Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1570: Slap (below)

"Not terribly, just open the bottle cap and see if you know ... if the guy is alive, it means that this treasure is not good, if it dies, it is not too late to compliment!"

Xiaoyao's face doesn't matter.


Seeing the expression he didn't care about, the dried blood ancestor felt that the pretense he had just put forward had no effect, and his face was a bit ugly.

"He's right, open the cap and let's see what the effect of your extraordinary weapon is ..."


"Hum, well, let you see it!"

With a sneer, the dried blood ancestor water bottle was placed on the palm of his hand, the other finger lightly, a light flashed.


The seal above flashed immediately and the mouth of the bottle opened.

The mouth of the bottle was opened and there was nothing, it seemed very calm.

"Well, he has been melted into water, otherwise the seal was opened and he would have escaped!"

Seeing this scene, the dried blood ancestor smiled, full of satisfaction and pride.

"Great ..."

Fuxu and others were also stunned, showing a solemn expression.

If this is true, it is enough to illustrate the power of this water bottle magic weapon, even if it is a great threat to them.

Dominating the strong has been similar in strength for so many years, no one can beat anyone else, is it that the dried-blood ancestors want to break this deadlock?


While the crowd was shaking, the water bottle suddenly shocked, and a note suddenly flew out of the bottle, into the air, the golden light flickered, shining in all directions.

"what is this?"

Suddenly flew from the water bottle. Not only did the others hold back, even the dried-blood ancestor was startled and looked up hastily. I saw the note flash, turning into a huge row of handwriting.

A total of six.

Old man, grandpa goes too!

"You ... hey!"

The six words were like knives. The dry-blooded ancestor's excited face fell to the ground, his face turned blue and red, and a spit of blood spewed, almost dead.

He dominates the ranks. He was directly scolded by the old husband without saying that the other party also claimed to be grandfather. His face was swollen.

Just now I was proud to tell others that if I wanted to show off, I would be beaten in the blink of an eye and lose my face. The dried blood ancestors thought they were about to explode.

"Haha, it turns out that this is the so-called lesson for me. This is your new means. How does it look like and not so much?"

Xiaoyao laughed.

"It's really not good. Even a half-step master can't be shut down, dry blood, you have studied this stuff for more than one billion years. Are you dreaming or just joking? More than one billion years of work ... Are you sure? Wrong? "

Ferris laughed.

"Dry blood, we have been together for so many years. You have been very calm, why did this become this time? Fortunately, there are only a few of us. If there are many people, it will not be shameful?"

Fuxu shook his head.

The other three people were all drunk when they saw this scene. This dried blood would not be mentally ill. Lose this ugly?

"you guys……"

The dried-blood ancestor shook his body, and almost did not pass out. Looking closely at the water bottle in front of me, full of madness.

what's the problem?

When did that guy run away? How could such a note be left ... awful, awful!

I tried to pretend to be forced, but in the end I was severely beaten, my face was about to bleed, and my body muscles kept twitching.


At this point, he continued to take the water bottle, turned his wrist into his body, and turned to look at the Emperor Xiexue: "Send someone to trace Mi Mi's trace. I will personally arrest and inquire how he escaped from here of……"


The dried blood emperor hurried out.

The ancestor lost such a big face, he didn't dare to say anything, he could only be ordered to do something. He just stepped out of the yard and heard Xiao Yaoxian's laughter again, loud and clear, unscrupulous.


Nie Yun didn't know about the embarrassment of the dried blood ancestor. The six words were deliberately left when he left. The other side caught him and experienced such a dangerous thing. Now I can escape without being disgusted. How can I do this? .

After several days of continuous practice, Nether Yun, who continuously swallowed the first-class world, was completely consolidated, and Nie Yun was relieved.

Although the strength of these days of cultivation has not improved, it has restored the previously lost souls, and the world of things has become stronger, with no sense of emptiness.

"Master, this is the most detailed situation of the Three Realms battlefield I have collected in the past few days ..."

As soon as he stepped out of the quiet room, he saw Duan also standing outside the door waiting.

Before the practice, he specifically explained Duan Yi, and gave him enough vitality avenues to allow him to buy the situation in the Three Realms battlefield as much as possible. This guy also moved very quickly, and surely he got a lot of information.

The spirit swept the information into his mind, and Nie Yun put the things into the world of objects, and looked up: "Any other news?"

"Back to the master, the battlefield of the Three Realms is about to open. It is no accident that today, all those who came to wait now gather at the entrance and wait for the battlefield to open!"

Duan also busy.

"Well, yes, let's go too!" When the Three Realms battlefield was about to open, Nie Yun nodded: "What about Gu Yong them?"

Gu Yong and others stayed in the relief of Shenwu Avenue in Tianyi Pavilion before, but now I don't know what happened.

"They still want to continue to understand the relief, so for the time being they don't want to enter the Three Realms ..." Duan Yidao.

"It's safest to stay here, they won't go, let's go!" Nie Yun laughed.

Gu Yong and others are not weak in the Xieyue Supreme Realm, but it is a bit weak to enter the Three Realms battlefield. As long as this strength is not luck, even if you go in, it is cannon fodder. Vulture, perhaps to gain some insight, to break through and advance to half-step domination.

Of course, as one of the four major gates of the Oblique Moon Extreme Zone, there are missions in the Three Realms battlefield, but the early entry and the late entry are completely different.

In the early stage, in order to compete for the task of blocking the powerful kings, one after another, the killing was very serious. In the later stage, the real weak were almost killed, and the good things were almost robbed. Entering again, the danger has been reduced.

Walking out of Tianyi Pavilion, I saw that the traffic in the Three Realms City was much scarce. Many experts were crowded to buy things before. Now there are only a few merchants standing in front of the booths.

Those who can come here are going to the Three Realms battlefield to try their luck. At this time, the Three Realms battlefield is about to open and almost all are gone.

"hurry up!"

Seeing some empty Three Realms battlefields, Nie Yun and Duan Yi flew towards the Three Realms battlefields quickly.

"Are those who dominate the strong enter the Three Realms with us?"

During the flight, Nie Yun suddenly remembered a scene he had seen on the ancient ship of the dried blood ancestor, and asked in confusion.

This time the Three Realms battlefield seems to have attracted many dominating powerhouses. If these people also enter the battlefield with them, let alone treasures, it is hard to say whether they can survive.

"I don't know, but it should be with us. I heard that these masters are obeying the call of the powerful king. They haven't come back yet. When to go in, it's hard to say!"

Duan Yi has been exploring the news these days and knows something.

"That's good!"

Thinking of the ancestors' methods of dry blood, Nie Yun still feels a little palpitated. It is obviously not wise to confront his master with his current strength.

It is definitely the best choice to avoid fighting with the dominant players.

In fact, it is normal to think about it. If the Three Realms battlefield enters as soon as the Dominator enters, it will definitely scare away a large number of people. The Dominator is terrible, and many people dare not run into it.

The two chatted and walked out of the Three Realms soon.

Before coming to the Three Realms battlefield, I saw countless figures, densely packed.

Those who can come here are the elites of the three supreme domains, and the worst are also at the level of suzerain. Numerous people are flying in the air with magic weapons, and they are magnificent and magnificent.

Most of these strong players have already made the alliance ~ www.readwn.com ~ a large group of groups, divided into many camps, watching others with vigilance.

"Go forward!"

When he saw that he had just flown in front of him, there were countless lights coming together. Nie Yun didn't care. He said to Duan that he was about to fly forward.

"Don't be busy, in fact ... these positions cannot be cut in at will ..."

Seeing him flying straight ahead, Duan was also startled, and quickly pulled him.

"Can't cut the line? Why?"

Nie Yun was strange.

"These locations ... need to be purchased!" Duan Yidao.

PS: Chapter 2 is here! Two chapters are done!

It's so cold recently, it's -18 degrees below zero. After class every day, my fingers are stiff. At this time, I have to work hard to code and be pathetic. woo woo woo woo. . in fact. . I would love to be full time. . . Unfortunately, you know. . Ask for support. . (To be continued)

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