"

Ignoring what the other person was thinking, Nie Yun asked.

This has always seemed strange. Although Duan Yi's strength is very strong, but compared with his dominating level soul, Tianyan talent, it is still far behind. When he was in Chaos Ocean, he didn't even notice the arrival of the dried-blood ancestor, but the other party found it, which has to be surprising.

"This is my special ability. I have it once I was born. I can predict dangerous things in advance and try again and again. It would not have been possible for us to escape without the siege of the entire Supreme because of this ability ..."

The paragraph also explains.

"Great!" Nie Yun admired.

Ability to anticipate dangers in advance. In this way, you can avoid bad luck and evil, no wonder this guy lives so nourished, it seems that can get a certain position on the top 100 maps, have a strong ability.

"Follow me later. Good performance. This streamer will be given to you!"

Nie Yun first gave a candied date.

"Give me ... sir, in the future I will definitely go to soup and fire!"

Duan Yi flushed with excitement and almost exploded.

The reason why he ventured to the Three Realms battlefield was to dominate the soldiers. If the one in front of him could give him one, he would definitely have made a great fortune, and it would be worth the hard work.

"You don't need to go to soup and fire. Follow me obediently, don't have any other ideas! One of the simplest benefits of dominating the soldiers is as long as you are sincere and loyal, and the benefits will be even greater in the future!"

Nie Yun said lightly.

Having said that, he did not brag, he could not promise others to be the master, but as long as his brother Nie Tong succeeded, it would not be difficult for people to become the master.


If someone else said this, Duan would sneer, but somehow the young man in front of him would naturally have a convincing sense and could not refute it.

Duan also knows that it is unlikely that he will become the master, but knows that following this person will certainly be able to do something earth-shattering and brilliant.

"Sir, where are we going now?"

Holding back the excitement in his heart, Duan also asked carefully.

"Three Realms!" He waved his hand, and Nie Yun's body changed into another look.

Duan also didn't speak, and flew to the Three Realms behind him.

The Three Realms is no different from before, quiet and peaceful, even the master here dare not wanton.

After entering the city, Nie Yun and Duan also lived directly in Tianyi Pavilion, not wandering around, waiting for the opening of the battlefield of the Three Realms.

In an extravagant courtyard in Tianyi Pavilion, the ancestors of dried blood came in.

"Several adults, this is the other house where my patron of the house is dedicated to dominate the powerhouse. The patron has just been summoned by the three kings, and has gone back to life.

One and a half steps dominated the people in front of him, respectfully.

Even if his strength can be ranked on the top 100 list, he does not dare to pretend, after all, these few are the real masters, and each of them uses earth-shaking power.

"You go, as long as you have good wine, let us wait any longer!"

Looking at the living room in the middle of the other courtyard, the banquet was ready, Xiaoyao Xian smiled, and no matter what other people strode over, he lifted the jug and swallowed.

"Thank you!"

This person knew that the dominating party couldn't keep up with his strength, and didn't say much immediately, turned around and went out.

"Dominantly dominated, look like this, and don't be afraid to make people joke!"

Seeing Xiaoyao Xian's move, the dried blood ancestor shook his head.

He created the dry blood dynasty, and required strict rules. The immortal body in front of him was the dominant one. So regardless of his identity, he was extremely unhappy.

"I have always been wild and uninhibited. Everyone knows that you are not the first time to see you! Why, want to fight with me? I just have nothing to do with it, and I don't mind teaching you something!

Glancing at it, Xiaoyao Xian said with disapproval.

The same dominates, everyone is not afraid of anyone, there is no need to give each other a face.

"Teach me? Don't be afraid to flash your tongue! I might have done nothing to you before, but now ... hmm, even if I can't kill you, it's OK to make you suffer!"

The dried blood ancestor sneered, looking at Xiaoyao Xian, full of contempt.

"Oh? Let Li Xiaoyao suffer. It seems that you have got an extraordinary opportunity in dry blood! Why, can you let us see?"

Fuxu took a moment and took the lead.

Xiaoyaoxian and their strengths are similar. Dried blood ancestors dare to say this, they must have their own means, they also want to see.

"Yes, I have a chance to speak out and listen to it. I'll be happy for you when you wait. Everyone is the master. If you can't break through, you can have a way to improve your strength.

Ferris interjected.

The three-thousand-level avenue of dominance is complete. There is no possibility of promotion except for Wang Fengqiang. Hearing the confident words of the dried blood ancestors, how to stay calm.

"Haha, well, since everyone wants to know, I won't hide it!"

Seeing the appearance of everyone, the ancestors of dry blood felt satisfied for a while.

Hundreds of thousands of people praised him outside, less than the attitude of the few in front of him.

Holding your palm up, something like a water bottle appeared.

"Just this thing?"

The thing in front of me was unremarkable, and the sky looked strange.

"Don't underestimate this bottle. This is what I accidentally got when I was swimming in chaos. After researching for more than one billion years, I can use it smoothly!" Said the proud blood ancestor.

"It took more than a billion years of research to use it?" Others were shocked to see what he said.

If it weren't for a particularly powerful treasure, it would not have been possible to spend so much time on research alone.

"This treasure can devour practitioners. It contains the fire of sky clouds and water of hope. As long as you enter it, even the powerful ones will suffer a great deal, and it will be difficult to escape in a short time!"

Dried blood ancestors are proud.

"Sky Cloud Fire? Hopeless Water?"

This time it was Fuxu's turn and the others were shocked at the same time. Even if they met these two chaotic treasures, there was nothing they could do. If there was such a thing, it would be enough to drink even a master.

"What you said is wonderful ~ www.readwn.com ~ How to prove it?" Xiaoyao Xian glanced at the other party and continued to drink, he didn't care.

"Proof? Very simple. When you were here before, I encountered two ants in the Chaos Ocean. One of them was Mi Mi. He ranked 61st on the Top 100 map. The boy's words hit me and I was received. Inside, it must have turned into pus! "

The dried blood ancestor patted the water bottle in his hand.

"Mi Mi? This person has a spear that dominates the magic soldier, and his strength cannot be underestimated. If he can be turned into pus, this magic weapon will be a great deterrent to us!"

Fuxu seemed to have heard of Mi Mi, and his face was dignified.

"This Mi, there are many ways to save lives. Although the strength is still some distance away from the master, but the streamer can be used to resist more than three moves even in my hand. If such a character is killed in a short time, This weapon is really terrible! "

Ferris also said.

ps: Wait a second. . . (To be continued ...)

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