Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1583: 3 levels


Xie Nieyun and the giant Ben Thunder beast appeared at the same time.

"Since you're here, don't struggle, be a good little sheep!"

Seeing Ben Lei beast raging, it seems that he did not know what happened at all, Nie Yun smiled slightly, his finger forward.


The beast's violent power dissipated immediately, being meek like a sheep.

"Thin lines of power, temper the flesh!"

一点 A little more, Ben Lei Beast turned into a thin line of thunder and lightning, drilled into his body, and continued to temper the flesh.

"It's safe to practice here in the future ..."

Nie Yun smiled gently.

If you are outside, even if you can defeat this Ben Lei beast, it will cost a lot of money to integrate it into the body, and it is completely different here.

He is the only master in the world of admirable things. As long as he enters it, let the other party do whatever it takes.

Let's sizzle!

The thick thunder and lightning constantly flowed on him, blending into every cell in the body.

The thorium was quenched by these powerful thunder and lightning, and each cell was as bright as a jade, as bright as a diamond.

"The strength has increased a lot, although there is still a certain distance from the physical body, but it is not too much ..."

Exhaling breath, Nie Yun opened her eyes, watching the changes in her body, and secretly amazed.

The Thunder of the Three Realms was really terrible, and his physical body was greatly tempered. Although he was almost close to the so-called dominating physical body, his strength improved again.

I'm a pity. The Beast of the Thunder is the purest thunder and lightning gathering of the Three Realms Thunder, far beyond the thunder pool outside, and the physical body has made this progress. It would be useless to devour more Thunder.

"These thunderbolts are good things, they are released suddenly, and the power is not small, especially the ghosts and monsters are so scared, they really want to turn their faces and use them suddenly, they can definitely kill these two women instantly!"

Although the ocean of thunder in the air has been of little use to him. But it was still a good thing, and his body appeared again in the thunder pool. As soon as he grabbed the palm of his hand, the water in the thunder pool tens of thousands of kilometers in front of him collapsed completely and he was collected into the world of things.

I have so many thunder and lightning, I will not be afraid to cast Thunder Kyushu in the future, and the power will be more powerful.

"Let's go!"

I took so much thunder and lightning. It was enough for him to spend time, and with the enhancement of the world of possessions, this kind of thunder and lightning can be copied by himself later, too lazy to continue collecting, his body turned and flew straight down.

He did not fight with Ben Lei beast for a long time, and after a short time, he saw Fu Tanchao and others riding in the lotus seat not far away.


I was about to fly by, heard a roar behind me, and turned my head. Seeing that Zi Tong flew over without destroying her steps, although she was not harmed, she looked very embarrassed. All messy.

Wu Zitong didn't ruin it. It seemed strange to see him wandering in the thunder pond, but then turned into anxiety.

Seeing his appearance, Nie Yun looked back, only to discover that he had not been defeated by the Benlei beast just now. Right now he was following, aggressive. More violent than just now.

I may feel that Nie Yun killed his companion, the arc flickers constantly, the power is radiated everywhere, and the power is several times stronger.

"You go first, I'll deal with this guy!"

He laughed, and Nie Yun's body shook. When he came to Zi Tong and did not destroy him, his hands were like the sky, and he grabbed it.


When I saw him coming, Zitong was grateful not to ruin it, knowing that his strength rushed at this time was also chaotic, and gritted his teeth to catch up with the rosette.


I looked up again and saw that Nie Yun and the Ben Lei beast had disappeared into the black thunderbolt and could no longer be seen.


After helping dozens of dark tides, he didn't dare to stop, and accelerated again. After dozens of breaths, everyone felt loose, the thunder and lightning disappeared, and finally escaped from the thunder pool.

"Wait a minute!"

Out of Leichi, they didn't leave in a hurry to help the dark tide.


Everyone nodded at the same time.

If it were n’t for this Mi, just now everyone would encounter great troubles even if the entire army would not be overwhelmed. They were extremely embarrassed. Although the two groups were still in opposition, the contradiction was resolved by this matter.


After taking more than ten breaths, Nie Yunfei came out, and saw that they did not leave, with some surprises.

"how about it?"

Seeing that he was extremely clean, without any embarrassment, Zi Tong did not ask for a strange question.

He has played against that Ben Lei beast, even if he is difficult to counteract the change of body, how does this person look so relaxed right now?

"I escape faster!"

Nie Yun did not say much, looked down.

Out of the thunderclouds of Thunder Pool, the crowds have entered the Valley of Souls, and they are creepy everywhere.

This gloom is different from the ordinary cold, but a kind of attacking force on the soul. The supreme peak of the suzerain suddenly encounters it, and I am afraid that it will be directly eroded by the cold into an idiot and a dead soul.

"Ghost Valley has three levels, according to the information I probed. The first one is called Ghost Soul. It is guarded by eight powerful ghosts. It belongs to a wooden bridge. It is surrounded by broken passages. Once it enters, it is immediately transmitted to others. Place, this place is life or death, no one knows, anyway into it, never came out alive again! "

"The second one is Dinghunpo, which is also guarded by a strong ghost, and that place is extremely weird and has the power to tear the soul! You must be careful!"

"The third is the final level. The broken seal wheel and the spirit-seeking charm are both inside. What is the specific place? Because no one has entered it, I haven't figured it out, I can only take one step at a time!"

After experiencing the danger just now, Fu An Chao knew that if he concealed it, everyone would fall into a crisis and tell all he knew.

"Three levels? You don't say this is the place where the ghosts gather. How can there be relevant cards, have some people designed them to let others come in?" Nie Yun was weird.

According to the normal situation, if the strong man died and formed a ghost, it should not be related to cards.

"I don't know this either. I can only go in and do it to know the answer!" Fu Anchao shook his head and, to be honest, he was a little confused when he heard these things for the first time.

If this place is really a place where ghosts gather after the war, how can it be related to cards?

"It may be the way the ghost chooses the king!" The elder sister in Ghost Demon Ji suddenly said.

"Choose the King?" Everyone stunned at the same time.

"The strong die and become a ghost. Although they will lose their original will, over time, they will also be able to give birth to new ideas. Because of competition, the so-called kings will be selected! It is very likely that these levels are designed by these ghosts. Pass, it is their king, all the ghosts are waiting for orders! "

Sister Xi slowly said.

They know more about ghosts, and those who do not know it are impossible to hear.

"In this way, if we can pass all the relevant cards, we can also become the ghost king?" Nie Yundao.

当然 "Of course not, you must have a ghost! With so many ghosts, at most only one king can be seen, which shows the difficulty. I do n’t want to be so easy to get past!"

Sister Xi was worried.

For her words, the crowd did not refute, the channel of the ghost king is definitely not the average person can pass, but if you want to find the order sign, break the seal wheel, you can only go through it.

"Fu dark tide, you should be prepared in advance!"

The bald lord looked over.

Since Fu Anchao already knew that two of the three levels ~ www.readwn.com ~ should have been prepared in advance, just like the previous Lotus Terrace, it seems to be used to deal with the Three Realms Thunder.

"It's ready, but I don't know if it will be useful. I just heard about the specific situation here and did not see it for myself!"

Fufu Undercurrent was also not sure, and exhaled: "Let's go and stay here, it's definitely useless!"

He grabbed the palm of his hand with the palm of his hand and helped the dark tide fly forward.

I didn't know that when they came, the noise was not big enough. Maybe it wasn't discovered. At this moment, the Ghost Valley wasn't as terrible as imagined. It was full of ghosts, but quiet.

Anyway, there is only one way for the Ghost Valley, and everyone is not afraid to lose, and they fly slowly behind.

越 The deeper the accompaniment goes, the heavier the yin will be, and the more people will feel the chill from deep inside.

冇 "No, everyone stops first!"

Suddenly, Nie Yun shouted.

"what happened?"

"We have walked for more than ten minutes. According to the speed, millions of miles have been passed, but now I have seen nothing. Don't you think it is strange?"

Nie Yun's eyebrows frowned and his face was slightly heavy.




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadows Group @ 天若有情 gwj". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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