Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1598: All surrender

"You ... kill her ..."

This action was extremely fast, from Nie Yun's shot to the death of Ghost Demon Sister Ji completely into a corpse, but a total of half a breath, looking at this scene, Fu dark tide and others were chilling back.

Until this time, they did not know that the person in front of them was not fooled. It seemed that they really did not agree, and the other party would definitely hesitate to kill them all.

怎么 样 "Well, I'll give you ten breaths to consider. If you don't think well, I'll do it. I've already killed one anyway, and don't care to kill more!"

Xie Yi struck and killed the ghost ghost sister Ji, and played a role of killing the chicken and tamarin monkey. Nie Yun looked at the others.

"There is something to say, after all, we got along ..."

"We were wrong last time, this time will certainly not be the case ..."

Uh ...

Seeing each other so decisive, Fu Fu An Chao and others shouted anxiously.

"Ten ... Nine ..."

Ignoring their attitude, Nie Yun shouted the numbers lightly, Tian Xin Teng hovering on him constantly, and the sword in his hand was as strong as a rainbow. No matter from which point, he showed that he could do it.

"I promise!"

The number shouted by Xie Nieyun was like a sledgehammer hitting in the heart of the opponent fiercely. Finally, the first Bald Lord could not help but shouted.

Among the remaining three people, he has the worst strength. The figures shouted by Nie Yun carry the talent of Xianyin Master together with the power of just killing the ghost ghost demon sister Ji, the Bald Lord cannot resist at all.

"Can't agree ... promise him, we'll lose our freedom. It's almost impossible to become master again ..."

Fufu Undercurrent did not expect someone to rebel, and hurriedly yelled.


Before he finished speaking, he saw a vine rushing over. When he came to his mouth, it seemed to get in his throat at any time.

If he is in the heyday, he will naturally not care about this level of vines, but now he is severely depleted and his strength is inferior. Even if he can cut off this vine, there will be thousands of other vines. Can't resist.

"Submit me, I will not be the master in the future. I'm not sure. But ... it can be guaranteed that if you don't promise now, you will never see the sun of tomorrow!"

Tianxin rattan spread all around, covering all the surrounding space. Nie Yun's momentum is like a rainbow.


Tong Fu An Chao and Zi Tong looked at each other without a look, and were silent.

The other party is telling the truth.

Now they are definitely not opponents in this state, forcibly fighting, I am afraid that not only will not cause any injuries to the other side, but will also take their lives.

The chances of a vassal subjugating the other party to become the master is small, but it is also possible, but he does not agree and sees the other party's fierce appearance. Will inevitably go straight and kill them all!

He is life or death, only in one thought.

"I agree to obey. This is my soul, please accept ..."

Seeing that the dark tide was not blocked by the Lord Baidu, the palms of his hands were hurried, and a soul flew into the air and got into Nie Yun's mind.


For a moment, Nie Yun immediately sensed the thought of the Bald Lord. This guy completely surrendered.

"Very good, since you become my servant. Naturally I will not treat you!"

I grabbed the palm of my hand, and a special breath rushed to the bald lord immediately.

The injury of this guy is that the life loss is too large, and there is definitely no way to change other people, but Nie Yun is different. His appetite world itself has infinite vitality. As long as it is injected, let alone life has not ended, even if it just died, If not, you can live again!

This is also the ability of Nie Yun to realize after merging many first-class worlds.

Let's sizzle!

With the instillation of the breath of life, the black hair before the bald lord turned white again, and some of the apathetic breath quickly improved, and soon returned to its peak.

"Thank you master!"

Feeling the change of body, the bald-headed man looked happy, knelt down hurriedly, and was sincerely convinced.

If you said that surrender was helpless just now, this mentality has begun to change.

The two in front of me, who don't know anything about the first two levels, can come so soon, and haven't been hurt so much. Perhaps surrender is the best choice.

"I also surrender, but I have no soul ..."

Seeing that the head of the bald head surrendered to the injury, he was forced to do so, and Zi Tong hesitated without hesitation.

This Mi Mi in front of my eyes, saved him several times, he has always had a good look, plus the situation is forced at this time, there is nothing to hesitate.

"It's easy to have no soul. Give a vow of chaos!"

Nie Yun said lightly.

Since Zi Zitong's destruction is not chaotic life, the chaos vow must be useful to him, and it is more restrictive. It makes him make an oath, which is no different from a soul sacrifice.

"it is good!"

Tong Zitong did not destroy the vow of chaos soon. As before, I felt a force of chaos flowing into the sea of ​​knowledge, and I also had control over the innocence of Zitong in front of me.

"You are left!"

Xie Nieyun looked at the last Fu dark tide.

"I ... I can exchange for what I know!" Fu An Chao gritted his teeth.

交换 "Exchange? Do you still have the qualifications? If you know a lot about it, it is impossible to take them around. You haven't found a place until now. Don't talk nonsense. There are still three breathing times. If you don't agree, just die!"

If the other person said this before, he would still believe that it is meaningless to say it now. If he really knows a lot of things, he will never take everyone around in circles and run into him.


His face was ugly, and Fu Chao was speechless.

The other side is telling the truth. He can know a few things in the first two stages. He really doesn't know anything about it.

"Okay, I promise!" Gritted his teeth tangled in his heart for a while, and Fu Anchao had to lift his head.

I did n’t want to agree, but the other side was strong before. Now it will be more powerful to pull Zitong and the bald head down to the other side. If you do n’t agree, the other side may really kill it.

"Very good, resisted, I will take you to a place to heal your injuries!"

After a short while, Fu An Chao sacrificed his soul and felt the other party's clear thoughts. Although he was unwilling, but helpless, Nie Yun snorted, and everyone disappeared at the same time.

The next moment, came to the world of things.

The injury of Zitong's indestructible and helping the dark tide is different from that of the bald lord. It is no longer a simple life force to cure it. With normal means, Nie Yun is helpless, but in the world of things, it is different. He is the only creator. Lord, treating injuries is a breeze.

Finger a little forward, a special breath immediately enveloped Zi Tong and destroying the dark tide. In a blink of an eye, the injuries on the two were intact, and there was no problem at all.


The two looked at each other and were shocked at the same time.

They know the injuries on their own very well. Such serious injuries, there is no time to recover slowly for hundreds of millions of years, and they will never be intact. Now they are all right with one finger, even if they dominate.

既然 "Since you all obey me, all follow the orders and help the dark tide. Tell me about what happened before and after we left!"

Ignoring their attitude, Nie Yun said lightly.

Since he is his servant, there is no need to say more. Ask the matter clearly, why are some of them so injured.

"After leaving with you, we are in the ghost ..." Fu Anchao hurriedly explained.

The difference between what they encountered and Nie Yun's experience was not very great ~ www.readwn.com ~ When the first stage was a ghost, because the bridge was cut in advance, the injuries were not great, and the second stage was not so lucky. Already.

They also met Wu Bo, and finally they helped Fuchao to cast their secret skills and forced them back. Only then did everyone escape.

Even though he successfully escaped, everyone was injured. It is exactly what he looks like now.

"When did you come here? What happened?"

After listening to Fu Anchao, Nie Yun knew that the order of the opponent and himself to pass the second pass was just front and back. Maybe they had just passed the second pass, he appeared, and immediately asked the doubts in his heart.

"We have only been here for a few minutes and found nothing, as if this place has nothing ..."

Xi Fu dark tide shook his head: "I don't know about it here! As you guessed, if you know what you're doing, you would have gone in already, and you wouldn't be here forever!"

"Go out and see, maybe you can find some clues!"

Seeing that the other party really didn't know, and didn't ask anything useful, Nie Yun's spirit moved, taking everyone out of the world of things and returning to the previous hall.

At this time, the main hall is still silent as usual, there is no sound at all, and the silence is like late at night.

(End of two chapters!)




[Unfinished To Be Continued [This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj]. If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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