Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1579: Broken wheel

"This is not the case! If King Shura is involved, even if we have ten lives, we won't dare to risk everyone!" Fu Anchao shook his head.

As long as the Wang Fengqiang is involved, it is an earth-shattering event, not to mention them, even if they dominate, a little accident will fall.

"What's that?" Seeing him deny it, everyone else looked over.

"I have come to the Battlefield of the Three Realms a total of 737 times. Each time I carefully studied, my footprint has covered almost the entire battlefield!" Fu An Chaodao said.

"Seven hundred and thirty-seven times?"

Everyone froze.

The Battlefield of the Three Realms opened once in 100 million years and came to 737 times, indicating that it took at least 70 billion years, and that it could wander here without falling down. I am afraid that the strength was more than 70 billion years ago. At this point, it's no wonder that I had to fight hard to dominate the dominator, and it was indeed lonely for a long time.

Among the people, only Zi Tong did not ruin her complexion. ~. As a mountain of chaos, he lived longer than everyone else, more than 70 billion years. For Nie Yun, it was incredible. For him, but there was a spray in his life for a short time.

"Huang Tian deserves a caring person. After so many walks, I finally learned a legend!" Fu An Chao said that the eyes were showing madness and hotness in his eyes, his eyes flashed with excitement.


"Yes, the legend about becoming the master!" Fu Anchao did not continue, and then said, "Cultivation to our realm, we all know that wanting to become the master is not wishful practice, but opportunity! Get the opportunity of the false origin road!"

"Obtain the opportunity of the pseudo-origin avenue?" The bald priest frowned: "The Chaos Ocean has a specific operating rule. One supreme domain can only produce nine pseudo-origin avenues. Please indicate the source when reprinted. That is, nine can be born Lord, unless the previous one fell, it is impossible to create a new one, do you mean, let us besiege the Lord? "

Hearing his analysis, everyone else's face was drawn.

Although they are infinitely close to the master, the gap between the strength of the master and the master is too great. Even if several people join forces and try their best, it may be a trick to meet the real master. The two have different levels of life and cannot be the same. .

"The master is powerful and matchless, let alone besiege. Even if we lie here and do not fight back, we may not be able to break their defense. I am not talking about this!" Fu Anchao shook his head. The domain can have nine masters, but ... where have all the masters of Shura Supreme domain gone? "

"The Lord of the Shura Supreme Realm was killed along with the collapse of the Shura world. All the people who swept the horizon know this ..."

Zi Tong did not ruin her expression of disdain.

I thought what amazing theory the other party could say. Now it seems that this is not the case at all. The three worlds have joined forces to break through the world of Shura and countless strong people have died. This is a fact everyone knows. What is worthwhile about these things? confidential.

It's as if someone said, telling you a secret that hundreds of millions of people know, and that hundreds of millions of people know, that's also called Mao's secret!

"The master of the Shura Supreme Realm died, what about the pseudo-origin avenue on them?" It had long been guessed that everyone would have this expression, and Fu dark tide continued.

"The Supreme Realm is broken, the world's laws are gone, and these pseudo-origins naturally disappeared. This is the secret you said? It seems that there is no nutritional value!" Said the bald head.

The world is broken, and everything born will disappear with it. This is the theorem, the Shura supreme domain is annihilated, and the weapons in it cannot be used, let alone the false origin. These things must have been taken away by the chaotic ocean. How could it be allowed to exist!

Because of this, no one in the Three Realms probed the ideas of these pseudo-origins.

"Oh, it seems you have been fooled! To tell you the truth, these false origins are still there!" Fu An Chao hummed quietly, but his voice sounded like a giant bell.

"Still? Where did you hear the news? Is it accurate?"

The bald lord and others glanced at each other, each breathing shortly and glancing over.

"I said a few things, you will know! King Shura originally claimed that the four kings were the first. No one denies it! How can such a powerful man fall easily? News about the resurrection of King Shura in these years One by one, almost everyone knows that this world powerhouse will be resurrected sooner or later. It is because of this that the dominant powerhouse has the so-called three disasters and nine difficulties! Otherwise, who can kill by virtue of the power of the powerhouse. they?"


Everyone was stunned.

Although they are concerned about the resurrection of King Shura Fufu Chao. ~. No problem, but there is no way to refute the three disasters and nine difficulties.

It is a fact that everyone knows that the avenue of dominating the powerful is complete and powerful, and no one can kill each other. It is impossible unless they are killed by the powerful king.

But ... Feng Wang Qiang, who lives high in the world, will not easily shoot unless the master is too much ... In this case, where do the three disasters and nine difficulties that dominate the strong come from? Where do you start?

I am afraid that it is indeed related to the annihilated King Shura. He can really be resurrected.

"This is only the first thing and the second thing. You must have heard of the ruins of the gods in the Xieyue Supreme Realm, and some of your nephews and juniors have also gone to trial. The real core of it! Regardless of whether King Shura really died, as long as the core is there. Reprint please indicate the source. It means that Shura Supreme Realm has not been completely destroyed, that is, those false origin roads have not disappeared! "

Help the dark tide.


The crowd looked at each other, and each saw shock in their eyes.

Indeed, if the original core of the Shura Supreme Realm is not damaged and still alive, those pseudo-original avenues of the world's birth must also be there. This is a law of chaos and no one can change it.

But ... if these origins really exist, why hasn't anyone got them? Haven't heard of a new master?

"It's very simple ... these pseudo-origins were actually caught by the three kings and banned and suppressed in one place!" Fuyin Chaodao.

"Suppression and suppression? Why did the three kings do this?"

Asked one of the ghosts.

Not only is she having this problem. Sweeping the End of the World% also felt incredible.

Since the three kings are deliberately trying to kill King Shura, the false origins of his world must also be divided up, so why suppress this thing? Suppressing this is of no use to them!

"I don't know about this ... However, I have already figured out the exact location of this repressive place, and even found out how to enter it!"

Fu An Chao's eyes flickered constantly, and the excitement in his eyes couldn't be stopped.

"Where? Is it ... the Three Realms?"

The bald lord remembered something, his fist could not help.

"That's right, in this battlefield of the Three Realms! At the true core, Tianshu Pavilion!"

Fu An Chao tells the secrets he knows.

"Tianshu Pavilion?"

"Tianshu Pavilion is the core of the Three Realms battlefield. It is most likely to find the Chaos King Rune. How can the false origin be sealed here? If it is here, the Realm of Three Realms has been opened for so many years, I am afraid it has been discovered!"

Everyone was holding back.

Tianshu Pavilion is the core of the Three Realms battlefield. This is a secret that everyone knows. As long as countless strong people enter the Three Realms battlefield, here is where they must explore. If there is a so-called forgery origin, why hasn't it been discovered?

"Again. ~. If it is in Tianshu Pavilion ~ www.readwn.com ~ we can just go directly, why ask us to meet here?"

Zi Tong asked not to ruin.

"You only know one or the other! The Chaos King Fuling is indeed also in Tianshu Pavilion, but Tianshu Pavilion has a wide area. Is the two in one place?" Fuyin Chaodao.


Everyone looked at each other. Please indicate the source. Blink.

This is the truth. Although Tianshu Pavilion is known as "Pavilion", it is actually a very wide place, even if they have such strength, they have been there for ten days and a half months. Sweeping the horizon is hard to come to an end.

"As for why I asked you to come here, you only know that looking for the Chaos King Rune needs to open the Three Realms Grinding Wheel, and you need to find the Rune, but you don't know where you want to open the seal's pseudo-origin, you also need something-the broken seal wheel! Fu An Chao said this was a pause, his eyes were dazzling like the sun: "And this thing and the command sign are here!"

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