Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1572: Local tycoon

Just as Nie Yun immediately auctioned down the last pass, the Emperor Ganxue came, and with unparalleled domineering and financial resources, he directly bid 10,000.

This time it was directly raised by 4,000, and the huge sound shocked everyone's head.


"Is this guy crazy? Raise four thousand in one breath?"

"This is the dried blood emperor of the Xieyue Supreme Realm, with amazing financial resources. Ten thousand to us is just a dream number. To him, it's nothing!"

"Great, with him joining, it is estimated that the person did not dare to argue just now, not only the financial problem, the key point I heard is that there is a master-level dry-blood ancestor behind the dry-blood emperor. "


Everyone talked, one by one, speechless in surprise.

In front of him, the dried blood emperor directly called ten thousand, blinding everyone.


Seeing the appearance of the crowd, the Emperor Ganxue was so proud that he stepped down slowly from the air, his eyebrows raised, and Nie Yun glanced lightly, as if he was saying, Do you have money to fight with me?

"My lord, the Ganxue dynasty has controlled the Xieyue Supreme Territory's dried blood continent for many years, and the financial resources are astonishing. It may not be affordable to fight with him ..."

Others did not know Nie Yun's identity, and Duan also knew it very well. Hesitated a bit and persuaded.

In his opinion, the current Nie Yun, no matter how talented he was, was, after all, a loose repair, and he was far worse than a kingdom in terms of financial resources.

"Hey, your subordinate is right, if you do n’t have the money, go to the side!"

Hearing Duan Yi's words, the Emperor Ganxian raised his eyebrows and looked up. Sneer again and again.

"Is there more than 10,000? If not, this pass will belong to this adult ..."

At this moment, the auctioneer in the crowd was shocked after a short shock. Shouted.

"Give me, this price will never be exceeded, and even if it exceeds, I will keep it down, and I can compare with me financially, I haven't been born yet!"

The dried blood emperor waved.

Hearing such arrogant words, everyone else was stunned. But then stunned.

No matter how strong a person's financial resources are, it is impossible to compare with a country. This is a fixed number. It seems that the dried blood emperor is bound to obtain this pass.

"Dare to scream here even if 10,000. Go away without money!"

Immediately after the arrogant words of the Emperor Ganxue, when everyone thought that the pass must be bought by the guy in front of him, a faint voice sounded.

"Just ten thousand?"

"Let the Emperor Ganxue go away?"


Shock! Fryer!

Everyone was stunned.

Talking to an emperor who is in charge of this empire, is this man going to fight an empire financially?

Qi Qipao looked in the direction of the sound. Welcomed Nie Yun's calm and calm eyes.

It was exactly what he said.


I didn't expect this guy to say that he had no money. The Emperor Ganxian blushed to his neck, but then calmed down and sneered: "Who is bragging, you can come up with a price if I have the ability, I would like to see what kind of financial resources you have that can compare with me ... ... "

"One hundred thousand!"

Nie Yun waved his hand at will. It's like driving away flies, exposing new prices.

"Ten ... million?"

Not only were others crazy this time. The Emperor Ganxue also seemed to be severely punched, and his complexion became shaky again.

One hundred thousand, this price has exceeded everyone's imagination!

I thought it would add up to 10,000 at most, and he would continue to pretend to add 50,000, but no one expected that it would be directly added to 100,000. Even the Prince Jie was slightly wrong, and couldn't help looking at Nie Yun carefully.

"What? Go away without money, don't be ashamed of here!"

A glance at the Emperor Ganxue, how did Nie Yun not know what he was thinking, hum.

"You ... you ... well, 100,000, right, I'll make 150,000!"

Emperor Dried Blood gritted his teeth.

This pass is bound to be obtained, he must not let others take it away.


As soon as the words fell, Nie Yun's voice sounded again.

Than wealth?

Ha ha, haven't been afraid of anyone yet!

Although this pass didn't make much sense to him, it would be nice if he could blow the dry blood emperor's self-confidence here.


Gritted his teeth and said 150,000, the dried blood emperor felt that he could save some face. Hearing this offer, he knew that the price the other party offered him was not at all.

From 150,000 to 500,000 ...

Does this guy really have so many avenues?

"It's half a million already, don't report it? If you don't have money, just go away!"

Nie Yun looked harmlessly, her eyes full of contempt.

The other person just said what he said, he directly replied, the Emperor Ganxue only felt that his face was pumped, and the pain was hot.

"I ..." The Emperor Ganxian face was sloppy, and he turned to look at the middle Prince Jie: "Master Zijie, I suspect he has made a random offer, there is not enough vitality and charm!"

"Yes, how can a person have 500,000 auras of vitality? Even if we don't get this kind of wealth in the blood dynasty, he must be a man of his word. I suggest to review the assets. If you don't, you despise the authority of the Three Realms and directly Beheaded! "

One and a half steps behind the Emperor Ganxue roared.

His emperor was ugly, and his face was not good-looking.

"Is this your qualification to interject? Get out!"

Nie Yun stared suddenly, a powerful soul wave shot suddenly, this half step of the master did not even respond to the reaction and flew out, people exploded into the air in the air.

"You ... how dare you kill someone here? To death ..."

The Emperor Dried Blood was embarrassed.

Although it is not the Three Realms here, it is also in full view. The direct action here is no longer beating his face, but the face of the blood dynasty.

With a loud roar, the armor of the Emperor Dried Blood appeared on the body, densely shone with dark light, his fists clenched, and Nie Yun was bombarded directly.

He exhausted all his strength this time, leaving no trace behind, it was obvious that he wanted to kill the person in front of him.

"Presumptuous, the auction failed, it should be troubled here, get out!"

Before his fist fell on Nie Yun, angrily rang out, and then a big foot flew in the air, right in the face.

It was Wang Zijie who made the shot.


A spurt of blood spurted, and the dried-blood emperor flew out of the deck of the ancient ship like a kicked-off stone. He had the guard of the master soldier. Although he was not injured, he lost his face.

"Master Zijie is really proud!"

Seeing the Emperor Ganxue being kicked and flying, Nie Yun's face remained unchanged, and he said lightly, his palms trembled, and a river-like vitality boulevard flew out of his palm, straight forward.

"Hundreds of thousands of vitality signs ..."

"Surely there are 500,000 ..."

"No wonder Master Jie took the shot himself. It turned out that he knew that the other party had such a variety of charms ..."

"Questioning the other side is challenging the majesty of the Three Realms, and it's no wonder if you don't suffer from it ..."


When they saw the vitality road sign appearing in front of them, everyone was still.

At first they also thought that the person in front of them might be nonsense. How could anyone come up with so many high-level vitality avenues at a glance, now seeing with their own eyes, all doubts are eliminated ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nima, this is the real Rich people, tyrants!

Compared with this kind of people, the so-called dried blood emperor and rich people before were all scum, and nothing was counted.

"That's right, it's half a million high-energy avenues. This is your pass!"

Reaching out to take the river-like Aura Rune, the spirit swept away. Wang Zijie had determined the number, smiled slightly, a finger bounced, and a rune fell into Nie Yun's palm.

"Thank you!"

After taking Fu Lu, Nie Yun didn't wait too much, and turned around with Duan and left.

Just now, showing off rich was to fight the dried blood emperor to get the pass, but now the goal is reached, there is no meaning to stay.

"Don't go away, this lord, I have a few more points about the pass. I want to tell you in advance!"

Seeing that he was so decisive, without any clutter, the Prince Jie took a moment to laugh and immediately laughed.


"Although you have bought a pass, but there are restrictions on the number of people, a pass can only take twenty people, that is, this position can only allow up to twenty people to enter!"

Prince Jie said.

"Rest assured, this pass is used by both of us, not much, leave!"

With a slight smile, Nie Yun's body flashed, and He Duan also left the ancient ship and disappeared in front of everyone.

ps: Whenever you can make your own money like Nie Yun, you can buy anything. . Hey. . (To be continued ...)

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