Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1594: Dinghunpo

"This is his heartfelt, it's bad!"

Seeing the actions of His Holiness, Nie Yun's face changed, and he hurried back.

The flame of heart, the fire of the heart, the heart of a cavity of thought, the power is infinite, the power of the demon refining himself is strong, the flame formed by the burning of the heart is definitely more terrible, even he can only avoid the edge.

This trick belongs to the attack method of killing the enemy by one thousand and 800. The heart burns, the soul is greatly damaged, and the strength of the whole person will drop greatly.

Now the demon refiner has no physical body, but is only a powerful ghost. This situation is even better, but because of this, once the heart fire burns, the power is greater.

I was contaminated by heart fire, and there was no flame on my body. The flame appeared in the bottom of my heart, deep in my soul. If I didn't extinguish it in time, my soul would be burned and completely die.


The fire in front of my eyes was like the ocean, and I consolidated it in a blink of an eye, and with a roar, Nie Yun no longer hid all kinds of means at the same time.

The defensive air, the master of the soldiers, and various treasures were flying in front of them.

Once the heart fire is contaminated, unless it reaches the level of domination, the whole body is satisfactory, and it can automatically resist, otherwise, even the dominating soul is difficult to compete, and it will die.

Nie Yun originally thought that a ghost of this level would be very distressed, never dreaming that this guy was so cruel, and used such a fierce means directly, intending to end up with him!

"Huh? No ..."

As soon as the treasures and fires thrown out by Nian Yun were contaminated, Nie Yun thought it was difficult to compete. Is preparing the follow-up means, suddenly saw the fierce flames suddenly subsided, and the Venerable Master Lian suddenly screamed. The body turned into a beam of blood, disappearing straight into the distance.

"Well, he was fooled ..."

Nie Yun froze, then came to understand.

It turned out that the guy who just burned his heart just now is all false. The real purpose is to drive himself away and take the opportunity to escape.

Nie Yun was shocked when Nian Yun was shown the fire for the first time. Did not see the other party's means, this is the trick. Let it escape.

However, even if this guy escapes, the fire he just cast is absolutely true, that is to say. Although a successful escape will inevitably result in great loss of vitality, and the injury will not be minor. It is no longer necessary to encounter it again.

"It seems that the mind is still not mature enough compared to these old monsters who have lived for billions of years!"

Nie Yun shook his head.

I was afraid that I would be infected by my heart, and hurriedly withdrew. I didn't see the other party's purpose clearly. If we observe carefully, we should be able to detect the flaw. In order to make corresponding countermeasures so that they cannot escape.

At this time, the other party escapes, and it is not so easy to catch it again. If you want to force out the magic enchantment method, you are breaking the clue.

算 "Forget it, as long as you can enter the third floor, you can definitely find this guy!"

Shake his head to take back the treasure thrown out before, and the avatar is also integrated into the body, and then it returns to the size of the body. Standing on the stone beam.

The puppet becomes a giant body, and can quickly cross the stone beam. But in case the stone beam can't bear it, just fall down, it is really fucking! Although it can fly and become a little dust, the engulfing force is not so big, but I want to walk through such a long stone beam, I do n’t know how long it will take. Furthermore, in case this stone beam is really a test, use Other means of rushing past do not count, but once again, I really want to cry without tears.

This place is really weird, weird cannot be described in words, everything must be done according to rules.

Stomp the soles of the feet tightly on the stone beam, Nie Yun did not release the section, but looked forward with a serious look.

雾 The fog around is still very heavy, and you can only see the distance not far, even the former Fu dark tide and others can't see the trace.

"According to common sense, even if the distance between Shiliang is long, you shouldn't see Fu dark tide ..."

Nie Yun's eyebrows frowned, and she did not rush forward, but observed a little.

Fufu Anchao and others came in as soon as they entered Shiliang. Although there were some troubles in the middle, the time was not long. How could they lose track in a blink of an eye?

Besides, this stone beam has only one direction, and one person can walk. Both the ghost ghost lord and the magic refining lord appear from the front. Has Fu dark tide and others encountered them before?

This is unlikely, time is too late!

Even if they are not the opponents of Lord Ghostly You and Lord Refined, there is not much difference between them. It is impossible to be killed without sound, and they will not be injured!

The only possibility is that ... Fu An Chao and others have passed the stone beam!

This guy definitely knows how to go through Shiliang, but didn't tell himself!

时间 It didn't take long for him to enter Shiliang until the Ghost Sovereign appears. How could it be possible to help the dark tide in such a short time ...

The length of Yan Shiliang, but he can't see the end of the sky. Besides, the fog is so thick that it can fall down a little carelessly, can't go fast, what is going on?

He looked down at Shiliang under his feet, and then turned to look around again. After a moment of contemplation, Nie Yun's eyes flashed a ruthless meaning.

"Try it, success will succeed, let alone success!"

Xu took a deep breath, and the palm of his hand moved. The streamer spear appeared on the palm of his hand, his eyebrows raised, the spear spun violently, drank violently, and stabbed at the stone beam under his foot.

He was actually going to interrupt Shiliang!

Once the flint stone beam breaks, the foot will inevitably step into the air. The swallowing force below is so great that falling into it is absolutely inevitable!

He actually did this and showed others that he couldn't believe it and thought he was going crazy.


Puppet masters the powerful power of the sacred soldiers to match his strength, how ordinary stone beams can withstand, just a moment, a huge crack appeared, a roar of stone beams at the foot collapsed like a crack.

As soon as the stone beam was broken, the swallowing force at his feet flew over, and Nie Yun looked dignified, neither sad nor unhappy, nor any movement.


When I felt sure that I would be completely submerged by the swallowing force below, suddenly my feet tightened, and the scene in front of me changed instantly. I do n’t know when I was standing on a flat ground and the previous bridge completely disappeared.

"It really did ..."

I put away the streamer spear, and Nie Yun felt that the sweat had already penetrated the back of his clothes.

击 Destroyed the bridge before passing the level is only his guess, I did not expect it to succeed!

Of course, this kind of speculation is not his subjective prejudice. First, Fu Anchao and others have to pass the level so quickly that they must not go there. Secondly, no matter whether you are a ghost ghost lord or a demon lord, during the battle with him, the strength emitted is so strong that you haven't broken the stone beam one point at a time, which is enough to explain the problem.

As ghosts, they are not afraid of the engulfing power below, and they can fly. Just shatter the stone beam and he can drop directly without fighting. Why does the opponent choose this method but still fight?

There must be some kind of relationship!

Because of the thought of this, he took a chance and passed.

Although it is simple to say, it is very difficult to really do it. If you do n’t walk on the bridge, you ca n’t feel the horror of the swallowing force below. Once the bridge breaks, people will die.

Without great perseverance and courage, who dares to do so?

Even he hesitated for a long time, this decision was made!

"The person who designed this level ~ www.readwn.com ~ is really a genius. If you continue to go, there will definitely be more ghosts coming around, even if there are no ghosts, there will be an endless loop, and ten and a half The moon is still on the stone beam! Only those who have the courage, the courage, and the courage to sacrifice their lives and deaths can pass, terrific, terrific! "

I was not in a hurry to move forward, Nie Yun thought about the scene just now, secretly fortunate.

He completely calmed down his slightly panic, and Nie Yun looked forward.

In front of my eyes is a small hill, showing a semi-circular arc, like a mountain bag.

"Is this the so-called second offensive soul slope? Can it tear human soul?"

When I saw the mountain bag in front of me, Nie Yun thought of what Fu Anchao said before, and her heart moved.

I was a little puzzled, but didn't stop at my feet. I walked forward slowly, and after a few steps, I felt a strong tearing force coming forward, as if to pull his soul deep into hell.

"It seems that Fu'an Chao Chao has not lied about the level, and it should be done here ..."

I felt this suction, Nie Yun did not flinch, but continued to move forward step by step.

Fu Anchao said that the first pass is called Yin Hun 涧, which is a stone beam, and the second pass is called Ding Hunpo. Now it seems that the other party did not lie to him at this point.




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadows Group @ 天若有情 gwj". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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