Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1575: Jinyuntianzhu


On a solid ground, Nie Yun suddenly appeared, looked around, and turned into another look.

He was wearing a rough linen, with a weather-beaten face on his face, and his eyes were deep and melancholy. It was completely different from what he was just now. Even if he was seen by the other party, he probably couldn't see anything.

Seeing nothing pretended to be disguised, Nie Yun looked forward.

I ran all the way just now, and it was not far from the glittering place of gold. There were many people standing in front of me, three laps in front and three laps in front of me. And excited.

It seems that these people are waiting for the so-called treasure to be born, and then trying to **** it.


Seeing that it could cause so many people to watch, Nie Yun was surprised, Tianyan looked through the crowd to the middle.

"It's [Jin Yun Tian Zhu]! And it's been alive for hundreds of millions of years, no wonder it can be so many people **** ..."

Jinyun Tianzhu is a kind of chaotic vegetation with Tianxin rattan. It is a very precious medicinal material. The leaves of the medicinal material have avenue lines. After taking it, you can quickly understand the avenue. The strength has increased so that you can dominate the small triple strong. , Promoted to triple! Middle triple promoted to big triple!

药 This medicinal material is considered an elixir to others, but it is not very useful to Nie Yun.

"Although it's useless to me, but they have a great effect on Wanli King, they can make their strengths even better!"

When Ning Yun moved, Nie Yun was not in a hurry to leave.

Although this Jinyuntian strain has little effect on him, it has a great effect on beasts such as Xuan Chan King and Wan Li King. If there is an opportunity, it is also a good choice to **** it.

"Heaven heart spread, spread!"

As soon as Xin's heart moved, Tianxin Rattan slowly spread from the foot toward Jinyun Tianzhu.

At this time, the Jinyun Tianzhu was only a small step away from maturity, exuding a breathtaking aroma. All the people around him looked at each other carefully, holding each weapon carefully in the palm of their hands, for fear of being taken away by others.

Xi Tianxin rattan extends from the ground, and it is no different from the roots and stems of ordinary plants. Coupled with Nie Yun's method, so many people haven't even found one.


When Tian Xin Teng came to Jin Yun Tian Zhu, the sky was roaring and an ancient ship flew straight to the heads of the people.

"It is an ancient ship of the Xingyue Supreme Realm dried blood royal family!"

"Dare to open an ancient ship here, the Emperor Ganxue should not have that strength!"

"It wasn't he who drove it. It was a dried-blood ancestor.

"Master level ..."

I saw this ancient ship flying so brazenly into the air, looking down at the crowd, one by one showing vigilance.

The deterrent power of the dominance level is too great. In case this dried blood ancestor takes the shot, none of them can resist.

"Dear friends, I am His Majesty the Emperor of the Xingyue Supreme Territory Dry Blood Empire. This is the father of the family and the leader of the ranks. I am sure you all know it without introducing you! Come here this time and do not **** this Jin Yuntian It ’s a fugitive, but this guy may be among you. Please cooperate with me! "

Everyone was wondering that the purpose of this ancient ship was to hear the voice of the dry blood emperor Langlang.

"Tracing the Fugitive?"

"Tracing what 冇 fugitive, I'm afraid to say so intentionally, take the opportunity to **** Jinyun Tianzhu!"

"Well, even if you know his purpose, would you dare not check him?"

"It's great to be the master? Do you dare to kill us all? What if you don't check him?"

Uh ...

I heard an unreasonable noise from the Emperor Gansu, and there was an uproar below.

He can practice to the suzerain level and half-step domination. Whoever does not have a prominent position and proud dignity, he said that if he checked, it would be too inconsiderate.


The crowd was excited and talked, and the dried blood ancestors on the ancient ship sank.

Leng Lengheng blew in everyone's ears, like a thunderous thunder, ringing through everyone's heart.

Huh! puff! puff!

For a moment, dozens of the supreme supreme strongest among the crowd burst out blood at the same time.


I saw that the ancestor of the dry blood trembled so many people. Although they were filled with indignation, they dared not say anything.

"Give your face shame! Stand in line, I will check one by one, I will not run away or hide, otherwise, I will kill you!"

The old ancestor of Xungan stepped down from the cabin step by step, and looked around for a week.


Everyone was raging in anger, but at the thought of the strength of the master in front, all of them could not be ignited, so they had to wait in line for inspection.

"This is pretty much the same!"

Seeing the actions of the crowd, the dried-blood ancestor nodded with satisfaction, his big hand waved down in front of them, his eyes were like electricity, and he looked at them one by one.

"Did this guy guess who I am?"

Qi Nieyun stood behind the crowd and watched the scene all in a gloom.

If only the Emperor Ganxue was to sweep the dignity of the emperor, the Ganxian ancestors would not be so active, and he would not hesitate to offend so many practitioners, I'm afraid he has already guessed that he is Nie Yun or Mi Mi.

I guess it's unlikely that he is Nie Yun, I'm afraid he's already guessed that he is Mi, otherwise, the mighty dominion will not risk the world to do so.

"With the strength of my soul, he can't see it even in disguise, but this guy must have other means. After a while, he will find a way to make confusion and let everyone's finger point to the past ..."

I have a master-level soul. Although the strength is not as good as the opponent, but the camouflage cannot be seen, otherwise, he has long been recognized as Nie Yun.

I know that the other party can't see it, and the other party must also know about it. When identifying, I'm afraid there will be a special method. Once it is found, it will be difficult to escape.

I must find a way to create confusion and let the other party take care of themselves.

"Hurry up ..."

Thinking, the sound of drinking in front sounded, looked up, and surely saw the dried blood ancestor looking at everyone with eyes and eyes, a ring-shaped thing flying in the palm of the palm, sprinkled with silver light, was illuminated by the light, and then Powerful camouflage will reveal the prototype.

No wonder dare to search everyone, it turns out that there is such a magic weapon.

"Looking at this speed, it won't take me long to arrive. What should I do?" Nie Yun's eyebrows frowned.

Although these practitioners did not want to be searched, it became a habit to see that no one had resisted in their early years. One by one, they received the light from the ring with peace of mind. According to their walking speed, although many people surrounded Jinyun Tianzhu, Check it out, it won't take long, and now you can't escape, once you escape, it will become a target of public criticism.

"Huh? Right, Jinyun Tianzhu ... just use this!"

As soon as Xun's heart moved, Nie Yun's eyes fell on the Jin Yuntian strain, which had not yet matured in the middle of the crowd.

Since these people are all for this Jinyuntian strain, it is better to use this to create a mess and escape.

"Hey, don't blame me, I will mature you before I mature!"

There was a final decision in Xun's heart. When Nie Yun's spirit moved, a spirit spread along the Tianxin rattan at his feet to Jinyun Tianzhu.

Ju Jinyun Tianzhu looks at the current situation. If you want to mature, it will take at least half a day. You can't wait for such a long time. In this case, give it enough energy to ripen it!

天 心 藤 has just spread to the bottom of Jinyuntian ~~ www.readwn.com ~ At this time, the vitality is infused along the root of the latter.

Both are plant life, which is easier to communicate. The vitality can be shared. After being infused with Tianxin Rattan, Jinyun Tianzhu really grows faster like a balloon.

However, the power consumed is really terrible. If Nie Yun does not have the support of vitality Dantian, he can't hold it.

After more than a dozen breaths, Jinyuntianzhu violently radiated the medicinal fragrant medicine, and the golden light turned into blossoming clouds, floating in the air, and moving in all directions.

"Jin Yuntian strain is completely mature ..."

Nie Yun behind the crowd, shouted first.

Needless to say, other people have noticed, one by one showing fiery.

The purpose of their being here is for this medicinal material. Now that the medicinal material is mature, who can still stand? They all look at each other with excitement.

However, when they saw the dried blood ancestors in front of them, no one dared to move, for fear of angering the other party, and was shot dead with one palm.

The atmosphere was awkward for a moment, and there was silence all around.

Ps: Today the headmaster met for two full classes and took three more classes. It was tired and exhausting. . Later in the next chapter, around eight thirty.




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadows Group @ 天若有情 gwj". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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