Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1586: Prophecy


Seeing Ghost Demon Sister Ji's actions, Fu Anchao gave a cold drink, and her forefinger pinched in the past.

The combined strength of the two ghosts and demon monsters can be comparable to Fu dark tide. The single one is still too much. Jianmang is like a twisted snake at the fingertips of the latter.

"What are you doing? Don't you see him trying to kill my sister?"

The elder sister was stopped by her own, flushed with anger, and yelling.

"You're awake, he's saving people!" Fu Anchao blocked the opponent's sword and retracted his palm.

"Save people ..."

The older sister looked at Nie Yun.

"If I want to kill, the two of you can't support my three moves together!" Nie Yun turned his head, his gaze was like electricity: "If you don't want me to save, I can't do it!"

After taking a step back, I didn't go to see my sister lying on the ground.

At this time, the younger sister's white complexion was twisted, her skin twitched, and two sharp cavities grew from her lips, looking abominable and terrible.

It seems that if it is not treated again, it is likely to be completely taken away by the ghost and become a monster that is neither human nor ghost.

"Master Mi, it's my recklessness, please save my sister!" Seeing this scene, the sister understood it, her teeth clenched, and came forward.


Nie Yun is too lazy to talk nonsense to the other party, and the other party will die if he dies. There is a half dime relationship with him. It does n’t matter if he saves or not. With a cold hum, came to me again.


My sister saw him over. Suddenly, like a hungry wolf, sharp fangs want to insert into Nie Yun's blood vessels.

Facing each other's actions. Nie Yun did not hide, his fingertips flickered, and he lightly passed.

At every click, the ghost ghost demon sister Ji took a step back and shocked, three times in a row, a black blood spouted, and a shadow was the same as the previous paragraph. Shoot out from her.


With the first experience, the second one was a lot simpler, and an electric light flickered. The shadow was burned to ashes.


My sister lay on the ground and passed out.

Looking at it like this, she sustained more injuries than Duan.

"Sister ..." The sister came and glanced at her sister, seeing her just hurt. Relieved. Looking up to Nie Yun with gratitude: "Thank you ..."

In the face of her gratitude, Nie Yun didn't care, and looked at Fu Anchao: "The mirror is broken. I'm afraid the other party will have more actions. Let's go!"

"Huh!" Fu Anchao also knew the crisis and nodded.

What happened was too weird, even if his mind was iron, he still had panic. I really don't know what the other opponent's powerful moves are.


Everyone made a decision and was about to leave. The grey scene in front of me suddenly changed, and a straight passage suddenly appeared in front of me.

The passage is straight and slender, and the end is not visible. The sides are shrouded in mist, and nothing can be seen. Only the faint sobbing sound can be heard faintly, making the hairs explode.

"Look, there is a stele ahead!"

The crowd looked at each other, walked along the road, walked for a while, and suddenly Zi Tong did not destroy the road ahead.

Following the direction of his finger, it turned out that in the middle of the curved passage, a black stone monument stood quietly not far away, emitting a cold cold light.

"Everyone be careful!" Fu Anchao exhaled, took out the weapon and held it in his palm.

Ghost Demon Ji supported her sister and followed closely behind.

Although they are lame people in the Three Realms who slammed through the party, they are just like ordinary people here, and dare not show any difference.

The weirdness before had made them aware of the terribleness of these ghosts, and they dare not care about them one by one.

If anyone is the most calm, I am afraid that Nie Yun has absorbed the thunder and lightning of the Three Realms Thunder, which is just able to restrain the ghost. Although the scene in front of us is strange, it has the least influence on him.

However, one should not take it lightly. These ghosts have no form and make people unknowingly be tricked. Even him, until now, have not figured out when the other party ’s hand was made, and how to enter Duan Yi and the ghost ghost sister Ji ’s. in vivo.

"There are words on the stele!"

Everyone came to the stele carefully, without any accidents, and at the same time relieved, only to find a few lines of writing on the stele.

These words seem to be engraved on them a long time ago, revealing the vicissitudes of the age.

"These words are a special typeface of the ancient times. They belong to the [Tea] civilization in the world of lore killing billions of years ago. This civilization is good at the operation of the heavenly machine. The strong man naturally understands the heavenly road from birth. So, this The people of the Teya civilization are also the most famous heavenly masters of the entire Three Realms! "

Zi Tong glanced at it, recognized the handwriting above, and said slowly.

He lived the oldest among all the people. Even if these ancient civilizations did not understand the dark tide, he was a treasure.

"Tea civilization ... I seem to have seen it in ancient books. Their words are written in special secrets. As long as they stay, there must be prophecy. It is extremely powerful. Is this stone monument in front of them the best of them? [Prophecy monument】?"

Bald Lord said.

"A prophecy?"

"There is such a saying, because they are all astrologers, capable of deducing the future, and usually portraying things they have deduced into stone monuments, sealed up, and when the projected things are about to appear, these stone monuments will appear suddenly, like a prophecy. It is said that the things predicted by this prophecy tablet have never made mistakes, they are all the same! "

Zi Tong did not ruin slowly.

"Anything like this?"

Nie Yun's turn was surprised this time.

There is Dan Tian, ​​a master of natural mechanics in the body, and he knows nothing about natural machines, and he can do some things, but he can not predict things even billions of years ago.

This is no longer a avenue, but a legend.

"Do you know the handwriting above? I don't know!"

Fu An Chao looked at the stone tablet for a while, always feeling as if he was wearing a layer of diaphragm, he could not see clearly.

Nie Yun also shook his head.

Although he owns Tianji Dantian, the text on the stone tablet in front of him is too weird. I do n’t know if someone left the instrument on purpose, or for whatever reason. Even his Tianer talents can only be “heared” indistinctly and cannot be identified. .

There was even an illusion that he had forgotten while watching, and that he had forgotten what he had written before seeing the entire stele.

To be honest, he has never encountered such a thing since his rebirth, and even he felt incredible and horrified.

This is no longer as simple as Tianji Avenue. This so-called "Tea" tribe must have a special ability to prevent others from snooping.

Think about it, every prosperous civilization has its own characteristics, otherwise, it is impossible to prosper and prosper.

"It doesn't matter if you don't see it, it should have nothing to do with us. If it has a relationship, you can definitely see what is written!"

Nie Yun shook his head.

Since it is unclear, it means that the predecessors of this Teya ethnic group did not intend to show them.

"I ... recognize it!"

Nie Yun's words did not fall, a voice sounded, and everyone looked, and saw that Zi Tong stood in front of the stone monument without fear, with a look of fear.

"Can you recognize?"

Everyone was shocked and ugly.

Can someone recognize that this prophecy tablet is aimed at them, is it possible to write something bad? Otherwise, how could Zitong not be destroyed?

"Read it out!"

Seeing the appearance of the crowd, Nie Yun knew that his mood had been stirred, and hummed and asked.

"Okay ..." Zi Tong hesitated without ruining it ~ www.readwn.com ~ The eyes fell on the first line of handwriting, and slowly said, "You have seven people in all, but only four have souls!"

"Four have souls? What do you mean?"

The scalp exploded.

Among them, there are seven people who help the dark tide, Zitong is not destroyed, the bald lord, sisters of ghosts and ghosts, Nie Yun, and Duan Yi, but four have souls.

Are there three people ... no soul? Or ... the soul has become a ghost?

With this in mind, Nie Yun and Fu Anchao looked at the other people at the same time, but the eyes of everyone were so bright that they couldn't see it from the outside.

"Sister, sister ..."

Just when everyone was alert, suddenly the elder sister in Ghost Demon Ji cried, and Nie Yun and others hurriedly turned to look at her, only to see her sister lying flat on the ground, she had cut off her breath.

PS: Two chapters are over! (To be continued ...)

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