Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1581: Thunder 3

"Mi Mi ..."

The white-headed monk jumped up again, with cruel eyes in his eyes, and was about to rush over. His shoulders were tightly pulled by people, which was exactly the dark tide.

"You are eligible to join, but before you act, you must make rules. You two make a vow of chaos and obey my orders!"

Help the dark tide lightly.

"Listen to your orders? You let me commit suicide, do I still want to commit suicide?" Nie Yun waved his hand: "I can promise not to make trouble for you. In the process of going with you, I will try my best to fight. Others, all There is no guarantee that if I agree, the cooperation is successful, and I disagree, I will turn around and leave. Of course, no one knows more about your so-called exclusive secret, no wonder I am! "

Threat, * naked threat.

"Okay, okay!" Fu Anchao's face was distorted, he breathed quickly, and held his breath after a while: "I agree!"

"Can't promise ..."

The crowd did not expect such a tricky condition, and he could agree. The ghost demon Ji hurriedly yelled out, but before he finished speaking, he saw Fu Anchao lift his arm: "Did you not say that you have listened to my orders? Since this is the case, Don't say more! "


Although the hearts of all the people were unwilling, when they thought of coming out to listen to the dark tide, they all resisted their anger.

"Very good, it's a big deal!"

I thought that it would take some tongues, but I did not expect such a simple promise, Nie Yun nodded secretly.

"In the beginning, countless strong men competed in this Ghost Mountain, but didn't know what they were fighting for. In fact, the broken printing wheel showed a shocking light. Let's go. According to the information I know, the broken printing wheel is in the valley of the ghost, as far as possible before dark. Enter, otherwise, the sky is gloomy, the power of the ghost is doubled, and the difficulty is more than doubled! "

I promised the alliance, the two sides had nothing more to say, Fu dark tide was expressionless, could not see happiness or sadness, pointed forward, and flew first.

Tong Zitong did not destroy and looked at Nie Yun and flew straight behind him.

"Let's go!"

Xie Nieyun smiled at Duan, and the two followed him.

"Help the dark tide, let these two guys join and let them share a sum of money?"

Ideas fluctuated, and the bald lord's eyes flickered.

刚才 He was hurt by the other side just now, and his heart was extremely depressed. He saw Nie Yun and the two easily follow him, uncomfortable.

"These two guys are very powerful, especially the Mi, whose means are amazing. Even if I fight with him, they may not be able to kill him!" Fu Anchao's eyes flashed like a knife, his mind flashed: "Relax, I have a trick, It has not been exhibited. Once used, this guy will definitely die! However, this is not the time to do it. This trick will inevitably fall into a period of weakness, which is extremely unfavorable for us to enter the valley of ghosts. Furthermore, taking them in may be dangerous. Reduce stress! Do both! "

原来 "That's it! You seem to have a plan!"

Hearing the words of the other side, the bald lord exults, and at the same time secretly frightens.

Fufu Anchao said that he had the unique skills to be able to slay this Mi Mi, which also meant that he could also be slain.

No wonder this guy can go back and forth more than 700 times in the Three Realms battlefield without dying.

"What should we do now?" Zi Tong asked without breaking.

"It's very simple. Ignore them first, and give them the benefits. Anyway, they will be killed by me anyway. It won't matter if they are proud of it for a while. In addition, this place can be arbitrarily arbitrarily. Before passing the news out and becoming the chance to dominate, we are even more faint! After reaching the Jedi, listen to my order and see you again! "Fu Anchao slowly said:" Don't show it now, show them the flaws! "

"it is good!"

Everyone nodded at the same time.

"Sir, let's use their means to join their team, I'm afraid this group of people will have a bad heart, which is not good for us!"

I followed the crowd and saw their minds fluctuate slightly. Although I didn't know what to say, Duan also guessed a lot and showed anxiety.

"They will definitely deal with us, as long as they do not dare to do it now!" Nie Yun smiled.

Master Tian Tian's talent is to monitor the fluctuation of ideas, and the other party's conversation is reflected in his mind. Although the other party's strength is strong and the dark tide is even more mysterious, he has no fear at all.

Whenever you start, the opponent will not have much chance.

"We don't need to prepare in advance?"

Seeing Nie Yun so calm, Duan was full of doubts.

Anyway, the other person is very crowded, and they know the terrain here very well. In case of deliberately designing traps, they are really difficult to fight.

"No need, soldiers come to cover the water and cover the soil, I don't think they dare to find their own way in a short time!" Nie Yun waved his hand.

Tian Xin Teng has reached a half-step to dominate the triple territories, without fear of many people, plus beasts such as Wanli King and Xuan Chan King, even if he tears his face with the opponent and wants to beat himself, it is not so easy. It is necessary to calculate too much.

Each of the two groups had their own ideas. They were moving fast and flew straight towards the Ghost Valley.

In the process of advancement, occasionally there are ghosts and beasts infested, and their strength is not strong. Most of them are at the peak of the suzerain. The powerful ones also dominate the small three, and there is no threat to the people. They are often killed by Zitong when they appear. Hit dead.

Soon, the crowd came to a vexed valley.

Although the sun is bright outside, the valley is densely covered with shame, making people shudder, and the thunder below is violent and loud.

"The ghost is most afraid of thunder and lightning. Here the anger is so strong that it attracts thunder. The first thing we have to face is not the ghost, but these thunder and lightning. We must pass through the thunder zone at the fastest speed! First, we must not let The thunder and lightning are on the body, otherwise, the thunder pool will roll over, and the half-step dominated the major three will also be burned to ashes. Second, the thunder and lightning will cause too much movement and will be discovered by the ghosts. It will be very dangerous if it has not entered the attention! So try to follow my orders and don't do it alone! "

Xifu Anchao gave a solemn explanation, his wrists shook, and a lotus seat suddenly appeared.

"Everyone stand on the rosette!"

I finished talking first and then went up.

Bian Nieyun glanced, seeing that the rosette was not a weapon, but a special life. Knowing that the other party did not dare to use any means at this time, He Duan Yi also fell on it.


Fufu Dark Tide also knows the weight, there is no small movement, the huge lotus wraps the people inside, the rosette gently shakes, and rushes towards the thunder pond below.

Let's sizzle!

As soon as Lotus came into contact with Thunder, the thunder pool suddenly boiled and the thunder was full.

电 These electric awns are completely different from those seen before. They are dark black. Each pass is like a knife and axe, and hits the lotus fiercely, shaking everyone's head.

"Why is this lightning so strong?"

The ghost ghost demon Ji is known as ghost charm and has special fear of lightning. When he sees such powerful power in front of him, his face becomes pale, and his eyes are incredible.

Their strength, they have already realized the thunder and lightning avenue, ordinary lightning, there is no fear at all, they can swim without fear, why is the lightning here completely different, so gloomy and terrible?

"This is the" Three Realm Lightning Penalty ", second only to the strongest" Chaos Lightning Penalty! "It is the combination of the three strongest lightening penalties in the three supreme domains ~ www.readwn.com ~ half step to dominate the big three strong, slightly If you accidentally fall into it, the soul will be scattered and difficult to maintain! Be careful, this is just the easiest layer to pass through thunder and lightning. The most terrible is the thunder beast behind. The whole body is composed of thunder and lightning, and each end has strength not weaker than ours. , There is no sage, only attacks, so be careful! "

Help the dark tide face dignified.

"Second to chaotic thunder punishment?" Everyone was shocked, even Nie Yun looked dignified.

Chaos Thunder Penalty is the punishment of Chaos for those who do not obey the Chaos Oath. Unless it reaches the level of dominance, the Three Thousand Avenues is complete. It will not fall when encountering this kind of Thunder Penalty, but it is inevitable.

I dominate the Lord, let alone other people, even if Nie Yun's strength is met, it will only disappear and the spirit will disappear.

It is because Chaos Thunder Penalty possesses such a terrible power that Chaos vow has such a great effect. Otherwise, how can it restrict so many strong people, people dare not swear at will.

三 This three-world thunder penalty is second only to chaotic thunder penalty. Although they cannot be destroyed, they are also very scary.

"It's Ben Lei, how come so fast?"

In the nervous eyes of everyone, the rosette flew down for a while, and suddenly the dark tide changed his face and pointed straight ahead.




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadows Group @ 天若有情 gwj". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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