Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1584: Weird

This Ghost Soul Valley is n’t that big on the outside. It ’s at most 10,000 miles wide. Everyone has entered it and it ’s definitely gone no less than a million miles. But the situation in front of it has n’t changed at all. Weird.

Nie Yun dominates the level of soul, penetrates the heavens, and can observe everything around him in detail. Even a small dust and a gravel can see clearly. Although the fog surrounding him is deceiving his spirit, he walked for so long. To be sure, nothing has changed!

This is different from the scene just entering the realm of the Dao, but it is definitely not a divided space.

"The valley may be shrouded in a small world. There should be no problem!"

Fu An Chao looked for a while and found nothing, said.

Many places have small worlds. The valley looks small outside and the inside is extremely wide. This is likely to be the case, not a big deal.

"No, not a small world ..."

Nie Yun shook his head.

It is definitely not as simple as the small world. He has refined so many worlds, and has a world of objects in his body. He has natural sensitivity to the small world. If he enters the small world, he must be very clear.

"You think more, what could be wrong here? Hurry up and stay here for an extra second, I feel uncomfortable ..."

The bald sneer sneered, and when his body stretched, he was about to come out.

"Slow, Lord Bald, how do you look ... how has it changed?"

When they saw the bald head monk who came to the front, everyone's face changed at the same time.

I saw the head of the bald lord now had white hair full of his head, and I did not know when it turned black. The whole person seemed to be several decades younger. His face wore a turquoise light, weird indescribable.

"My face?"

The bald saint stunned and his spirit swept away. As his face changed, a panic appeared in his pupils: "This ... how is this possible ... I ... I ..."

I can't say anything, I don't know if it's nervous or what.

In order to reach a half-step to dominate the big three, Xiu is well-known in the top 100, and his spirit must be extremely strong. At this time, he is panicked like a child, making people feel unbelievable.

"Blackening your hair means you are young. Is there anything to panic about?"

Duan Yidao.

Darkening hair is a good thing, does anyone still want to keep it gray?

"No ... my blood is different from ordinary people, born with white hair ... as long as my hair becomes black. It means ... I am going to die soon!"

The Bald Lord's voice was sharp and completely different from that just now, as if holding his throat, like a hoarse zombie, making people creepy.

"Dying soon?"

The scalp exploded.

This is too weird.

"Our strength has reached this level. As long as it is not killed, it will be almost immortal, and there will be no problem ..." Seeing that the head of the bald lord lost his heart, it was easy to be attacked by the ghost, and Fu Anchao hurried to drink.

But before his voice fell, he heard the sound of Yinxiancao.

"Well, I'm going to die anyway, so take your funeral together!"

Everyone immediately saw the strange blue on the face of the bald lord, and the eyes of the whole man were distorted. A weird smell spit out of his mouth, like a sword. With the bitter coldness, the black hair on the head suddenly became longer, like a whip, with a treacherous laugh, suddenly extended like a crowd.

"Baldhead, what are you upset about?"

Fu An Chao did not expect that this guy suddenly shot, the means were weird, like a zombie, could not help but startled, and sighed coldly.

Everyone is an alliance, even if there are any problems, you should not directly attack them!

"He's controlled by the ghost, everyone be careful!"

In the face of the opponent's sudden shot, Nie Yun pointed out as a sword and stabbed forward. The mang shot blasted. The black hair of the bald lord broke and fell to the ground, turning into a twisted snake, whimpering. The sound of ghosts crying.

"Do it!"

In fact, without Nie Yun's explanation, Fu An Chao also thought of it, and his heart was shocked.

For so many years, the bald lord had been in the Three Realms for so many years, and the strong man with such a famous name was controlled by the ghosts as soon as he entered. Even they felt weird and gave birth to a deep chill from the bottom of their hearts.


Several people shot at the same time, the Lord Bald was not an opponent at all, a sword flashed, and the head of the Bald fell to the ground.

"You wait, I will kill you ..."

With a scream, the bald headed man who had lost his head suddenly fled and fled, disappearing in front of everyone.

His movement was extremely fast, and everyone did not respond. When he was found, he had disappeared into the psychedelic mist and could no longer be seen.

"What's going on? Why did the bald lord become like this?"

The bald lord fled, and everyone felt dull. What happened just now?

"What happened to me? Why didn't you leave?"

The frustration of the crowd had not yet disappeared. A laughter sounded. When they heard this sound, everyone's scalp exploded at the same time, hurriedly turned around, and saw the white-headed monk standing behind them with a smile on his face. Never left.


Nie Yun and others took a step back.

Just now, the bald lord had been severed by his sword, and fled away. His head was still added, his eyes were round and glaring to death. Why was there another?

"What's wrong? What do you mean?"

Seeing the crowd slashing, a strange color flashed in the eyes of the bald lord, as if it was not clear what was going on.

"You have black hair just now, and you are still doing it to us. What the **** is going on?"

Fu Anchao hurried to drink.

"Hair is black? What's a joke? My hair will turn black only after I die, won't you say I'm dead ..."

His Holiness shook his head, his face couldn't believe it, at this time his hair was as white as snow, completely different from before.

"Only death will turn black? Did you just see you after death?"

The younger sister in Ghost Demon suddenly said.

Hearing this, the crowd exploded at the same time, creeping.

"Me after death, what am I after death?"

His Holiness had a strange expression on his face. It seemed that he didn't know anything about it.

"Is he real? I'll check to see!"

Nie Yun saw that everyone was suspicious, strange and inexplicable, and some didn't know what to do. His eyebrows frowned, and he stretched out his hands and grabbed the head of the bald head.

The spiritual power of the master level matches the strength of the hand and spreads forward, covering the Bald Lord.

"What are you doing?"

The bald lord's face changed, and he retreated back and forth, trying to make a shot, but felt that his whole body was strangled by a rope, unable to resist.

"Mi Mi ..."

Fu Anchao did not expect that he would do it directly. If his face changed, he would help.

In any case, they have not completely merged into one camp, and the bald lord is his person.

"Shut up if you don't want to die here!"

Nie Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense at this moment, and his whole body fired, blocking the dark tide immediately, and a black lightning spread along the meridian of Whitehead.

If you want to break the evil charm, the Thunder of the Three Realms he collected will definitely have the best effect. If the guy in front of you is fake, he will certainly not be able to bear it.


It seemed to feel that Nie Yun was not malicious, but just tempted. The bald lord stopped his resistance, and the black lightning turned around in his body and flew out without any change.


Nie Yun released his control of the Bald Lord.

"He's okay, it should be true ..." Nie Yun's face was low. "Now it's true. What did we see just now?"

Confirmed by thunder and lightning, the person in front of him must be real, but ... this is true. What was that black hair just now?

"Look, what is that?"

Suddenly, the scream of the sister in Ghost Demon Ji sounded.

The voice was too anxious, like a **** holding his throat.


Listening to her voice was weird and anxious, everyone hurriedly looked forward, and saw where the head of the black-haired and white-headed prince was just now ~ www.readwn.com ~ I do n’t know when a huge mirror appeared, flashing clearly, changing everyone All in it.

Looking at himself, Nie Yun's face changed.

I saw myself in the mirror, blood on his face, eyes whitening, and seemed to have been dead for many years.

"Does it feel weird?"

Suddenly a misty voice came out, and everyone looked up. I saw Duan also wondering when he was standing in front of the mirror, dancing charmingly, and looking at the dim light around him, his face was pale, without a trace of blood, like makeup. Dead body.

PS: Two chapters are over! Lao Ya found that he still has the potential to write spiritual literacy. . In addition to the spiritual event that happened last night, Laoya's mobile phone was placed in the bedroom, and the person was in the living room. The phone rang and was too lazy to answer it. It only rang a few times. I walked to the bedroom while chatting with my friends, came to my phone, just picked up the phone, and heard my friend's voice coming out of my phone. Turning around, my daughter-in-law's phone was hung up. . . .

Scared me that I did n’t sleep well all night, hey, the phone is haunted? (To be continued ...)

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