Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1597: Meet the Underworld

"Okay!" The demon master hesitated for a moment, and an idea passed through, which is the cultivation method of the demon master world.

Although I was unwilling in my heart, I could not help it. Even the powerful Wu Bo master was killed, and if we continue to fight, there must be only a dead end!

Just like now, do n’t look at the other party to pull up, seemingly passive, in fact, this vine trapped by him can completely kill him, can not resist at all.

"Fine, pull me up!"

I took this idea, and Nie Yun's martial arts talent looked at it again, and immediately knew it was true, and nodded immediately.

He is not afraid of the other side not pulling, if he really does not do it, he can kill it instantly, and then let the vines grasp the ground or other things, and can also come up.

"Yes!" The Supreme Master of Refining seemed to think of this too, grimacing his whole body strength and rolling, walking back step by step.

Although the devouring power of Hell's Lava is great, it is still worse than the body strength of a half-step dominating the strong, and soon Nie Yun was pulled down less than a foot away from the shore.

I patted my palm on the shore, and Nie Yun fell on the lava shore.

I was really dangerous. The Wu Bo strength was too strong just now. If he hadn't figured it out in a hurry, what would the result be, I really don't know.

"It seems that there is still a big gap from the dominating level ..."

Nie Yun feeling.

Before I had a master-level soul, I felt that there was not much difference between the strength and the master. Now it seems that there is still a deep invisible gap.

"I said I wouldn't kill you. Get out now!"

摆 Gently tilted, put away the Tianxin rattan, Nie Yun looked at the Ghost Youjue in front of him and scolded.

Since the answering party. He will not rush to kill it, anyway, this guy has been frightened after two battles, and he must not dare to oppose him in the future.

"Yes Yes!"

Seeing that Nie Yun did keep his promise, he did not kill him, and the Venerable Sorcerer relented and turned to escape.

"Do not let me see you again in the future. Otherwise, I will do the same!"

See how he looks. Nie Yun snorted again, no more to say, stood in place and slowly digested the Enchanted Enchantment, and then looked up.

Hit Wubo into the lava of hell. It is equal to this Dinghunpo has passed smoothly, and the scene in front of her is indeed the same as before, and has changed again.

This is a large hall. The walls around it are filled with various braziers. The flames are burning and the whole room is transparent.


Xie Nieyun released Duan.

This place is weird. With the knowledge of this old monster, it may reduce a lot of trouble.

"We have already passed through the Ghost Soul and Ding Hunpo. This should be the third level in the legend. If the news of Fu Anchao is good, the so-called broken printing wheel and other things should be here!"

I saw that he was confused when he just came out. Nie Yun passed the thought together.

"Oh!" Duan Yi nodded and looked around.

The hall in front of my eyes was extremely empty, there was no half figure, and the needle fell quietly.

The two of them moved forward slowly, with high concentration of spirits, afraid that, as before, something unexpected appeared to attack them. However, this did not happen. As if there was no danger in this hall.

After walking for a while, I still didn't find anything. It seemed that the hall was endlessly wide and there was no end.


Suddenly, when the two were so worried, there was a series of footsteps in front of them.


The two looked at each other and took their weapons in their palms, taking precautions.

如果 If this place is a good guess, it should be the most central location in this ghost valley, the so-called [Yu Wang] palace.

Although Wang Yu's strength is unknown, he can make a strong man like Wu Bo willingly surrender. He must be stronger than him. Even if the two of them join forces, they are also difficult to compete.

I took precautions, the two slowly moved forward, took a few steps, the space in front of me turned, and several figures appeared in the field of vision.

"Help the dark tide?"

I saw the figure in front of me clearly, and Nie Yun gloomed immediately.

It is the Fuyang Chao who left before, and others. They are not very good now, especially in the dark, and their faces are yellowish. Obviously, they have been injured by the use of some secret technique. Otherwise, by virtue of his strength, he is ordinary. The injury must have been well.

The Whitehead is not much stronger than him, and half of his white hair has turned black. If he said it well, all blackening means death. It seems that at this time, life has been lost by half.

Tong Zitong lost one of her unbreakable arms, and her breath was a little slack.

Probably the best in the crowd is the sister of Ghost Demon Ji, her face is still gloomy like a ghost, and has not changed much.

"Mi 骧? Why are you ... here?"

Xi Nieyun and others saw each other, Fu Anchao and others saw him, and were shocked.

Obviously they did not expect that Nie Yun and others would come here so soon, and see how they looked ... they were not hurt!

how can that be!

Zhifu Dark Tide knows that the skills of the first two levels have been damaged, and they have nothing to do with them?

"Why are we here, of course, step by step!" At this time Nie Yun did not like Fu Anchao and others.

Stinging in Lei Yun, he rescued everyone, and in the imagination, he took the initiative to solve the crisis. These guys actually fled when they saw the best, and they ignored people's friendship and had lost their patience.

"This place should be the nest of You Wang, and the broken printing wheel is here. If we fight, it will only give the ghosts a chance, so let's cooperate!"

Seeing his expression and appearance, 扶 hurriedly helped Fu Chao.

In front of him, his strongest trick has been performed. His blood and blood are greatly damaged. Fighting with the opponent will inevitably fall into the downwind. The best way is naturally to cooperate.

合作 "Cooperation? I'm afraid I didn't know I sold it to you!"

Nie Yun sneered.

"What do you want to do?"

Zhifu Anchao knew that he had pitted the other side once, and no matter how good he was, others might not believe it, and exhaled and asked.

"What to do? Kill you, my anger will disappear ..." Nie Yun stepped forward, Jianmang flickered.

"Kill me? Aren't you afraid of the two losses and being hurt by others?" Fuan Chaodao said.

"Both losses? You look down on yourself!"

Nie Yun twitched two swordsman gently to tear the space, sneer in his voice.

If they were not injured before, they may still have some fears. Now they are all like this, and their combat effectiveness is ten or eight. If they want to lose both, it will be difficult to achieve.

"What do you want?"

Seeing the state of Nie Yun and Duan Yi, Fu Anchao also knew that he wanted to hurt the other side. I'm afraid it was delusional, his face changed, and he gritted his teeth.

"It's very simple, you guys, think of me as the main one, I can't kill!"

Nie Yun frowned.

危险 It's dangerous here. Rather than make a few disobedient and unsatisfied wolves, it is better to completely solve the hidden dangers, even if it takes some measures.

"Let you dominate? You dream!"

Hearing this, sister Ghost Demon Ji screamed in the crowd.

四个 Four of them, as she is in better condition now, if you recognize each other as the main one, you will lose your freedom and naturally do not want to.

"Dream? Is it a dream? You immediately knew that when you left me and Duan Yi, you should have guessed this kind of ending! Treat you as an ally ~ www.readwn.com ~ Save you so many times, give Shameless! "

With a sneer, Nie Yun shot suddenly.

Since these guys have no mercy, don't blame him for being meaningless. The sword of the master soldier is like a starry sky, writing a complicated and inexplicable trajectory in the air, and stabbing forward.

After fighting with Ghostly You, Lord of Refining, and Wu Bo, Nie Yun is now stronger than before, and it is easy to kill this so-called sister, let alone now!

Jian Jianmang blinked in front of the elder sister's throat in a blink of an eye.

Sister Ghost Demon Ji didn't even respond, and felt that her whole body was blocked and she could no longer move.

"Submit me, or die!"

Xie Yijian fell on her throat, Nie Yun said lightly.

冇 "Let me surrender, you dream ..."

Sister ghost monster Ji Ji shouted loudly.


The shout wasn't over, Jianmang flickered, a blood light poured out, her head rolled to the ground, and before the body fell, she was rolled up by a vine, swallowed up in a blink, and turned into a dry body.

(Second afternoon!)




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadows Group @ 天若有情 gwj". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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