Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1577: Hunter

After three consecutive days and nights, he came to a mountain and Nie Yun stopped.

Everything that the old blood ancestors encountered before was his means, a design, and a successful escape.


Luan Duan also appeared before him.

"Master, this seems to be Ghost Mountain, a famous dangerous place in the Three Realms battlefield!"

I looked around for a while, and Duan also made a judgment based on the news.

"Yinhunshan did not call this name before, but I do n’t know what it is. There is a very powerful treasure that has attracted countless powerful people and caused earth-shattering battles. It is said that the lord died in tens of thousands of steps The death of such a strong man, according to normal circumstances, will be a smashing soul, and all spirits will disappear, and here, the scattered soul is absorbed by a special force, forming a ferocious ghost! "

"These ghosts have no self-awareness, and they like to absorb the blood of human monks. They take advantage of the night to increase their strength. It is very scary. Many strong men accidentally break into this place and die! Although you know the dangers, every time the battlefield of the Three Realms opens, there are still many powerful people who take risks to take part in it! "

The paragraph also explains in detail.

"Where is the core position of the Three Realms?"

Nie Yun didn't care about the treasures. Since coming here, what I want to do most is to complete my brother's request as soon as possible and find the heart of the Three Realms.

Since the Heart of the Three Realms keeps the battlefield running, it is likely to be at the very core of the Three Realms battlefield.

Of course, this is just a speculation, just like the core of the space of the previous chaos meditation bottle, because with his own intelligence, he fled at will, not in the center.

"The core position of the Three Realms battlefield is near [Tianshu Pavilion], there must be a lot of people there. If adults want to find a small world, it is definitely not a good choice ..."

Luan Duan is also busy.

Xie Nieyun came to find the heart of the Three Realms and did not tell him. In his opinion, the adult in front of him was only interested in the small world. Although he did not know the reason, he still tried his best to introduce it.

"Tianshu Pavilion? Okay, go there!"

I know the other person's doubts, and Nie Yun does not explain.

"Go to Tianshu Pavilion ... The nearest distance is definitely to cross this ghost soul mountain. If you detour, you may walk for another day!" Duan Yidao.

"One day at a time!"

The world of things has unlimited replication capabilities, and all the treasures are useless in his eyes. Since this ghost mountain is said to be so dangerous, breaking through it will definitely cause a lot of trouble. It ’s better to spend another day walking than that anyway. The vitality of the body is endless, and it will not be too tired, at most it will be more dangerous.

"Okay!" Duan also took the lead of his horse, and did not say much.

"Let's go!"

According to the direction, the two hurried forward.

The pressure over the battlefields of the Three Realms is high, there are many dangers, and the section has the ability to predict dangers. If anything is really to happen, the two will fall and walk on the ground. With their strength, even on foot, the speed is very fast.


I walked for a while, and Nie Yun stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Duan Yi fainted.

He didn't feel any danger, what did the adult find?


Nie Yun didn't speak, a finger moved, a sesame-sized ant appeared on his palm, and seemed to be saying something. After a while, the ant left.

"follow me!"

Xu again disguised as another look, Nie Yun went in one direction.

On the way, he quietly asked King Wanli to spread his children and grandchildren, and there were many indigenous creatures in the Three Realms battlefield. This kind of little ant with little strength was not noticeable at all.

Although these ants are limited in speed and cannot spread across the battlefields of the Three Realms, the future roads are full. In this way, if someone comes from behind, they can be found in advance.

I can also know more news and find the Three Realms faster.

一年 It's been a few months since the year that my brother promised, and the battlefield in the Three Realms is so large that it won't be completed as soon as possible. The brother will then fail in the battle of consciousness with King Shura.

After walking for a while, Nie Yun made a gesture, and the two stopped at the same time, hiding behind a huge rock.

刚 As soon as they stopped, they heard a howling wind in the air, and several figures strode over.

"Are the dark tides coming?"

As soon as the two concealed their bodies completely so that outsiders could not find them, they heard a slightly old voice sounding.

"Help the dark tide?"

At the hearing of this name, Duan Yi was shocked, his eyes widened.

When he saw his expression, even if he didn't say it, Nie Yun knew what he was thinking.

扶 This Fu dark tide is a strong man who can kill the big world. Compared with the bald lord he saw before, he is only strong and not weak. He is ranked 37th in the top 100 list.

"Coming soon, let's also prepare in advance, what to ask, it is best to ask directly!"

"Sister is right, if Fu Anchao is unwilling to say, we must have follow-up means, otherwise, all the benefits will be taken away from him, what is this muddy water to do?"

女子 The voices of the two women sounded like ghosts, and the ears made the whole body cold and cold, and the goosebumps were born.

"Ghost Charm ..."

The segment also fluctuates, and the eyes are wide.


Nie Yun nodded secretly.

Although I did not see these people, I could guess the identity of the two women when they heard the voice of the two women talking. It was the ghost sisters Sister Ji who had been seen outside the Three Realms battlefield.

尽管 Although these two women Nie Yun have not been in contact, it can be seen from Duan Yiji's eyes that they are by no means a leisurely generation.

"Well, before you start, you must distribute the benefits, otherwise I will not do it without ruining it!"

Another sound sounded, this sound was as hard as steel friction, listening to a harsh sound in the ear.

出现 It is in that chaos that the flesh is comparable to Zitong who dominates the soldiers.

"Since everyone said so, it was so decided. The rules that have always been in the Three Realms battlefield are the same. To find the Chaos King Rune, you must first open and open the Three Realm Grinding Disk with the blood of a strong enough person to obtain the [Order Commandment] , We agreed to join forces, no one will be allowed to rebel, otherwise, let alone Wang Fuling can not be found, or they will die here! "

哼 The first speaker hummed.

Listening to the sound of old voice, calm tone, a movement of spirit, a look inferred from Nie Yun's mind.

I was the former Bald Lord.

It seems that after entering the battlefield of the Three Realms, they did not separate, but gathered together.

Each of these characters is similar in strength to him. So many people come together, and even if they encounter the master, they can leave calmly without fear.

"I heard that this time the Chaos Rune was very important. The three great kings have paid great attention to them, and even the dominant ones have come a lot. We have so many people working together, others don't care, the key is those who dominate By!"

Lord Bald Lord said.

"Rest assured, there are a total of eight hunting symbols. As long as we find one, we are eligible to enter the core of the Three Realms battlefield. As long as we can enter, we are eligible to see the contents of the Chaos King's Symbol. By then, who can complete it? The content is not necessarily yet! "

Tong Zitong did not destroy the road.

"This is ..."

Everyone nodded at the same time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chaos Rune? Seeker? "

He listened to everyone's conversation, and Nie Yun blinked, his face full of doubts.

Chaos Chaofu made him hear it, as if it was a task issued by the three powerful kings together. What was the hunting souvenir, but never heard of it.

He turned to look at Duan Yi, seeing that he was also confused, as if he didn't know what he knew.

The reason why Nie Yun came here was to hear the report from King Wanli. These people gathered here and came together with the mentality that there must be so many strong people gathered. I did not expect that he actually heard something that he had never heard. Things.

"The things in the Chaos Rune of the Chaos, according to my guess, may be related to King Shura, so the three kings attach great importance to it. If we can complete it and become the master, it is a sentence. Do n’t be afraid, if they do n’t, they will fall in this disaster and disappear into the long river of history! ”

I was surprised in Nie Yun's heart, and Zi Tong's unbroken voice continued to sound.

"Related to King Shura?"

Xie Nieyun's eyebrows frowned, and his face dropped sharply.

符 The Chaos King Fuling is related to King Shura. Is it really the same as the last guess, what did the three great kings find?




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadows Group @ 天若有情 gwj". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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