Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1599: Powerful middle-aged

After walking along the main hall for a while, it really turned out that Fu Anchao said that no clue could be found, as if it were like a huge cage here. No matter how you walked, you would return to the original place and find no way out.

"This must be a maze, otherwise we would not be able to walk for a long time and turn back ..." Duan Yi looked at the ground under his feet and said.

When he passed by just now, he deliberately stepped on a deep pit on the ground, and now he has come here again, indicating that after a while, he returned to the origin.

"There is no way to know that it is a maze. Everything in the surrounding environment is exactly the same. Nothing can be distinguished and no way out. Even Tianyan Avenue is useless. Unless we know where the exit is, we can only be stuck!" Fu Undercurrent shook his head.

殿 This hall is weird and anomalous. It looks exactly the same from any direction. Tianyan Avenue is isolated. Even if everyone observes it for so long, nothing is found.

"How to do?"

Everyone looked at Nie Yun.

He recognized him as the Lord, and everyone was centering on him at this time, obeying his orders.

Although Fufu Anchao knew the first two levels well, he knew nothing about it and could not think of any good way.

"Take out their weapons and smash these walls to me!" Nie Yun frowned, looked at it for a while, and suddenly said.


Everyone is a bunch, don't think about how to go out, what do you do when you hit the wall?

"Good plan!" Fu dark tide was also a moment, but his eyes brightened for a moment.

Since it is a maze, smash all the walls. The labyrinth naturally disappeared. Anyway, to **** the broken seal wheel, it would confront the so-called You Wang anyway. In this case. Better to be cruel.

"Okay!" Fu An Chao figured it out, and everyone else understood it, and they were murderous.

Severe injuries are all good. Everyone is angry and at the same time, the fierce power is like a big wave of water constantly bombarding the sides, and the surrounding walls are made of ordinary stone. Although there are blessings from the battlefield, they are not very effective. In the blink of an eye, the ground collapsed and pieces collapsed.

"Huh? No ..."

The wall collapsed, and everyone soon found something wrong.

The collapsed walls seemed to be endless, no matter how much they destroyed. There are still new walls in front of them. In the blink of an eye, everyone has destroyed tens of thousands of walls, and they are still standing in the middle of the hall, as if everything they did was useless.

"This must be a formation ... destroy one wall, another wall will appear, endless and endless!"

Hu Fu dark tide looks ugly.

I thought that I had found a way to break the battle, now it seems. That's not the case.

The walls of the other party are endless. Destroy one by one, and when will it end?

If so. No difference from before, still stuck in it and unable to go out.

"It's okay, keep fighting!"

Xie Nieyun watched for a while and then said.

"it is good!"

Others have no choice but to follow his advice at this time. Began, Nie Yun stood behind the crowd. Every time he destroyed a wall, he grabbed it with his hands and put it into the world of things.

The wall is derived, and it definitely needs energy and raw materials. In this case, he energetically collects it. He does not believe that the other side's wall stones are changed out of nothing, just like the world of his objects.

Besides, the things in his world of receiving things are not made out of thin air, and need the supply of vitality. If there is no vitality Dantian, let alone change things, I am afraid that even the basic operation cannot be maintained.

遵循 Conservation of energy is followed everywhere, and neither energy that comes out of nothing will not disappear at will.

These walls can be constantly spawned, which means that with enough power to maintain, the broken walls can be reassembled, but without these stone materials, Nie Yun does not believe that the walls can be generated!

Although these stones are not particularly precious, they are all a rare ore and cannot be endless.

Sure enough, after receiving dozens of broken walls in succession, the ground under the feet roared, and another wide hall appeared in front of everyone.

"You guys are amazing, it's the first time humans have entered here in so many years!"

A tall and thin middle-aged man sitting in the throne room on the throne, looked coldly, his voice was hard, like iron stones.

"Thank you for the compliment!"

I smiled a little, and Nie Yun took everyone into it. Although he said it easily, his eyes were full of vigilance.

I can appear here. The person in front of him must be more powerful than Wu Bo before.

"Being able to come here demonstrates the strength. The search sign is on the high platform in front of you, and you will leave immediately after taking it. I will notify my subordinates, and it will not be difficult for you!"

道 Middle-aged man said lightly.


Stunned everyone.

I looked up and saw that a token was floating on a high platform not far away, and there was no seal reinforcement, which was easily available.

"We're welcome!"

Xu looked around vigilantly, for fear of a sneak attack, Nie Yun grabbed his arm for a long time, and found Fudi slipping in the palm.

"is it this one!"

He glanced at Fu Yanchao with the ordering sign, and when he saw the other nodded, Nie Yun's wrist was flipped into the world of objects.


Seeing that it was so easy to get the command sign in their hands, everyone was stunned.

I used to think there was at least one battle, but now it seems too simple!

"Give us your order directly, if you have any conditions or requirements, just say it!"

Looked up at the middle-aged person in front of him.

I was thrilled along the way. It was impossible for the other party to send out the search symbol so quickly. There must be any means and conditions.

"No conditions, get things, you can go!"

Middle-aged man waved his hand.


Seeing the other person's appearance did not seem to be false, Nie Yun was a little strange.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he also knew that the other party should be sincere and not embarrassed.

"We need one more thing. After we get it, we just leave!" Without thinking about why the other party did it, Nie Yun looked up at the other party and said.


Middle-aged man frowned.

"Break the India Wheel!" Nie Yundao.

"Broken Wheel?"


The middle-aged man suddenly stood up, and the whole hall was filled with a terrible breath.

"Where did you hear from, who told you there is a broken print wheel here?"

The sigh of breath came from oppression like a mountain, making people breathless.

From the breath alone, we can see that this middle-aged person is stronger than Wu Bo.

"You don't need to know how we know. The main purpose of our visit this time is to break the printing wheel. Give us, we will turn around and leave, and we will have to fight!"

I felt the breath of the other side, Nie Yun secretly startled, but did not panic.

Efforts and painstaking efforts, the main purpose of everyone is to become the hope of the master. Now hope is in sight, how can we give up!

Even if it ’s a real battle,

既然 "Now that you know about the broken printing wheel, you guys ... have to die!"

The middle-aged man looked up at the sky, and suddenly a cold killing intention appeared in his eyes, and he suddenly shot in the cold hum.


His palm is white and smooth, similar to a girl, but with endless power, he appeared on top of everyone's heads in a blink, and slowly pressed down.

The movement is unpleasant, but it gives people the feeling that it is difficult to avoid, and a special feeling is born in the heart. It is also reasonable to be killed by this palm.

虽然 Although the middle-aged man is not the master, he makes an attack comparable to the master!

"Great, but it's not so easy for us to die!"

Nie Yun was also a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ Knowing the sword in the sea sharply cut, woke up in a blink of an eye, the master soldier raised, a sword stabbed in the past.

Yan Jian is surging, endless, and the one that meets into a river, touches the palms.


With a single stroke, Nie Yun stepped back seven or eight steps, his expression condensed.

The opponent only uses a simple palm. He uses the master to control the soldiers.

I'm too scary!

家伙 I'm afraid this guy has encountered the most terrible existence besides the master.

"Wake me up and do it together!"

Knowing the power of the person in front of her, Nie Yun yelled loudly and shouted Fu An and others from the sluggishness.

"Damn, do it!"

Yan Duan also waited for everyone to wake up, all of them turned red, and the angry roar rang through the sky, and they shot at the same time.

For a moment, the attacks of the five masters united, like a rope twisted together, whistling at the middle-aged man in front of them, and drew away.

Ps: I have a high fever, the whole person seems to have collapsed, and I will die uncomfortably, but the second one will be. Please ask for two monthly tickets to comfort me, thank you!




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadows Group @ 天若有情 gwj". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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