Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1578: Help dark tide

"Shh, it's better to say less about this matter. Let's try to cut in as little as possible about Wang Qiang!"

One of the spooky ghost monsters interrupted Zi Tong's words, with dissatisfaction in her voice.

The idea of ​​Wang Fengqiang shrouded the Quartet, in case they heard something, even if an idea came, they could not bear it.

封 The Chaos King represents the recognition of chaos and the rules of the universe.

"No matter what the matter is, just know that you have the opportunity to become the dominator this time. This opportunity will not come out once in a million years, and you will not find it if you miss it. You do n’t want to be the same as you are now, and you ca n’t do it if you want to make a breakthrough. , Live forever in the shadow of the Lord! "

Lord Bald Lord said.

"Cultivators are chasing the road and have the opportunity to become the master. Who wants to be like this now ..."

Everyone nodded at the same time, the voice didn't fall, and a red line in the distance came straight, which happened to be not far away from them.

Nie Yuntian's eyes moved quietly. Looking through the rocks, he saw that the person who came was about forty years old, his eyebrows were white, with a blue that didn't match his appearance, and his eyes were cold and cutting, like the blade.

"You convened everyone to come here, shouldn't you tell everything you know?" Zi Tong should not be ruined.

"Are you asking me?"

Fu Fu dark tide raised a white eyebrow, and shot two golden rays in his eyes.

"What about you? Asked so many times and said nothing. Since everyone is alliance, you have to tell the truth. Otherwise, don't worry about our friendship for so many years, this is the end of today!"

Tong Zitong did not destroy his big hand.

"Yes. Everyone is confederate. If you know the news, let's talk about it. It's about becoming the master, and these few of us can't spread it!"

"Don't say anything, just want us to take risks with you, even at the expense of the Lord. Isn't it easy for you to think!"

Sister Ghost Demon Ji also hummed at the same time.

Several masters speak at the same time, although they have not deliberately released energy. The surrounding air was still sticky, as if it couldn't bear it at any time, and collapsed into a black hole.

The strength of these people is too strong, and they have unconsciously integrated will and avenue. Affect the surrounding environment.

"When it is time to talk to you, you will naturally say, it is not the time!"

Seeing the attitude of several people, Fu Anchao, although a little unhappy, did not say more, and waved his hand: "If you want to be promoted to dominate, just follow me and don't ask more!"

"Hey, don't say it today. We can't go with you!"

The bald lord came over.

Only then did the dark tide find out that he had been surrounded by several people and raised his eyebrows. Slightly angry.

怎么 "What? You want to do something to me?"

"Hands on? That's not it. I just want to try to see if your strength is so powerful!" Zi Tong did not destroy Changxiao, and shot first.

表面 The surface of his palm is turquoise, like an antique that has been kept for a long time. It looks inconspicuous, but the power is extremely terrible. Without any fluctuations in fairy power, pure physical power compresses the space of hundreds of miles into a cake. The earth is constantly trembling.

"Great ..."

Nian Yun's eyes were dignified, Nie Yun's body flashed, and Duan also entered into the Xuan Tianxuan Hall, and the Tian Xuan Hall turned into a dust and fell to the ground.

As soon as the two work together, the power is radiated outward, and both the spirit and the means have reached a high concentration. At this time, the surrounding environment is easily damaged. If you continue to hide here, you will find it if you do n’t make it. Relatively safe.

With a dominating level of soul covering, many of the means left by the old Tianxuan in the Tianxuan Hall can be easily operated. As long as there are no dominant ones in this group, it will be difficult for anyone to discover.

"I just want to try your means!"

When he saw that he shot directly, Fu Anchao screamed, his palms flickered, and a sickle-shaped weapon appeared on the palm of the palm. He turned in the air and stabbed the palm in front of him.

The sickle-shaped weapon tricks are not uncommon, and even with a simple meaning, they seem inconspicuous, but they stabbed at the most concentrated place where Zitong's unspoiled power was concentrated. When the two touched, the strength collapsed.


As for the means of the opponent, it is not surprising that Zi Tong does not destroy, and there is no passive discouragement. Instead, there is a humming sound in his nose, his arms are raised, and his strength is crushed forward again.

这样 做 He is doing this directly against the weapon of the opponent.

Although many people saw the sickle-like weapon Futanchao for the first time, through the power that has just appeared, it can be seen that it is definitely a dominating **** soldier. Such a powerful thing, he actually did not dodge, and used his fist to confront it. Big and confusing.


The fist fist and sickle-shaped weapon met together. His palm was not cut off as expected, but a deafening sound of gold and iron clashing, and the ground cracked.


Tong Zitong took a few steps back without ruining her face, her face changed slightly, but Futan did not recede, but her feet were deeply inserted into the ground.

The two only fought with one move. It seemed that the draw was over, but in fact, Zi Tong did not ruin it.

However, there is not much difference, continue to fight, I am afraid that three days and nights can not tell the difference.

Nie Yun's means were in the eyes of the two, and he felt as if in his heart.

二 The strength of these two people is stronger than he is weak, especially this Zitong is so hard and has no soul to destroy his body, it is almost impeccable. Even if he has many means, once he encounters, I am afraid that he will not be able to defeat them.

"I have heard that Zitong's innocence is a mountain of chaos. It has been drifting for hundreds of millions of years. It has won the Tao, condensed into a spirit, and turned into a human form. Today, it is really extraordinary!"

Seeing that they didn't make any money, Fufu Anchao glanced at the others, staring at each other with a little finger, and the sickle-like master soldier turned into the palm of his hand and laughed.

"You do n’t need to say a compliment. Your strength is indeed better than mine. I ca n’t beat you, but it ’s almost impossible to defeat me. Since everyone chooses an alliance, they want to know what is going on. If you continue to hide, Don't mind continuing to play against you! "

Tong Zitong did not destroy her hands, and said lightly.

His body is a chaotic mountain, with a straightforward personality, what to say, coupled with his strong body, even if he does not make any defense, it is very difficult for others to sneak attack and kill him. .

"It's true that Zitong doesn't ruin it, you think about it!"

The Bald Lord also said lightly.

虽然 Although he didn't speak, the momentum of his body exudes. The whole person is like a long bow full of strings. As long as the other party can't speak well, he will shoot a severe blow at any time.

Fu An Chao frowned, glanced at the ghost sisters Ji Ji not far away, and saw their attitude was not very good, so he shook his head: "Since you want to know, it ’s okay to tell you clearly! However, this one Things ca n’t be heard in the ears of others, otherwise the benefits will never be thought of again! ”

"That's nature!"

Seeing him willing to say, several others were relieved and nodded at the same time.

Can make Fu dark tide so solemn, things are certainly not simple, they are not reckless people, naturally will not talk nonsense.

"The reason why I didn't say this time is because this incident involves the fallen Shura King ~ www.readwn.com ~ I'm afraid you are afraid to do it!"

一 Grasp the palm, put a restraint on the surrounding cloth, help the dark tide slowly.

"Related to King Shura?"

Baidu Zun and others looked at each other, and each saw shock in the other's eyes.

The dust that turned into Xuantian Xuandian was not far away, and was not restricted by the restrictions. Nie Yun heard these words in his ears, and his eyebrows couldn't help wrinkling.

Is it related to King Shura? Does this guy know that Nie Tong has returned to the Oblique Moon Supreme?

不错 "Yes, the Three Realms battlefield was not called this one hundred million years ago, but the Four Realms battlefield. The people of Shura World of King Shura will also come here!" Fuyin Chaodao.

"We know this, but with the demise of the great world of Shura, no one dared to mention such a thing. Why, is King Shura not dead or resurrected?"

Baito Zun seems to know very well about the ancient secrets, his eyebrows are wrinkled, and his face is questioning.

(Today is the Nanjing Massacre Public Sacrifice Day. On December 13, 1937, the Japanese army captured Nanjing and began a six-week massacre. It is inhumane and extinct. My generation has no strength of Nie Yun and cannot avenge snow and hate. Don't forget this, resistance to Japanese goods starts with you and me!)




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadows Group @ 天若有情 gwj". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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