Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1596: Pull me up


Wu Wubo flickered and appeared in front of Nie Yun again. His five fingers pierced his flame-like energy.

This time the three gasifications of Sanqing defended, Nie Yun finally saw the situation of the other party's teleportation.

I wasn't tearing space to move, it seemed to be using the power of this **** lava.

But how to use it, I didn't see it clearly. I only knew that as soon as a faint light emitted from the opponent's head came into contact with the lava, the body immediately became unreal and appeared in the next place.

I dominated the Shenbing sword and greeted him with his finger.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

The other party ’s fingers are weird, I do n’t know how to make it, and the sword of the master of the soldiers did not fall in the slightest, but Nie Yun felt a huge force rushing in, and he stepped back involuntarily.

He was standing next to the lava of Hell just now. At this moment, he was beaten by the power. He couldn't help but retreat, and almost slipped under his foot.

The huge suction behind him made him sweat coldly.

"Hey, can you prevent my teleportation, can you stop my attack?".

Seeing his appearance, Wu Bo smiled slightly.

Knowing that there is no way back, Nie Yun took a deep breath, and the three majors were side by side and shot at the same time.

Although it was very dangerous to retreat to the edge of the lava of hell, it was not no good to him. The nature was behind him. Even if Wubo would teleport, I am afraid that he would not dare to appear above the lava of the hell. You can only face it.

"The idea is good, but your strength is too far away, even if you face it face to face. It is difficult for me to win!"

Wu Wubo's body flickered and turned into hundreds of palms, each with the power of destruction. Appeared in front of him, slowly falling to Nie Yun's chest.

"What is this trick? Damn it!"

进入 Since entering here, it's the first time to be so passive. Nie Yun's face is embarrassed. The master sword and streamer spear are running at the same time, forming a world full of sword shadows and gun shadows, and drawing backward at the same time. The dried blood dragon mark was thrown out.

The three major weapons are combined together, like a wall where power gathers, and they are severely blocked in front of Wu Bo.

"Lava Fire Dragon!"

I saw that Nie Yun's three majors showed so powerful tricks. Wu Bo's eyes were surprised, but she was not in a hurry, smiled slightly, her arms raised sharply. Accompany his shout. The **** lava behind Nie Yun suddenly boiled, and a huge force roared and rushed out. The hot flame came to the back instantly, and it was swallowed by sight.


Yan Nieyun's scalp exploded.

I thought that facing away from the lava, I could restrain the other's teleportation. I never dreamed that the other party could use the lava of **** to attack people!

This time, he still suffers from the back, and the lava of Hell is violently violent. Devouring force is more terrible.


To fight lava. Nie Yun escaped unavoidably and was hit again by the opponent's palm, his face changed from blue to red, and another blood spurted.

"I said, you're not my opponent. Even here, even if you dominate, you will suffer, not to mention your strength!"

Huo hummed, Wu Bo caught it again.

This moment was even more terrifying than before. The palms were weird and strange. They appeared from all directions, facing many large holes in front of Nie Yun's chest, and even blocked the direction of escape.


I saw that this move was dodging, but Nie Yun was in an anxiety, and all the avatars were integrated into the deity, leaving only one. The target being attacked was a lot smaller. The body fluttered, the palms flipped, and greeted.

With two palms attacking, Nie Yun shook again. This time, he did not hold back and flew out. The body volleyed. The lava of **** was like a big mouth that devoured everything. It was enveloped by a huge pulling force. come down.


I didn't expect him to fall directly, Wu Bo's face changed slightly, and Volley grabbed him.

If Nie Yun fell into the lava of hell, he would never get the martial arts with the same strength and change, it would be absolutely impossible, so this kind of thing must not happen.

The palm rushed forward and fell on Nie Yun's shoulder, trying to pull it to the shore. However, when he contacted the latter, he suddenly felt a vine spreading along his arm, yanked it, and his foot was crippled. , Also fell into the lava of hell.

"Well!" Wu Bo was shocked.

I'm afraid that the other person fell into the lava is budgeted in advance, knowing that they will shoot!

"Want to pull me down to dream!"

With a howl, Wu Bo's face was distorted.

I want to say that no one can understand him about the lava in **** in front of him. The other person wants to pull him into the lava, which is just a dream.

He also pointed out that he made a sharp wave of the sword and cut off the arm trapped by the vine. His body flickered and disappeared from the place, like flying away from the shore.

"Come down!"

Xie Nieyun fell into it and it was indeed designed before. How can he escape? With a sneer, countless vines appeared in front of the other side, and he blinked all his hands and feet.

Each Tianxin rattan has the power of 2,999 avenues. Dozens of them are added together. Even if Wu Bo is strong, it can't bear it. Just one click, the body sinks suddenly, and it goes straight to hell. Lava drops.


The hot flame boiled like a torch, and it was burning. Although Nie Yun calculated Wu Bo, he was in dilemma. His body sank involuntarily, and his clothes came into contact with the flame and burned.


When Wu Bo was trapped in the heart, Nie Yun's body moved, and the two avatars reappeared, one holding the sword that dominated the magic soldier and the other with a streamer, while stabbing Wu Bo in the past.

This time, the two avatars used the strongest strength, and coupled with the power of Tian Xin Teng, Wu Bo was hit hard before he responded, and his body could not help speeding up to fall, and "噗通!" Fell into the lava of hell.

"I'm a ghost anyway, and it won't be long before I can reunite again. I'll see how you escape ..."

At the moment of being swallowed by lava, Wu Bo roared with thoughts.

He never dreamed that the boy in front of him was so fierce that he would die in the dead, and then let himself fall into the lava of hell. Under the influence of the lava's devouring power, his teleportation was useless and was directly devoured.

However, although he was devoured, after all, it is a ghost, and it will not be long before he can reunite again. I am afraid that this young man has no chance. Once it falls, it will undoubtedly die!

Retreating from Nie Yun into the sky above the lava until Tianxinteng sent Wubo into the flame, breathing for only one ten thousandth of a minute, Nie Yun's wings of phoenix unfolded constantly against the engulfing force of the lava below.

However, although the wings of the Phoenix are very strong, they cannot resist at all, and the whole person gradually sinks, and they will fall into the sight.

Wu Bo is right, even if the design dies each other this time, he will not be spared.

"It's up to you, grab it!"

Seeing that the body was getting heavier and faster, he was about to fall completely into the lava. Nie Yun shook his palms and merged the two avatars into the body. At the same time, a vine rushed out, and he would stand on the shore and watch the lively The Sovereign of the Exalted Cultivated.

刚才 This guy has not been doing anything, just stood on one side at this time, so he can only rely on him in order not to fall.


The sorceress did not expect that things would change so fast, and Master Wubo who was so powerful was designed to die in a blink of an eye, scaring the whole person a bit dazed. He never thought that Nie Yun's heavenly heart would tie it up.

Huge strength was pulled down ~ www.readwn.com ~ I snorted involuntarily, and the whole man's forehead was cramped.

"Don't want to die, just pull me up ..."

Nian Yun was relieved and snorted by the other person holding Tianxinteng.

The reason why He held the Demon Lord is because of Wu Bo's lessons learned. As long as the other party does not do his best, he will surely die!


The sorceress of the Demon Refiner was so embarrassed that he never dreamed that the guy in front of him would die, but it became his life.

Although he really wanted to cut off Tenshinten and turned to escape, he also knew that the other party must have other means. If he didn't pull it up, he would definitely take him into the lava of hell.

Even a person as strong as Wu Bo was designed, not to mention him!

"OK! Don't kill me ..."

Gritting his teeth, Lord Demon Lord took a few steps back and roared loudly.

"You don't have to kill you, but you have to say the method of enchanting the great enchantment!"

Seeing the other party's appearance, Nie Yun was relieved. If the other party insisted on leaving with him, it would be really troublesome. Fortunately, looking at the current situation, this guy is still very afraid of death.

I am so scared that the ghost is afraid of death.

Ps: After two chapters, I'm fettered, and I still have to go to work. Hey, it's too painful ... When do I drop a bunch of banknotes and stun me ...




[To be continued 『』 If you like the work, welcome to the official website to support the author. 】

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