Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1574: Enter the battlefield


Nie Yun retracted his sword and withdrew his gun.

Although this nether prince has a strong ability to hide, compared with him, it is not worth mentioning at all. At the time, the soul had not reached the dominion level, and he could hide the emperor from the heavens and the sea, not to mention the present.

Playing concealment in front of him is almost a trick, and he will easily kill it.

Although it didn't take much time to kill the Lord of the Nether, many people behind them rushed into the battlefield of the Three Realms, and some were hiding on one side to watch the battle. I wanted to take advantage of both defeats and sneak shots. I saw this scene, all of them became frightened And left in a hurry.

Nie Yun also became the object not to offend in their hearts.

"hurry up!"

The big hand swept away the good things from the Ghost Lord, and let Tian Xin Teng swallow it up, and then pulled back again and quickly flew to the Three Realms battlefield.

After being devoured by this period of time, Tianxinteng has once again grown and has reached the strength of 2,999 avenues. If the Emperor Ganxue did not defend and control the soldiers and stay with Tianxinteng, it would be him who died.

Not only the sky heart rattan strength soared, Wanli Wang and other beasts have also reached the half-step **** level, but did not reach the half-step dominated triple.

Even so, it is equivalent to a great help.

However, this is Nie Yun's hole card. It will not be released easily until the end.

The battlefield in the Three Realms looked very close, but it took a while to fly. About ten minutes later, Nie Yun felt his body sinking, and an air of immense expansiveness was coming.

"What a weird breath!"

Take a deep breath. Nie Yun is weird.

The atmosphere here is actually similar to Tiandao Liudao, except that the space pressure is greater. Even with his strength and full flight, the speed was only about the same speed as the original Wonderland.

Moreover, flying was extremely physical and dangerous, so I looked up and saw that everyone who had rushed to the front just fell down.

Hesitating, Nie Yun also flew down and landed on the ground.

The ground in the Three Realms battlefield was solidified. Like a flat carpet suspended in a circular sky, the sun, the moon and the stars form a special pattern. Seems to articulate another avenue.

"Well, how do these stars move like Dantian's arrangement ..."

Looking up at the stars for a while, Nie Yun froze.

Add the sun and the moon to the sky. No more, no less than three thousand stars, representing three thousand avenues, but somehow he had a feeling that the layout of these stars was similar to Dan Tian in his body.

Of course, it's just similar, paradoxical.

However, if you observe it for a long time, it does help to understand the avenue, and the star track materializes the avenue. Explaining the uprising of the avenue through the movement is better than the avenue runes of Tianyi Pavilion.

No wonder that the Three Realms battlefield is a good place to make a breakthrough. The space pressure here is even greater than that of the Extreme Moon. There are also special circumstances to observe the avenue, and when you practice, you can do more with less.

"Sir, here can limit the glance of the soul, my soul can only see a few kilometers away!"

Duan was also observing the surroundings. After reading it, his face was bitter.

Although I know a lot about the Three Realms battlefield. I heard a lot of news, but this is my first visit. I thought that my own strength could be regarded as the top point here, and I was sure to raise my eyebrows and exaggerate, and when I found out that this was not the case at all, I was somewhat lost.

Cultivators are accustomed to glance at the soul. They can only see a distance of a few kilometers, which is equivalent to being blind.

"I can only see a distance of tens of thousands of meters. Don't worry, we can't see it, others can't see it, nothing!"

Nie Yun waved and didn't care.

He had experienced this situation several times before. He had just entered the ruins of God at the beginning. He had some concerns before, but now he is much calmer.

Although calm, my heart is still extremely shocking. The dominated level soul can only watch a distance of tens of thousands of meters here. I have to say that the Three Realms battlefield is beyond the horror of imagination.


The two were talking. A golden light in front of the sky shot towards the sky, countless figures rushed straight to the sky, one by one with intense fiery eyes.

"It's a treasure!"

Duan Yi's eyes brightened, "The Three Realms battlefield is only one of the ways to better understand the avenue. The most important thing is the treasures of heaven and earth. These treasures have been bred for countless years. , It must be of great help! Seeing Jin Guang's appearance, this treasure is definitely not easy! "

Without him explaining it, Nie Yun also saw it.

Being able to release such a powerful light in such a solid world shows that the level of this treasure is definitely more than half a step to dominate the soldiers!

"Check it out!"

When his body moved, Nie Yun flew away first.

"Hey, where do you go, dare to damage my face, today is your death!"

Before going far, a giggling laugh sounded, and then an ancient ship rushed towards him sideways.

"Dried Blood Emperor?"

Looking at the appearance of the ancient ship, Nie Yun was stunned and was about to greet him. Suddenly, a sharp murderous intention pierced the soul, and then he saw a palm above the ancient ship constantly growing, covering like a sky.

"Well, it is the ancestor of dried blood. He actually fled with the dried blood emperor!"

Seeing the power of this palm, Nie Yun was shocked, knowing that this move must have been issued by the dried blood ancestors. How dare you stay, grab it in the air, and collect the section into the world of the things. The wings of the Phoenix unfolded and quickly moved outward. go with.

I heard that the master might not enter the Three Realms battlefield with them, and my mind was relaxed a lot. Now it seems that they have also come in!

The Emperor Ganxue failed to buy a place, was slammed in public, did not dare to trouble the Three Realms, and vented all his anger to the two men, backed by his ancestors. At this time, I saw them again.

The huge palms were like tearing the sky and the earth, knocking the sky together. Nie Yun felt the heavy pressure coming through his body, and his whole hair was exploded.

Although the strength has increased a lot, it is still too far away from the dominant one, and the two still have an insurmountable gap.

"Talented Talent!"

Seeing that the wings of the Phoenix could not escape, a wide avenue appeared at the foot of Nie Yun, his body flashed, and Kankan escaped from the gap between the palm prints, and his spirit moved into the ground.

The current strength and **** can not yet fight, you must quickly escape.

Anyway, the power of the soul that dominates the strong can't be glanced at, and as long as he escapes from this range, there is no way even if the ancestors of the dry blood can reach the sky.

"Where to go!"


Seeing an ant fleeing from his attack, the ancestor of the dried blood looked ugly, and pointed to the ground in a cold hum.

The force of the explosion stirred up, the ground collapsed, and a deep pit with a radius of several kilometers appeared.

But Nie Yun did not escape in the pit.

"He went to where Jin Guang appeared just now, chase!"

Seeing that there were no half figures in Shenkeng, the ancestor of the dried blood raised his eyes sharply.

Now you can escape anywhere, but it is obviously the smartest way for the other party to choose the direction in which the golden light is emitted.

There are countless practitioners gathered there. As long as they are mixed in, even he is afraid to take shots easily.

Although the master is invincible, he cannot kill indiscriminately. To kill all of these people will inevitably cause the king to bounce back. If he fails, he will fall.

"My ancestor, I suspect this boy is the Mi Mi before!"

Seeing his ancestors lost all shots, the emperor did it.

Nie Yun and Duan also pretended to be another look, and even he did not see who it was.

"Mi Mi?" The dry-blooded ancestor's eyebrows had a murderous intention ~ www.readwn.com ~ If he wants to kill who he is, it is naturally this guy named Mi Mi who makes him a shame and is absolutely forgiving.

"Well, when we met Mi Mi, he and two people fled and hid one, and now it is the same, and I have inquired about the entire Three Realms, and Mi Mi is not found. It is said that he and several After I left, I did n’t come back again ... It ’s just that. These two guys can escape from your ancestors. They are so powerful, but no one has heard of them, and no one has seen them. Say no. Strange! From this we can see that it must have been disguised by others, most likely this guy! "

The Emperor Ganxue, as an emperor of a country, had good eyesight. Nie Yun only thought of taking away Duan Yi's action, which reminded him.

"Well, dare to challenge me to fight the majesty of the royal family, whether or not, I will die!"

Dried blood ancestor's eyes narrowed, his whole body boiled.

PS: After the two chapters are finished, the book has landed on Tencent Bookstore. Friends who have Tencent Coin can go to Bookstore to see it, and local tyrants can go to Bookstore to subscribe for support. Hehe. . (To be continued)

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