Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1592: Mage Lord


If the vine ghost ghost lord alone is not afraid, after all, he is a ghost, tangible and innocent. The dense black lightning above the vine alone, piercing the pain of the tearing soul, makes him afraid to move.


When the vine flashed, a figure appeared in front of him, standing quietly on the stone beam.

"You ... aren't dead? Impossible! I hit my ghost wave and fell stone beams, and the strong ones are inevitable. Why didn't you die ..."

Looking at the person in front of him clearly, Lord Ghostly You are going crazy.

He is not someone else. It is the Mi Ya who fell from the stone beam and was destroyed by his soul.

According to normal circumstances, the ghost wave is hitting directly, the soul is broken, and the stone beam is dropped, how could it not die?

"Haha, you want me to die? You're a little worse!"

He chuckled a little, and Tian Xie Teng, who was tied to the neck of Nie Yun, shrank sharply and clicked! Click! The black lightning surged differently, and instantly destroyed the soul body of the ghostly Venerable.


The cricket's head was torn off by Tian Xin Teng, all the soul power was dissipated, and was swallowed up by Tian Xin Teng.

Although the stunned ghost wave is powerful, he still has no way to hurt his dominant soul, and the multiple resistances of the defensive air make him comatose at most. It is impossible to kill him!

However, seeing the other side's determination, Nie Yun came and counted.

Pretending to be a definite death, he fell from Shiliang, but secretly let Tianxinteng tie up Shiliang. Quietly came to the other party's feet.

Wu Tianxin Rattan, like him, also has 2,999 avenue powers, and the devouring power below is even more powerful. It is impossible to tear it apart. Besides, even if it is broken, it can give birth to countless roots without fear at all.

The devastated ghost ghost supremely believed that Nie Yun would die, so he lost his defense and added the latter to deliberately hide. Where you can see, sneak out. The opponent's vital parts were locked in just one click, making them unable to move.

If you do n’t use this trick, the ghost ghost lord ca n’t fight and escapes, even if Nie Yun ca n’t catch up. If you want to kill it, you need to spend more!

The results of the China Merchants Bank have changed.

Let's get rid of it!

Although the Ghost Sovereign is only a ghost, it also has power. The Celestial Heart absorbs it and the power increases again.

Although it is a special life that can increase its strength infinitely, it is impossible to achieve dominance without a false root. Therefore, the strength is still 2,999, but the combat effectiveness has increased a lot again. The vines are thicker.

"Some of you will die too!"

击 Killed the Ghost Youren, and with Nie Yun whispering, several vines gushed again under the stone beam, completely surrounding the three ghosts in the siege section.

I just made arrangements under the stone beam. These ghosts have no chance to escape, and I was completely trapped in the blink of an eye. Before the screams could be sent out, they were completely swallowed by the Celestial Heart. Into nourishment.

"Master, you are not dead ..."

Qi Duan also focused all his attention on the three major ghosts, but didn't notice his movements. At this time, all three major ghosts died, only to find that Nie Yun was standing not far away, and immediately understood what was going on, and he hissed excitedly.

"It's not easy to kill me, let's go now!"

He chuckled, and Nie Yun looked in front of Shi Liang.

As soon as the ghostly ghost lord died, Shiliang became much clearer, and he could vaguely see someone in front of him, which should help them.

"Come on!"

Take back the heart of the sky, Nie Yun strode forward.

I walked away for a while, and sure enough, I saw a few people walking in front of me, looking a little embarrassed.

Each of the four figures had injuries on his body, as if he had experienced a fierce battle just now, and every breath was a bit slack.

"Mi Mi, you are all right, great ..."

He seemed to hear footsteps behind him. The figure in front turned his head. The first one was Fu An Chao. He saw Nie Yun and Duan Yi and laughed.

Although the two groups are vigilant against each other, it is still very happy to see their companions in this dangerous place.

"There is no danger!"

Nie Yun laughed a little, not much to say.

"Well, Mi Mi, this place is weird. It is better that you and I are at the front. Zitong does not destroy the defense and is the strongest defense at the back. In this way, we can be a lot safer as a whole!"

Support the dark tide road.

"It's nothing to the front. The key is how do I get there?"

Nie Yundao.

The stone beam is narrow and only one person is allowed to pass. If you want to bypass the others and walk to the front, it will be a lot of trouble.

"It's simple, I'll hold you with Tianling Chanyi, let's go together!" Fu An Chao said, with a stroke of his palm, Tianling Chanyi immediately spread over here.

"it is good!"

Nie Yun smiled lightly, grasped the corner of Tian Ling Chan Yi's clothes gently, and then rushed to a pulling force to fly to the stone beam in front of him.


Stomp one's feet lightly, Nie Yun fell between Fu Anchao and Ghost Demon Sister Ji, and then went on to be Bald Lord and Zi Tong.

"This stone beam is weird. Be careful. I believe in your strength. After a while, we will work together in danger, so we can be better prepared!"

Support the dark tide road.

"Okay, let's go!"

Seeing his serious expression, Nie Yun nodded and pointed forward.


Fu Fu An Chao promised, turned his head and walked forward, and then took a step, and suddenly heard the sound of a wind behind him, and then saw that Nie Yun's palm had fallen on his neck.

"what are you doing……"

Hou Fu dark tide pupil shrinks.

I was so close that he had no time to resist.

"What do you know!"

Nie Yun smiled, ignored his shouts, and grabbed the other hand in the air, pinching the ghost ghost sister Ji's neck in her palm.

Two masters were subdued by him.


Helping the dark tide is full of anxiety.

"No need to pretend, you are a ghost, don't think I didn't see it, pretending to be the dark tide and trying to kill me? Come with me again, let your soul fly away now, never live again!"

Nie Yun snorted softly. With a strong hand, a dark thunderbolt spread along the arm, piercing the opponent's soul, leaving his face pale and his body trembling.

"Great, how did you see it!"

刚 As soon as his voice fell, Zi Tong behind him suddenly fainted and turned into another look. Several other people also changed into different looks, none of them knew each other.

如何 "How to see? It's very simple. Fu An Chao has always been careful and vigilant, won't let me come to him, let alone approach me! If I didn't take a shot just now, I am afraid you will surround me in the middle, you will go straight!"

Nie Yun hummed.

The other person is disguised too much. To be honest, I didn't see it at all. If it wasn't for Fu Anchao inviting him to pass, I wouldn't have thought that these four people were posing as ghosts.

Although he hasn't been in contact with Fu Anchao for a long time, he still knows this kind of person well. If it wasn't for Zitong's persecution and persecution, he wouldn't even elaborate on the purpose of coming here.

When I came to Shiliang before, I knew that it was dangerous and still didn't want to go with myself. Obviously I wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of myself, or I was afraid to start with him.

How could such a person be so kind to keep him behind?

Such an obvious flaw ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you can't see it, you can only die.

So, I just came to the front just now and shot it immediately after me!

The other party thought he had done the trick, without any precaution, and let him catch the two in one fell swoop.

However, looking at the current situation, the leader of the four is not the one disguised as Fu An Chao, but the one who is disguised as Zitong.

"Great, no wonder Ghost You can break in your hands, it really has some means!"

"Zi Tong does not destroy" laughed.

"Say, who are you, I don't kill nameless ghosts!"

Seeing the other person's calm attitude, when talking about the ghost and ghost's face unchanged, it seems to be stronger than the other person.

"I was called [Magic Sovereign] during my lifetime, but after becoming a ghost, I already have self-awareness and is no longer that waste!"

The demon refining His Holiness said.

"Demon Lord?" Nie Yun never heard the name, and looked at Duan Yi in doubt.

"Is a superpower who can kill the great world. It is said that he has escaped his life under the power of the dominator. He is even more famous than the ghostly ghost and disappeared 500 billion years ago ..."

Kuan Duan also heard the name and hurriedly explained, looking ugly.

Ps: Two chapters are here! [Unfinished To be continued This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承 Provided with @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波]

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