Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1573: 3 Realms battlefield opens

Chapter 1573 The Battlefield Of The Three Realms Opens

In other people's opinion, it costs 500,000 yuan to purchase a pass, and some are too frustrated. Even Duan thinks so, but for Nie Yun, it is worth more. ;;

It can be seen that the dried blood emperor was kicked and kicked away, this refreshing, it is worth any price!

Besides, the 500,000 yuan Qi Da Dao Run is a refining of countless hours to others. For him, only some vitality is lost. With the vitality Dantian and "yuan" creatures, he also consumes more vitality. Affordable.

With the pass, the diaphragm in front did not stop anymore, and Kung Fu Nie Yun flew to the front for a moment.

"Isn't this the third position? Why is there no one ahead?"

Right in front is the huge battlefield of the Three Realms. There is no half figure, does Wang Zijie say that this is the pass for the third position? Why is there no one in front?

"I don't know!" Duan Yi shook his head, also full of doubt, turned his head and looked back, glanced, his face changed.

"Sir, those behind are all famous characters from the Three Realms!"

"Oh?" Nie Yun turned his head to look. The strong men in the front and back lined up in a row, looking at him in this position one by one, with bright eyes.

Behind them is a group of half-step dominated teams. The old man at the front has white hair. Although his eyes are slightly closed, it gives a kind of coercion from the soul. I am afraid that his strength is stronger than him.

"This is the ancestor of the Bald Head Villa in Chaos Supreme Domain, the Bald Lord. It is said that the body is a special Chaos **** beast, the flesh has been cultivated to the level of domination, and a soul defense dominates the divine soldier. ... "

Duan Yi Chuan Yin.

"Baldhead? Forty-first in the Top 100?"

Nie Yun remembered the ranking on the top 100 list.

The more forward the top 100 list, the stronger it is, although this bald lord is only forty. But I am definitely not an opponent!

"The two are ghosts and ghosts. They are known as the slayers of the Great World. Everyone is afraid of the scorpion. I turn around when I meet them. Both of them are about the same strength as me and can be combined together. , The strength will be strong, the top 100 list is ranked 42nd. Second only to the bald lord! "

Duan also points to the other side. Two women standing in this area look exactly the same. Leng Yanwushuang, the black eyes with a serpent-like arrogance.

"That called Zitong is not ruined, his body is as strong as steel, and the master soldier cannot be destroyed. And it is weird. He doesn't have a soul, so people can't feel the power of the soul ..."

Duan also looked at the other person, his face more solemn.

"Zi Tong isn't ruined? This name is so weird, isn't it the Three Realms?" Nie Yun was strange.

Although the Three Realms is huge, no matter what race, the name will not be too outrageous, such a weird name, the first time I heard.

"I heard that he was born in chaos. I do n’t know exactly where he came from. I only knew that when he appeared, he oppressed countless strong people with superb strength. Although this person did not rank in the top 100 list, his real strength, I encountered also To escape, you have to guard! "

Duan Yidao.

"This man's strength is indeed terrible!" In fact, he did not need to say that Nie Yun also saw it. The Zitong in front of him is not destroyed. The whole person is like a hard dominating **** soldier. I'm afraid there will be at most a white dot that can't be killed!

Without a soul and having such a powerful physical body, this person is no less terrible than the Bald Lord.

Soon, Duan also introduced some notable strong men behind him.

He has lived for hundreds of millions of years. Although many of these strong men are hidden, they can be recognized based on their characteristics and their names can be easily said.

After listening to the introduction, Nie Yun was secretly alert.

I thought his strength was outstanding here. Now it seems that there are many better than him. It seems that the battlefield of the Three Realms is not as easy as imagined.

"Well, Jiang Hao, should they call them?"

Suddenly, Nie Yun saw a few familiar figures behind him. It was the people of Wanyu Mountain, Shiqiu Ridge and Duan Tianya. They were in the back position at this time. Several figures, each of them are actually half step masters.

It seems that they have called the so-called Supreme Elder.

After a glance, Nie Yun found that although these Supreme Elders are strong, they have few strengths comparable to themselves. They smiled and stopped saying more.


The two were observing others, and suddenly heard a roar, and eight figures rushed straight ahead.

Each of these eight people exudes unparalleled momentum, suppressing the shaking space as soon as they appear, and everyone is afraid to speak.

Eight Masters!

After seeing this, Nie Yun realized that this is the third position, the so-called front position, which is just occupied by these eight masters. As a base to open the battlefield, others can no longer come in.


The eight masters shot at the same time, each of them resembling a giant giant with hands churning and tearing.

The formation method started, a roar of the world opened, and the closed ball immediately appeared a huge portal.

The Three Realms battlefield opens!


With a low whisper, Nie Yun also pulled a segment, with wings forming on the back, gently turning into a thunder, rushing straight towards the portal.


As soon as he flew up, he heard the sound of roaring behind him, and the crowd was overcast.

The rushing force tears out numerous electric mans, pulling the entire space out of a long black line.

In the eyes of others, the supreme lord of the supremacy and the half-step dominator are like the locust.

"So spectacular!"

Nie Yunfei was at the front, but his eyes focused on the back, and he couldn't help but admire this scene.

So many powerful people usually crouch in their own small world. It is not a shocking event and almost never appears. Now it is just like a bereavement dog. The charm of the Three Realms is amazing.


Sorrowful, the dark crack was torn, and a dark ghost claw suddenly appeared behind Duan Yi.


Nie Yun knew that a strong man behind him attacked with a surprise attack, his face sank, his sword anger like a rainbow, and he beheaded.


Ghost's claw abruptly collapsed and disappeared again without a trace.

The battlefields of the Three Realms are dangerous everywhere. The traps, formations, and undercurrents in the ancient land are just one of them. The most terrible thing is from a similar attack. The owner of the ghost claw saw Nie Yun flying to the front, and he was dissatisfied. Killing him, he didn't expect his reaction so fast and his attack so strong.

"My lord, this is the venerable lord! A strange technique is extinct from the past and the present, and is good at hiding sneak shots. I didn't expect this guy to come ..."

Duan Yi was sweating.

If it wasn't for Nie Yun's earlier notice and he shot it directly, I'm afraid he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die now.

The venerable nether monk is so strange that he always sneaks out shots, secretly makes troubles, and crosses the realms of the Three Realms for years. I have seen few of them.

"Don't you predict danger ahead of time?"

"Hidden Ghost is too strong to hide. Before you start, you don't even care about my breath. Even if I have this ability ~ www.readwn.com ~, I can't detect it!" Duan Yi smiled bitterly.

Although he can foresee the danger in advance, the other person's breath is not scornful, and there is no fixed goal to kill anyone, even him, there is no way.

"Since this guy is so weird, before he escapes, he will kill him directly!" Nie Yundao.

"He has a better ability to escape than me. There are many people who want to kill him. This guy is still alive and well ..." Duan Yi did not say clearly, but the meaning is obvious, how easy it is to kill!

"Ha ha!"

With a chuckle, Nie Yun didn't speak, and suddenly looked out, and his right hand dominated the sword forward.


The sword gas pierced the sky and went through thousands of miles.

"Well, you want to kill me? You are almost there! In addition, you have already angered me by doing this, and I will follow you until you die ..."

A gloomy smile pierced his ears, making his head dizzy. In a sneer, a dark shadow turned from the direction of Nie Yunjian's air piercing and burst out.

"Follow me? No need!"

Before the shadow escaped, a broken force suddenly appeared in the air, and a spear traversed time and space, penetrating it directly from the chest.


The blood of the Nether Lord flowed out, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it before he died. The other side's sword was just dangling, and the real killing trick was hidden by him here.

PS: The second afternoon. Now it's minus 20 degrees outside, and I still have to go to class. It's almost inhuman life, oh, ask for a few monthly tickets to comfort the injured soul, and ask for subscription support, so that Lao Ya can get out of the bitter sea as soon as possible. . . Realize your dream full-time. . Once full time, you can code a lot, hehe. . (To be continued ...) u

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