Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1595: Hell lava

The road ring runs in the body and the soul blends with it, which makes him feel more comfortable. Nie Yun strode forward.

The mountain bag is not big, and after walking for a while, it comes to the top. In the eyes is a pool full of flames. The red flames are burning, and the roasting is twisted around.

Before coming to the fire pool, I felt that the flame in the pool was constantly tearing his soul like a big hand, and it seemed like a silent call, making him unable to help himself to come here, even an illusion. Only by jumping into it can he obtain eternal life.

"Be careful!"

With Hui Jian in his head, Nie Yun recovered, his eyes startled.

He was almost attracted by the soul of his dominance level, and if he was here, he must have gone in.

"This is the melting pot of hell. Once in it, the body of the soul will be instantly broken down into a ghost ..."

Waking up, Nie Yun inferred from the news he knew.

This fire pool is not an ordinary flame, but it can burn the soul. Once it falls into it, the soul can be easily broken down and formed into a ghost.

I am afraid that there are so many ghosts here that have something to do with this **** furnace.

Walking along the edge of the fire pool, carefully walking forward, looking for traces of Fu An Tide and others. The breath in front of me suddenly pressed, and a feeling of extreme danger poured into my heart.


This strength has whimpered against danger. This time it feels so strong that there can be no mistake. Nie Yun was afraid to hesitate now, his feet a little on the ground, and the wings of the Phoenix flickered and receded straight.

Wow! Wow!

Just quit. I saw two shots of energy hitting where he had just stood, leaving a black mark on the ground.


With a fleece of sleeves, Nie Yun stopped. His gaze looked in the direction of the spirit, but he saw nothing.


It was strange that his pupils shrank, and he hurried forward, and suddenly there were two spirits behind him, although he reacted quickly and missed the point. But still being swept in the back, hot pain.


Immediately after that, dozens of energy came from all directions. Every time with a burning sensation that pierced the soul, it was invincible. I did not expect this place to be so weird that ghosts could not see it. But being kept under attack, Nie Yunjian raised his eyebrows, his concentration was high, his feet kept shaking, and he walked in the shot energy.

He was swept away without any precautions before. At this time, he was adequately guarded. Although he was full of energy, he could not let it go, but he did not hurt. In the meantime, I am more than comfortable.

His pace is nothing special. It was the three thousand Qingyundao practiced in the floating heavens. It's just that he has re-developed a trick that has not been perfected before, which is more suitable for the current practice. It is not obvious to use it to escape, but it has a natural advantage in evading attacks.

"Very good, very good. It can perfectly avoid me [Jiuxian Dinghun Zhen], without any injuries. No wonder there is a certain way to make Demon Lord suffer."

She was evading, and a clapping sound was heard in the distance. Then the two figures came over, and with the appearance of the two, the momentum of the continuous shooting in the sky stopped and disappeared in front of them.

It seemed that the other party knew that he could not be harmed by this formation alone, so he put away.

Looking up at the two people who came up, one was the exalted demon monk who had just fled, and the other was a middle-aged person who had never seen it before.

It was this middle-aged man who spoke.

The Demon Lord followed behind him, his face was pale, looking at Nie Yun's eyes like killing, and he could not dispel all the water.

"Master Wu Bo is this kid, he can split two avatars with the same strength. If you can get this method, you will definitely be the first!"

The Demon Sovereign knew that he was not the boy's opponent in front of him, and he dared not come up and turned to look at the middle-aged man ahead.

"Split two avatars of the same strength? This is a good thing! Boy, leave this set of martial arts, I can not toss you like a furnace of **** to bear the pain of the split of the soul, otherwise, this is where you will eventually die! I It's not magic refining this waste. Once you start, there is only a dead end! "

The middle-aged man named Wu Bo smiled aloud, his voice was rude, and his head was dizzy.

From this laughter alone, it can be seen that this person's strength is stronger than that of the previous magic refining lord, and it is only one step away from the real master.

"A lot of nonsense. In this case, then see the real chapter under your hand!"

Knowing that World War I was inevitable, Nie Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense, and did not take out the master soldier, stepped forward, and punched with a punch.

The whole mountain bag was immediately shrouded in countless black thunder and lightning. The thick thunder and lightning were like the thunder of the Three Realms and shrouded the Quartet.

"It can actually use the Thunder of the Three Realms, and it really has some means, but these are not really Thunder after all, and it does no harm to me!"

Wu Bo snorted. The original physical body suddenly became a bit illusory, and disappeared from the place instantly.

With regard to his disappearance, the thunderous Kyushu that Nie Yun struck just now seemed to have hit the air, and people could hardly breathe.


With a punch, he was about to regain his strength. Nie Yun's face changed suddenly, and he hurried forward. Just after taking a step, he saw the witch wave that had just disappeared. I do n’t know when it appeared behind him. Ruyu, slowly printed over.

This trick seems slow, but it contains the power to burn the soul. If it is to be hit, it must be seriously injured.

"Get away!"

The arm trembled, and the sword of the master soldier had appeared in the palm of his hand, his body did not turn, and stabbed away behind.

The position of the sword is very tricky. If the opponent does not dodge, the palm of the sword will inevitably be pierced by the sword. Although this sword is not powerful, it can force the opponent to involuntarily change its moves and seize the opportunity to fight.

In the battle, one move first, one step at a time, one move passively, passive everywhere. Although Nie Yun played first in this battle, the other person's transient shift disrupted the rhythm directly, causing him to fall into passive.

Teleportation is the advance of tearing space. According to normal principles, the other party should have space fluctuations if they want to make a teleportation, but there is nothing just now, which is totally out of common sense.

Not to mention that even if Nie Yun now dominates the strong, he cannot do this!

Does this guy have more power than domination?

This is impossible!

But ... not more than the master, why can't the master do the teleportation, he can easily complete it, and still so skilled?


Nie Yun was wondering, the palm of the attack behind him suddenly disappeared, a flower in front of him appeared again in front of him.


This time, Nie Yun couldn't react any more. He was hit in the chest, and the whole person immediately flew out, fell heavily to the ground, fell in front of Hell Lava, and almost fell into it.


A burst of blood spurted out, and Nie Yun knew that this was not the time to adjust his breath, and patted his palm on the ground and jumped up.

"Well, you are not my opponent at all. Obediently handing out martial arts can make you take less pain! Otherwise, I will make you unable to survive, not to die!"

Wu Bo wounded Nie Yun and did not rush forward, but looked faintly, his eyes indifferent.


Breathing quickly, Nie Yun's head spun quickly.

The other party is right. If the other party continues this teleportation, he is not an opponent at all, and the two are completely incomparable!

Why can he do the teleport that can not be done by the strong? This is not in line with the principle of cultivation!

"Want to learn my tricks, and wait for you to die ~ www.readwn.com ~ will burn you!"

Unable to think of it, when Nie Yun's spirit moved, Sanqing turned into a gas, and the two avatars appeared at the same time, forming a triangle back to back.

"I see how you teleport this time!"

Although this is very passive, it can guard against any direction and make the other's teleportation lose effect.

"Sure enough, I have learned this trick!"

Seeing that Nie Yun had separated two avatars with the same strength and deity, Wu Bo's eyes showed fiery color.

When the Lord Alchemist told him before, he was still a little unconvinced. After all, splitting two identical clones is equivalent to doubling the combat power. This situation is too bad. At this time, I saw it with my own eyes. Feeling the power of Nie Yun's avatar, his fist raised involuntarily, and he made a "creak! Creak!" Sound.

If you can learn this trick, no one will be afraid of this place except the king.

ps: Second more afternoon! (To be continued)

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