Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1585: Broken mirror

A sudden mirror mirrored the looks of everyone after death. A big man stood in front of him and danced. His face was like a corpse. No matter from which point, it caused people to have deep fear from the heart.

"Duan Yi, what's wrong with you?"

Even if Nie Yun's heart is like steel, she still feels a severe cold, and she screams loudly in front of her charming and charming face.

The sound of Xian sounded like a fairy sound, like a thunder and thunder, bursting loudly and blasting the eardrums.

"What's wrong with me? I'm fine, just comb my hair ... Should I also comb?"

Duan Yi's pale face didn't have any expression. His bright red lips opened and closed, revealing the dark teeth, and his eyes were obviously mocking. During the conversation, the dark eyes suddenly shed blood, which was drawn on the white face. The strangeness makes people goosebumps involuntarily born.

"Comb your sister!" Zi Tong suddenly sank without breaking her face, screamed loudly, and the iron-blue palm slammed to Duan.

"Don't kill him ..."

I saw his action with a strong killing, it seemed to move, Nie Yun shouted quickly.

Anyway, Duan is also his subordinate. When he is killed by others, he becomes lonely and has no advantage in this group of people.

Alas, Nie Yun stopped before the shout was over.

I saw Zi Tong came to Duan Yi without breaking her violent palms, and passed through his body without any pause.

Under normal circumstances, Duan is not Zitong's undefeated opponent. Such a violent force can only dodge or escape. Don't dodge now, let the palm force pass through the body, weird that can't be said.

"Ah ... my hand ..."

I was just wondering. Zi Tong in front of her did not destroy a roar, and panic appeared in her eyes.

Only then did everyone find out that the section he attacked did not know when it had disappeared. Zi Tong's unscathed palm was now inserted in the mirror, as if he had fallen into a quagmire, and could not pull it out no matter how hard he tried.

The hand in his mirror is completely different from his palm, it turns out to be Duan Yi's palm!


Everyone's scalp exploded.

一切 Everything before me. It's incredible beyond imagination.

"Ah ... don't pull me ..."

的 The palms in the mirror dance. Doing tug-of-war action, she kept pulling Zitong without ruining her face, panicked, and moved her body involuntarily.

Sunda is the Chaos God Mountain. The strength shook the Three Realms. Even if Nie Yun might not be able to overcome by strength alone, now he was constantly pulled forward by a palm in the mirror, and everyone only felt that the spine was cold and sweaty, soaking his clothes.


In the mirror, Zi Tong's undestructed appearance appeared. His eyes were pale, with the color of crickets, and his body was full of weapons. Blood flowed continuously from the wound, and treacherous laughter pierced the soul.


寒 A cold mang flashed.

Tong Zitong's unbreakable arm was chopped down.

When Nie Yun was immediately pulled into the mirror without being destroyed, Nie Yun shot.

The strong man frowned. Cutting his arm with one sword was tantamount to saving his life.


Xun Zitong stepped back a few steps without ruining, his face paled, and the whole person was a bit prostrate, but he still looked at Nie Yun with gratitude in his eyes.

He knows too. If it was just now that the man was right away, cut his arm. I'm afraid I'm in the mirror now, and life and death can't be controlled by myself.


I took a sip of stale air and wriggled my body, and the broken arm grew again.

To reach such a point, Xiu Xiu's broken arm was not difficult, and it took a bit of energy at most.

Squeak! Squeak!

Just as everyone was feeling resolute for Nie Yun, a crisp sound suddenly came from the mirror in front of them, and when they looked up, everyone was creepy again.

I saw the image of Ghost Demon Sister Ji at this moment, holding Zi Tong's arm that did not destroy the chopped, and creaked and kept eating.

Eat raw meat!

Everyone's scalp exploded.

Xie Nieyun hurriedly looked at the two sisters standing on one side, and sure enough she saw the younger sister who was not far away before.

"younger sister……"

Sister Xi was panicked and wanted to rush over, but she dared not to die, her eyes were full of panic.


I saw her sister so anxious, her sister grinned and exposed her white teeth. Although she didn't speak, the meaning was obvious. She wanted her sister to eat the same arm that Zitong did not destroy.

"There is something wrong with this mirror, everyone will join hands to destroy this mirror, and it will definitely rescue your sister!"

Nie Yun flashed Hui Jian in her brain, cut off the negative emotions in her heart, and sang loudly.

The things in front of me are beyond imagination, weird and outrageous. However, what is certain is that the ghosts here must be the cause of trouble. If we continue to let the other party dominate, I am afraid that everyone will die here.

"Mi Mi said it right, there is something wrong with this mirror. Don't look at it. Shoot together and use the strongest attack!"

Fufu Undercurrent also understood and yelled loudly.

Among the puppet crowds, the two of them are the strongest. At least it seems that they can still stay awake, but at the current weird look, if they don't shoot as soon as possible, they will not be able to hold on.

"But my sister is still inside ..."

The elder sister of Ghost Demon Ji shouted quickly.

妹妹 Her sister is now in the mirror. If she is destroyed, she may die in it.

"Do you have any other way to save her?" Fu An Chaodao said.

Sister Xi shook her head.

"That's good, do it!"

Zhifu Anchao knows that time is not waiting for others, and no longer cares about other people's views, grabbing the palms of his hands, the strength converges into a sword, and the volley breaks into the mirror in front of him.

Nie Yun didn't hesitate. The spear turned and the power shot out.

The two superpowers joined forces to attack, and the power landed like a tornado. The force that came from them rushed directly into the mirror with the thunder force.

当 啷!

When the mirror was touched by this power, it immediately broke and disappeared directly. The illusion in front of the crowd also lost its trace, and there was no shadow at all.


The mirror was broken, and the two figures fell off. It was the former Duan Yi and the younger sister of Ghost Demon Ji.

"How's it going?"

Seeing the two looked up in confusion, Nie Yun walked over to ask.

Before she came to her, she moved quickly and retreated, and then saw a cold ray coming straight.

I saw Duan Yi's eyes red, and a chaotic soldier in his hand pierced Nie Yun's throat.


Xu's face sank, his fingers greeted him, and when he touched his weapon, the peak Chaos soldiers shattered and pressed gently, and Duan Yi knelt to the ground.

He wasn't Nie Yun's opponent before, and now he can't beat him.

"Thunder Bomb!"

Knowing that Duan must have been attacked by the ghost, he made such a move. Nie Yun's palm flashed a thunder, and a dark black thunderbolt rushed past, blinking, and entered his body.

Let's get rid of it!

As if the smell of the corpse came out, a scream screamed, a gray shadow sprang out of him, and the ghost screamed out.

I am a ghost!

阴 This ghost was hidden in Duan Yi's Shihai, controlled his body, and was forced out under the power of Nie Yun's three realms of thunder and punishment.


When he saw that he wanted to run away, Nie Yun flicked his fingers, and a rush of lightning rushed over and wrapped it in.


Blink of an eye ~ www.readwn.com ~ black shadow turned to ashes under the attack of lightning.

One thing fell into another. Although these ghosts are powerful, invincible and creepy, they have a natural fear of the Three Realms Thunder. When they encounter them, they will immediately turn into smoke and disappear completely.

"grown ups……"

Wu Yin soul was removed, Duan Yi's eyes recovered soberly, and he looked over in doubt.

"I just looked in the mirror just now, but I just felt that my eyes were blurry, so I didn't know anything, what happened?" Duan Yi didn't even know what was happening just now.

As soon as his spirit moved, he passed on what had just happened to his mind, and Nie Yun didn't say much when he came to the ghost ghost demon Ji sister, with a little finger, the thunder power turned into a thin line into the opponent's body.

The ghost ghost demon Ji practiced the cold and cold method, and he was afraid of thunder. Nie Yun couldn't do anything about it. He had suppressed thunder with the greatest means.


Even so, Ghost Demon Sister Ji still couldn't bear it, and a blood spurted out.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing this scene, Sister Ghost Demon Ji's face sank suddenly, her eyebrows raised, she screamed, rushed over, and the hand of the jade hand rolled with strength like rain, converging into a long sword, stabbing.

Hey (Chapter 1 is early today ... hehe!)




[Unfinished To Be Continued [This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj]. If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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