Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1582: Ben Lei

"Benlei beast?"

Bian Nieyun looked down, and she also saw unusual.

I saw not far away, and the dark gray thunder and lightning gathered together to form a huge **** beast. His eyes were as cold as ice, without any feelings, sharp fangs, and cold iron claws, which would be fatal to attack at any time.

Especially the power of this beast of thunder, although the power of thunder and lightning was raging madly before it came, the lotus on the lotus seat seemed to be torn at any time, causing people to fall into crisis.

"Can this rosette be blocked? What should I do?"

Seeing Ben Lei beast approaching gradually, Ghost Demon Ji asked a little nervously.

In such a thundering thunder, they have exerted all the means and suffered at most, but they can certainly escape, they may not!

He is known as ghost charm and cultivates the techniques of excess yin. Once encountering thunder, it will inevitably become the target of criticism and it is difficult to escape.

"This rosette was obtained by me in a chaotic world. The world and chaos nourish, known as the world's first treasure. After I refine it, it nourishes my heart and keeps it moisturized for thousands of years. In terms of defense alone, it is only better than dominating the defense soldier It ’s a little bit worse and should be able to block these Ben Lei beasts. However, there is no absolute thing in the world. These Ben Lei beasts seem to be much stronger than I calculated. It ’s hard to say if they can be blocked! ”

Fu Fu's dark tide face is not good-looking.

I entered this place in advance, and he prepared in advance. This rosette was prepared in advance, but I never dreamed that the thunder beast in this thunder pool was so terrible, beyond imagination.


As soon as the chanting voice fell, the lotus seat had already flown over the stable area and came to the Ben Lei beast. The huge beast composed of thunder and lightning was waving a huge fist and hammering out.

Just a moment, the lotus over the crowd withered and shattered at any time.

"adhere to!"

Fu Fu's face turned red, gnashed his teeth, a drop of fine blood flew from his fingertips, and flew straight to the rosette, a long breath, showing that the withered lotus flower was bright again.


However, this vividness lasted for less than half a breath, and accompanied by a furious roar of the Thundered Beast, it was again grayed by lightning.

The force of violent rampant was running unceasingly, the lotus began to wither, even if there was blood to help the dark tide, it seemed to be of little use.

"Oops, these Benlei beasts are too strong to last long ..."

Xu Fu's dark tide looks finally disappeared before the calmness.

No wonder no matter how many powerful people came to this ghost valley, they were completely annihilated. This thunder pool alone would be difficult to pass.

"I'll try to block these thunder and lightning, you can run away!"

I saw the lotus withering one by one. The entire rosette would collapse at any time and become waste. Zitong raised her eyebrows without breaking her eyebrows.

"Well, please!"

This is not the time to tangled these, Fu An tide nodded.


Lotus opened, Zi Tong did not destroy "嗖!" Channeled out.

"Little Thunder also wants to block us and dream!"

After a violent drink, Zi Tong entered the Thunder Pond without breaking the body, and his body immediately changed dramatically. His skin turned into a stone with iron cyan, and the whole man stood like a mountain standing, blocking countless thunder and lightning.

Xun Zitong's unbreakable body is a chaotic **** mountain, and the body is rock. Although the lightning strikes of the Three Realms of the sky are severely harmed, they cannot be harmed in a short time.


One Ben Lei beast screamed and rushed over, grabbing Zitong without ruining it.

Tong Zitong was not afraid of destroying her body, she became wider, and tore with the other side. The sky thunder and lightning rolled like a python, and time and space no longer existed here, as if all were destroyed by thunder and lightning.

"Come on!"

Yu Zitong did not destroy the Ben Lei beast, everyone was relieved, and the dark tide hurriedly urged the rosette to continue to fly down.

As for whether Zitong will be destroyed or not, everyone is not worried. The physical body of this guy is comparable to dominating the soldiers. These thunder and lightning are not easy to kill.


The Lily hasn't gone far, and an angry roar rang out in front of the crowd, only one glance, everyone's pupils shrank.

I saw another Ben-Lei beast not far away, stronger and fiercer than the previous one.

Generally speaking, this level of the Three Realms Thunder Penalty can only give birth to one Ben Lei beast, two in a thunder pool, no one expected.

"How to do?"

At this time, Zi Tong is not destroying and is fighting with another Ben Lei beast. She cannot be separated. If the rosette is attacked again, everyone is likely to be trapped.


The voice did not fall, the Ben Lei beast rushed in front of it, grabbed the huge palm, the lotus on the top was torn several times at once, several dark black thunder and lightning surged in, and when I touched everyone, I felt a burst Sour Ma.

Yun Nieyun and others were able to block it by virtue of their strength. The ghosts and ghosts Ji were embarrassed. Just a moment, the blood spewed out and suffered a minor injury.

"I'm going to block it!"

Seeing this situation, Fu Anchao looked dignified, and flew up as soon as he stood up.

Among the remaining people, he is the strongest. If he does n’t take any action, the ghost ghost sister Ji Sister will die here. Although the sisters are not so good in the thunder pool, they still need to contact the ghost. Where it depends, it must not be allowed to fall here.

"Let's come, you take everyone out of here first!"

I still hadn't rushed out. Fu Yanchao was held down by the shoulders and turned around to see that it was the Mi who threatened to come over.

"You?" Fu Anchao stunned.

大家 "Everyone is to become the master, so don't divide so much at this time, mutual cooperation is the king!"

Xie Nieyun smiled slightly, her body stretched out, and she swam out of the rosette like a fish, rushing towards the giant beast in front of her.


Seeing Nie Yun's shot, Fu Anchao hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and drove the rosette to continue to fly down.


Xie Nieyun asked for the initiative, not only helping the tide was surprised, even Duan did not understand what was going on, his eyes blinked, his face was strange.

According to his understanding of Nie Yun, the latter is not an emotional person, why did this shot?

"He must have his own plans, nothing will happen!"

He did not know why Nie Yun decided this way, but Duan was not in a hurry because he was trusting him.

As he suspected, Nie Yun did have his own plans.

According to his personality, as long as the dark tide is not dead, no one else will die, and they will never care about their lives. The reason for the shot is not the overflow of sympathy, but the dark black lightning that just hit him. For him Instead of the pain of tearing, there is an illusion of tempering the flesh.

At the beginning of the floating world, he did not realize the talent of the thunderbolt, but through the thunderbolt, he created the thrill of Thunder Kyushu. Now he has the talent of thunderbolt. Although these thunderbolts are terrible, they cannot hurt his roots.


He rushed out of the lotus seat, and Nie Yun rushed directly to the huge Ben Lei beast in front of him, the figure fell into the dark thunder.

Let's get rid of it!

The black thunderbolt fell on the body, and Nie Yun's entire body was immediately shrouded in current, and the muscles of the whole body were bursts of soreness. From the inside to the outside, the bones and souls revealed a special taste.


Seeing his movements, the thunder beast in front of him saw fierce light, and his thick palms turned into fists, and he was severely pressed down.


I felt this force coming ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun hurriedly raised his hands, trying to block it, only to feel that the heavens and earth fell into a sink, and the whole person seemed to fall into the darkness of night.

"Awesome guy!"

Suddenly, Weng woke up from the darkness, and Nie Yun appeared dignified.

He can bring his soul and spirit into psychedelic state. Although this Ben Lei beast has no intelligence, the fighting means is very powerful.

No wonder it makes Fu An Chao so vigilant, this guy is really terrible!

"Hey, as long as you don't have the wisdom, I can deal with it, accept the world, close!"

As soon as the spirit moved, the master-level soul immediately enveloped the big monster in front of him, and hummed gently, and the Benlei beast was taken into the world of objects by him.

As long as the other party does not have spiritual intelligence, it is a dead thing. For a dead thing, as long as the soul is strong enough, it can be included in the thing world.

At this time, the world of holding things is very solid, and it is easy to deal with this class of Benlei beasts.


Ben Lei beast was taken into the world of objects, and its location was immediately swallowed by the sky lightning, and outsiders could not see what happened.

Ps: Two chapters are over!




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadows Group @ 天若有情 gwj". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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