Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1593: Enchanted Great Enchantment

"More famous than the ghostly ghost?"

Nie Yun understood.

Although the most glorious time of the two was not in the same era, they can be more famous than the former, which shows that their strength is not weaker than that of Ghost Youju, and even more powerful!

The stunned ghost is so difficult, this one may be even more terrible!

"I didn't expect to leave for such a long time, but there are still people who remember the name of this body, good, good! After letting them both out, I can consider leaving you a corpse!" The ghostly ghost's eyes flickered and his voice was confused. The taste, the voice did not fall, and suddenly shot.

The direction of the attack was not Nie Yun, but Duan Yi. Obviously, Nie Yun took his man. He wanted to use Duan Yi in exchange.

Big hands hold the sky, the clouds roar, and the strongest means are exhibited as soon as the shot is taken. The air flows across thousands of miles, and the entire stone beam is under the shroud.

"Go get him, I'll pinch this guy first!"

Facing Duan, he was also in crisis. Nie Yun didn't care, but smiled slightly. The black lightning flashed, and his ten fingers were inserted into the throats of the two pinched.

Squeak! Squeak!

阴 The ghosts of both ghosts fell down, and the spirits flew away.

"It seems you want your companion to die ..."

I didn't expect Nie Yun to be so decisive, let alone kill two ghosts directly, wow wow shouting the spirit of the Lord, and the violent force surrounded the section, and each air stream carried a cold blade, letting One cannot resist.

If you follow Duan Yi's strength, even with a streamer, such a terrible attack is irresistible. After all, his own strength is there, and the means of refining His Holiness is beyond the scope of his strength.

"Who doesn't die ..."

When these swordsman immediately came to Duan Yi, a laugh came from his mouth. Duan also moved!

The long gun in the palm of his hand jumped like a pistol, as if he was going to pierce the sky, and the blink of an eye came to the Lord of the Refined Luck, and he came first and came faster than his tricks!

"This is impossible, how could you be so strong ..."

Pu'er refining His Holiness's pupils shrank.

段 The strength of this Duan Yi he has seen before. He shot with all his strength and could kill directly. Why did you become so strong in an instant?

Especially this gun, there is no flaw in the show, it is as natural as a god, if this guy had such strength before. It wouldn't be persecuted by the subordinates of Ghost You You.

"I forgot to tell you, I am not Duan Yi, I am Mi Mi before!"

He chuckled a little, and the paragraph in front of him changed his appearance. The blink of an eye became "Mi", and his appearance was the same regardless of his breath.


Then the demon refining master realized the trick, and raised his palm to block the gun. The body flew out over the bridge.

I haven't flew yet, and a powerful sword volleys down.

The people behind you shot!

I quickly turned around and saw that the subordinate who had just disguised himself as a bald lord had lost his trace. Don't worry, it must have been killed by the other party.

"This is your clone? How can you have an identical clone?"

Seeing the direction of Jian Mang's cleavage, the heart of the "Mi Mi" refining Venerable Master shrank.

I thought it was easy to disguise myself as a helper tide. It was easy to kill the two in front of me. I never thought that I would be seen and become passive. What's more, this guy had already prepared. This section has also been dropped by him and turned into a clone!

And, is it still the same strength, what is going on?

"It's late now!"

Xie Nieyun slashed his sword, and the power descended into the sky. He repelled the Demon Lord directly, and the vines under the stone beam slammed out, binding the feet of the latter immediately.

This action is extremely fast, all in one go. Although the demon master is strong, he didn't expect that he would have so many means. Once he was helped by the heart of the heart, he could not escape.

"On ..."

With a loud roar, the demon Lord ’s nails became sharp blades, and he scratched away at Tian Xin Teng, but wanted to tear it, but before his fingertips contacted Tian Xin Teng, his face changed, and he hurriedly moved backwards.

Nie Yun, who was holding a streamer spear, moved, and a shot broke, piercing his back.

Dadao Zhijian, he did n’t have any fancy guns, only the fastest stab. He had n’t come to the front yet. The sharp edge had been formed. The dark space in the whistling was torn, and a straight and slender crack flared outward along the tip of the gun. Originally, I saw that the tip of the gun was still a few meters away, and the blink of an eye had already come to the front, like teleportation.

At the same time, Nie Yun on the other side of the bridge, the sword that dominates the soldiers of the soldiers, rises, and it is broken!

This trick is different from the previous mood when dealing with the ghost ghost lord, more sharp and terrible, intertwined with the sharp gunman behind, perfect cooperation, seamless.

One shot and one sword, one after the other, one fast and one slow, no matter how the demon sage in front of him evades, it can only be run through.

"[Magic Enchantment]!"

When Nie Yun thought that the guy in front of him was inevitable and couldn't dodge, suddenly he whispered and his body suddenly shrank. The whole person was sealed in an enchantment and escaped from the inevitable attack.

Nie Yun can also become smaller, even invisible to the naked eye, but when fighting, the atmosphere is oppressed, the strength is restrained, and the smaller will only be more passive, and if it is not good, it will be killed by the opponent. The person's diminishment is just a helpless act in anxiety. When his spirit is swept away, his face is immediately dignified.

The other party did not shrink, but used an enchantment to seal himself in. This enchantment, even his current strength, could not be broken!

Bound the soles of the feet from the Tianxin rattan, and fled smoothly with the space seal in front and back, and entered the enchantment. This is simply terrible!

Single is no more than that. The key is that this trick is used to make a great enchantment. If you do n’t observe it carefully, it is difficult to find. On the basis of defense, it is more powerful than his defense.

"This must be a trick that has been passed down from ancient times. If you can learn it, your life-saving means will definitely go further!"

Xie Nieyun was a little emotional.

虽然 Although he has many ways to save his life, he is still a little worse than the Enchanted Enchantment.

If you can learn, you can run away in battle and get away smoothly.

I am afraid that the Three Realms has long been lost. It belongs to ancient mysteries and is endlessly mysterious. Even if the martial arts talent does not get the secrets, there is still no clue, and it is impossible to steal learning successfully.

"Zoom Out!"

The soul locked the position of the enchantment. When the spirit moved, Nie Yun and her avatar shrank into a mass at the same time, and rushed straight to the past.

I had previously guessed that "Fou Dark Tide" was false. He made arrangements to use the original method of Li Daitao in the dry blood dynasty to replace Duan Yi with a clone. At that time, he shot two ghosts and attracted the attention of others. , Not even the strength of the Lord of Refining.

As for "Duan Yi" later saying the identity of the demon refining, this is even simpler. Duan was also included in the world of objects. Just ask, the knowledge that the other party knows can be passed to his mind. Say ten.

In this way, the Venerable Master did not even think that the two are actually the same person. Because of this, this is a trick, and he is in a state of embarrassment. Otherwise, due to his strength, Nie Yun is alone and has a high chance of defeat ~ www .readwn.com ~ not to mention better.

The struggle between the stubborn is often a matter of moment. One trick loses, and the trick retreats. Although the monk refining is stronger, he is seized by Nie Yun, and the shadow of failure has been planted in his heart. It is no longer fearful.


His body shrunk to a point, and Nie Yun immediately saw the enchantment formed by the Venerable Master Refiner appearing in front of him, his body flickered, and both avatars were released and surrounded.

"Hey, I don't believe you won't come out!"

One of the three main bodies was holding a spear with the spear, one with the spear, and one with the dried blood dragon mark out and shot at the same time.


The changed avatars and physical strength of Yiqing Sanqing are connected, plus two handheld dominated soldiers, powerful attacks against the ordinary first-level world can not resist, let alone this enchantment, an explosion, the enchantment tears Come on.

"噗! 冇"

A blood spurt from His Holiness the Venerable Exalted, flew from the enchantment, his eyes were red.

"Abominable, abominable! I want you to die ... the fire is burning!"

In the howling roar, a strange flame suddenly emerged from his body, burning immediately in the air.

Ps: The first is here! Second night!




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadows Group @ 天若有情 gwj". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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