Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1600: 1 sword Lingyun


Facing the attack of the five masters, the middle-aged man looked pale and walked forward step by step.

Every step taken, everyone felt the pressure increased by one point, ten steps in a row, the bald lord immediately collapsed and could no longer shoot.

Of the twenty-five, he was the weakest and the first one could not bear it.

"This is soul oppression!"

It can make a strong man like the bald head, unable to shoot, the opponent's soul strength is not lower than himself, he has reached the level of domination, and even with the special terrain of the ghost valley, the power is even better.

"Soul is like an umbrella, Hui Jian is beheaded!"

Once the crowd couldn't make a shot, only the part that was beaten up, Nie Yun's huge soul power greeted him, like a huge umbrella, blocking the crowd, blocking all the middle-aged people's soul from the outside.

At the same time, Hui Jian in his head appeared on top of his head, and it was cut lightly, and the force oppressed in the hearts of everyone was cut off, and everyone's mind was relaxed.

"I didn't expect you to have a master-level soul, no wonder you can rush here!"

Seeing that Nie Yun's soul power had been fully sacrificed, the middle-aged man's expression moved, and his face was sorrow-free and joyless.

The palm of his hand was golden, like a piece of steel. The umbrella formed by Nie Yun's soul touched it immediately, like burning, hot pain.

"One Gas, Three Qings!"

I know that this must be some kind of skill of the other party. If he doesn't show his hole cards, he will definitely be unable to resist. Nie Yun took a deep breath, his body shook, and the two avatars appeared again.

The avatar plus the deity is exactly the same. At the same time, hit the opponent's golden palm.


Nie Yun backed up again.

Alas, this time the middle-aged man also showed a solemn expression.

Three identical avatars. It also puzzled and shocked him.

"Tianxin rattan spread!"

I know that it is difficult to defeat the other party without exerting all my strength, Nie Yun does not keep it, palms are lifted, Tianxin Teng spreads out from the body, and countless vines roar toward the middle-aged person in front of them.

"There are enough means!"

Middle-aged people are finally full of vigilance.

The strength of Wu Tianxin Rattan reached 2,999 avenues, matching the attributes that kept being derived, even by him. They all feel a little tricky.

加上 Plus the person in front of me, three avatars appeared at once. The three have joined forces, and it is not easy for him to win such a strength.

"I don't want to fight with you, I just want to find the broken printing wheel. You give me this thing, we turn and leave!" Nie Yunlang said.

This is his truth. The strength of this middle-aged man is too scary. Even if he does everything, it is difficult to win.

"If you want to break the printing wheel, only you can beat me! Do it, don't be a coward, I want to see how many cards you have!"

Lengheng of middle-aged people.

"Your purpose here is to guard the Broken Wheel?"

Seeing middle-aged people hear the broken printing wheel. Although it seemed indifferent, in fact there was excitement in his eyes, and Nie Yun's heart moved. Think of a possibility.


The middle-aged man didn't answer, but his face was indifferent, and his pupils shot cold.

I stepped out and hit a volley.

The mountain was smashed and the power was rampant.

Susan * felt a shock at the same time and backed up again.


I didn't expect this guy to not get into oil and salt. It's useless to say anything, so powerful. Nie Yun was helpless.

He continued to fight, his whole arm was a little numb, the blood in his body was boiling and his breathing was short.

继续 Continue to fight like this, he will surely be killed alive by the opponent.

I will not be reconciled if I just give up.

"Let's try it!" Just as Nie Yun was in a dilemma, Zi Tong shouted without breaking and came forward.

Tong Zitong's body is not a chaotic mountain. Her body is strong and abnormal. She fists and throws her hands. Thick arms and fists stand like giant mountains, and they are rolled straight.


The middle-aged man's fist collided with Zi Tong's undefeated fist, and both were shocked.

Although Zi Tong is not ruined and Nie Yun's strength is a bit worse, this kind of hard-hitting, pure force collision, is not inferior to this middle-aged person.

"Ancient mountain of chaos? Yes, yes!"

The middle-aged man apparently did not expect this person to have such strength, but after a touch, he recognized the innocence of Zitong, and it was full of shock.

"You're good too!"

Xun Zitong did not destroy the forward, this time it was not a fist, but a fit hit him.

His strongest strength is not Xian Li, but his body, ramming like a huge humanoid weapon, before his face, the space and time in front of him are broken.

"Falling Moon God Front!"

Tong Zitong did not destroy the gap with the middle-aged people, and has been standing in a tide of helping the dark.

It is his strongest trick, Luoyuefeng!

The sickle-like dominating **** soldiers are like a dreary moon, bright and clear, but with the meaning of killing, a volley, and waves of water-like appearance spread straight towards the middle-aged.

Fu Shi displayed this trick, Fu Anchao's face was the same as before, a little pale, and his whole body was shaking.

"No wonder I'm so confident. This trick is really terrible. It's so sudden that it's really hard for me to dodge ..."

Seeing this trick of helping the dark tide, Nie Yun's face calmed.

I knew beforehand that Fu dark tide had the trick of pressing the bottom of the box, but I had never seen it before. At this time I saw this scene and knew that it was scary.

The power of this trick is stronger than his sword. With the power of burning his essence, once cast, it is absolutely invincible at the same level!

If you suddenly encounter this trick before you get the Enchanted Enchantment, I'm afraid I have no chance to escape!

Let's sizzle!

The air made a soft sound, like a breeze, and the water pattern fell on the middle-aged person.


The middle-aged man rushed forward with both hands, resisting quickly, but the power of this move was too great to resist, he took a few steps back in a row, leaving a bloodstain on his palm.

Even if Zitong's entire arm can be cut without destroying such a powerful attack, at this time, only the bloodstains are left on the palm of the other party, not seen with his own eyes, it is hard to believe.

"Ling Yue Jian, Ling Yun!"

At this moment, Nie Yun moved.

Luofu Shenfeng, who helped the dark tide, gave him a lot of inspiration, and Lian Yuejian, who had not broken for a long time, formed in his mind again.

From the creation of the first type to the present, the sorrowful moon sword has a total of seven styles, namely: one sword breaks the dust, one sword atlas, one sword kills the sky, one sword destroys, one sword chaos, one sword creates, and one sword breaks.

This is the eighth style!

The man does not show Ling Yunzhi, he is born with an eight-foot body!

A sword Ling Yun, sword Zhao Ruyun rushed for nine days, as soon as it appeared from the sword tip, immediately rushed to the sky, whine.

"What is this trick?"

The middle-aged man was finally full of shock.

His previous trick to help the dark tide only made him look dignified. Nie Yun's trick really made him feel threatened, a threat from death.

This method of sword with Ling Yunzhi, it seems that nothing can be blocked, even if the sky blocked, they will pierce a hole.

The palm of his hand hurried forward, and the five golden fingers danced like a piano. Every time he hit the sword, he contracted hurriedly. The blood splattered and the middle-aged man kept shaking.


A cricket rang, and Jianmang fell on the middle-aged man's palm and cut it off.

"You can hurt me ..."

I looked at the palm that fell to the ground. The middle-aged man first slapped, and then laughed loudly. I didn't know whether I was happy or sad when I looked at the expression.

Seeing his abnormal attitude ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun didn't go ahead and took the opportunity to adjust his interest rate.

This sword Ling Yun also consumed his whole body strength. If it was not to maintain the vitality of Dan Tian, ​​I am afraid that it would not be better than Fu An Chao, and he would fall directly to the ground.

"Very well, if you can hurt me, it means that you are qualified to get the broken wheel. Now I will give it to you and take it!"

After laughing, the middle-aged man waved his hand. Although he said that he could be qualified to take the broken printing wheel away, he didn't take any action on his hand and did not take out any weapon magic weapon.

"Take it away? Where is the breaking wheel?"

Qian Duan also asked.

During the previous battle, he quietly looked at the whole room and did not find the so-called broken printing wheel.

According to normal circumstances, this level of magic weapon should be very powerful. If it is not hidden, it is difficult to hide the breath. Why can't you see anything?

"Don't ... you're the breaking wheel?"

He hesitated for a moment, interrupted Duan Yi, and Nie Yun quickly looked over.

It's hard to say that this middle-aged person is actually the so-called broken wheel. Otherwise, why do you say that you can get it?

"Yes, I am!"

道 Middle-aged man said lightly.

(It's so uncomfortable to have a cold, everyone must wear a little hòu, don't catch a cold ...)




[To be continued 『』 If you like the work, welcome to the official website to support the author. 】

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