Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1576: Slap again

"Dried blood ancestor, have you said that you would not rob this Jinyun Tianzhu, is this true?"

After a moment of silence, seeing the clouds forming in the sky getting bigger and bigger, and the aroma getting stronger and stronger, someone shouted.

Jin Yun's movements will attract more and more powerful people, and continue to delay. Even if the dried blood ancestor does not participate in the snatch, it will be more difficult for them.

A decision must be made immediately.

"Huh, naturally ..." Questioned by others, the dry-blooded ancestor's face sank, and he was about to say the word "true", and a scream sounded.

"Well, Jinyun Tianzhu was taken away ..."

When they heard this, everyone hurriedly looked at the precious medicinal materials in the middle, and saw nothing but a shadow.

Many people who have been staring at Jinyun Tianzhu only feel that the flowers are in front of them, and the medicinal materials disappear out of thin air, as if they have never appeared.

"Why is it missing?"

"Well, who's doing it!"

"Abominable ... who is it?"

The target disappeared at once, and everyone exploded.

"The ancestor of the dry blood must be him. Among us, we have to say who can steal the Jinyun Tianzhu silently without being found. Only he is hateful. He is the master and is unbelievable. He speaks like farting. It's almost shameless! The search of the fugitives mentioned before is simply a lie, the purpose is for this medicinal plant ... "

The crowd had not recovered from the shock of the disappearance of the medicinal materials. A shout sounded, and everyone heard clearly.

Although the sound was loud, it seemed to come from all directions, and it was difficult to identify the source for a while.

It seems that the speaker is in order to prevent revenge from the dried blood ancestor. Deliberately used the means.

"Yes, it must be his hand!"

"Hiding so many of us, only the master can do it. Dry-blooded ancestors, don't go too far ..."

"When is it so shame to dominate the strong ..."

"You don't know, at first, he relied on the elderly Tianxuan to dominate the blood continent, but when he got up in the yellow robe, he left the elderly Tianxuan. This kind of ingratitude was not done once or twice ...

The crowd was stunned at first, and then "suddenly realized," the repressed anger was all ignited.

Forcing the people to check the crowd, they have already committed anger. At this point, Jin Yuntian was missing, and the critical point that could be suppressed was opened directly, and everyone did not want to continue to endure.

It's just awful!

"Although the master is powerful. There are three disasters and nine difficulties. I don't believe he dare to kill us all with impunity. Since he is not righteous, we don't need to be polite. Do it!"


The sound just sounded again. In the angry roar, a thick fist rushed straight up. This fist seemed to know that it would not hurt the master, and did not hit the dried blood ancestor, but blasted into the ancient ship in the air.

"Yes, don't blame us if you are not kind ..."

"I can't beat you, I don't believe your subordinates can block our attack!"


Everyone was angry. At this point, someone shot, others seemed to have cracks in the cistern. I couldn't bear it anymore, they all yelled, and each played their best.

In an instant, the momentum was magnificent, and swept up like a rough storm, rushing directly to the

The ancient ship approached.


The dry blood emperor on the ship did not expect the passion to directly spit on him, almost crying, too late to dodge, and had to wrap his body in the master soldier.


The world is dark. Dozens of half-steps dominate the power of the big three and the middle three strong players. Even if they dominate the frontier, let alone an ancient ship, a crackling sound, a luxurious extravagant ancient ship, Broken into powder, countless soldiers above were stirred by strength, and there was no time to escape, the spirits fluttered, and no corpse was left.


Although the Emperor Ganxue blocked the attack, the powerful shock made his face flush with blood.

The attacks of dozens of half-step masters were too powerful, and even he could not bear it.

"You look for death ..."

This series of changes were completed in an instant. The dried-blood ancestors never dreamed that this group of black people would dare to attack his people, and they were so fierce that their faces became extremely ugly. With a roar, they wanted to take a shot and saw that The explosion of the ancient ship was like a torrential rain.

"what is this?"

Looking at the source of the dropped things, the ancient ship just now, and everyone was stunned.

"It's the Aura Rune, it's the Aura Rune!"

"How come there are so many road signs?"

"It must be the ill-gotten wealth of the Dry Blood Dynasty ..."

"Get rich ..."


Seeing what the fall was, everyone was stunned.

The items that have fallen all over the sky are actually vitality avenues, and there are definitely hundreds of thousands of them!

Everyone knows the preciousness of the Yuanqi Avenue Rune. Dropping so much at once is like falling gold bars in the sky, making everyone crazy.

Just now the anger that was lost because of Jinyun Tianzhu disappeared, and they shot at the vitality road signs in the air. Everyone wanted to share a lot and grab more.

"Everyone be careful, this is the trick of the dried blood ancestors, don't do it!"

Another shout sounded, and the sky full of vitality signs suddenly flashed purple at the same time, with the tearing sound of the wind.

"Well, these vital signs are about to explode!"

"Run away ..."

Seeing this scene, everyone no longer cares about money, and their heads explode.

A high-level vitality road sign is equivalent to a half-step **** of the small triple strong. The concept of hundreds of thousands of road sign explosions at the same time?

I am afraid that the master will have to eat a pot, and dare not be right.


Thinking of this, everyone dared to rush up again, and at the same time all means were used, and they fled in all directions quickly.

At this time it is important to save your life, everything else is nonsense!

If you don't run away, there will be only one result, and everyone will be killed on the spot.

Seeing the crowds fleeing in all directions at the same time, the ancestor of the dried blood was even more ugly.

With so many people running away at the same time, there is no directionality, and it is impossible to find that "Mi Mi" again!

Moreover, it ’s so weird just now, it seems that someone has been leading everyone to think

, I am afraid that is the hand of "Mi Mi"!


Hundreds of thousands of yuan gas blasts completely exploded, and the space-time within a hundred miles was immediately swept into a vacuum by a huge force, and the rolling force burst out into the sky, forming a huge mushroom cloud.

"Abominable, abominable!"

After the explosion, the dried-blood ancestor flew out of the sky, and his body was shrouded in gold.

Although the power of the explosion is strong, for his dominant power of this level, it cannot cause fatal injuries at all, even the lightest injuries cannot.

However, although his body was not injured, his face was lost. Who had stolen Jinyun Tianzhu just now and who led the people to think? He didn't even know what direction he was even fleeing to!

I could have guessed the opposite direction before, but now everyone is escaping in all directions, and I can't find it anymore.

"Old ancestor ..."

The Emperor Ganxue had the body guarding the main soldiers. Although he could not die, he was injured again, his face was pale, his face was pale, and there was nothing like the grandeur of the Qianggan Palace sitting in front of him.

"Hum, find it for me! Look carefully, don't let this guy go!"

Seeing his son's appearance, the dried blood ancestor was even more angry.

As the master, he actually played continuously with a guy who was not the master. The powerful anger made him breathless and his face turned blue.


Just after the words were spoken, a cold mang flashed in the air, a jade card fell from above and came to the two.


The jade card exploded, and the same line of handwriting suddenly appeared in front of the two.

It ’s different from last time ~ www.readwn.com ~ This time there are eight words-old man, want to catch me, come!


The ancestor of the dried blood was suffocated, and his breath was not smooth, and a blood spurted out.

Slap, naked again!

After only a few days of work, I was beaten twice in a row.

Even if he meets other masters, he has never been humiliated like he is now!

"Mi Mi, I won't kill you, I will crush you to death, I won't call it dry blood!"

At this point, it is no longer necessary to know that the guy who is bidding with the Emperor Dried Blood is the Mi who escaped from his water bottle before. The ancestor of the Dried Blood was hoarse, roaring loudly, and his eyes were red as hungry.

As the master who has lived for billions of years, he has never wanted to kill someone like that.

PS: After the two chapters, everyone is happy with Double 12. (To be continued ...)

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