Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1602: Fatal crisis

In contact with Fu dark tide and others, Nie Yun has been pretending to be miserable, and he has not changed his identity all the way here. Originally, the battlefield of the Three Realms was so vast. Thinking of the narrow road of the enemy, I came across Tianshu Pavilion!

It is also possible that the other party is always here, waiting for his arrest!

The dry blood dynasty has been in a big world for such a long time, and the financial resources are amazing. There must be many people who are willing to do what they should. Patriarch.

"Nie Yun? Mi Mi?"

Hearing the ancestors of dry blood, Nie Yun suddenly knew that he was disguised as Mi Mi and he guessed it. He was too lazy to continue hiding, his body flickered, and he returned to his original appearance.

"Oh, meet again, but it's not so easy to kill me! Goodbye!"

As soon as he grabbed his hand, Nie Yun immediately collected Fu Anchao and others into the world of things, and turned and fled.

Although his strength has increased a lot after the Battle of the Valley of the Souls, he still has self-knowledge, knowing that he is far behind the master. In this case, it is kingly to escape directly.

The wings of the Phoenix unfolded and flickered lightly, and Nie Yun ran out of tens of thousands of kilometers. At the same time, with the stroke of one's palm, thousands of vitality road charms were thrown back.

Avenue of vitality is as much as necessary, as long as it can block the other side and give him enough time to escape.

There are so many people on this plain, as long as they can escape into the crowd. Mixed in, even if the other party is the dominant one, it can't be found!

"That's the trick again. It's useless!"

When he saw that he had thrown so many Qi Da Dao Fu again, the dried blood ancestor sneered a little finger forward, a small world immediately appeared in the air, shrouded in front of Da Yuan Da Dao Fu, and devoured it like a pocket.


So many vitality avenues exploded in the small world at the same time. Although this small world was completely destroyed, it did not stop the dry blood ancestors. The ancient ship thundered and chased behind him.

The ancient ship of the dried blood dynasty was completely blown up. Obviously, this ancient ship was re-created by the ancestors of dry blood from somewhere. It is more powerful and faster than Nie Yun's broken Shenzhou.

"Grandma's. So fast!"

I did not expect that the replay of the old tricks would not work anymore, and the speed of the other party was so fast, Nie Yun's face was ironed.

I really want to be caught by the other side, there is no doubt that he must die, we must hurry and escape.

"Stop it for me!"

The dry-blooded ancestor who followed him saw that he wanted to escape. How could he do so, pressing his palm forward, a huge hand-power fell down, and Nie Yun's back fell.

Strong pressure is like a giant mountain crushing. Nie Yun faced Tieqing, gritted his backhand and sword.

Pity the moon sword eighth style, a sword Ling Yun!


Powerful sword intention pierces the palm. The wings of the Phoenix flickered, and Nie Yun fled forward again.

Ling Yijian Ling Yun's power is endless, even if the dominant power is unprepared, he will suffer a lot.

"I did not expect to see your strength increase again in a few days, it seems that you must be killed this time!"

Seeing the opponent's sword intention pierce his powerful palm, the dried blood ancestor was boiling.

I saw this guy for the first time. The opponent was unable to fight back and was taken directly into the bottle. The second time I saw, this guy was a lot stronger and escaped smoothly. The third time I saw, I didn't expect to be able to pierce his attack and fight back!

I met three times but did not work for more than ten days. This progress is terrible!

If you let this guy grow up like this, I'm afraid it's not impossible to become the master, it will be really difficult to defeat at that time!

I thought of this, how could the dried-blood ancestors keep their hands, his spirit moved, and a long knife appeared in the palm of his hand.

Dominate the magic soldier! Dry blood knife!

He is the master of the strong, the master of the soldiers can be refined by himself, as long as the materials are sufficient, naturally how much they want, but it is rarely used against weak people.

After all, he is the master, and it ’s a shame to deal with the non-master and use the master soldier to spread it!

At this moment, he couldn't care so much. The young boy's growth speed completely surprised him, knowing that if he does not cut the grass now, once the other party grows up, he may be fine, but the dry blood dynasty will definitely suffer an unprecedented blow!

既然 Since the contradiction between the two cannot be resolved, it can only be ended through death!


Puppet masters were used in the hands of the masters. The power was extraordinary. The sword fell straight into the sky, piercing Nie Yun's back, and he couldn't resist it.


I did not expect that the other party was so disregarding his identity, he took out the master soldier, Nie Yun's scalp was numb, Ling Yun greeted again with a sword.


The sword and the sword gas collided. Nie Yun only felt a shock in his mouth. His whole body was numb and a blood spurted out involuntarily. At the same time, the sword of the master soldier could no longer hold it. In the distance.

"Keep running!"

He was seriously injured and lost his weapon. Nie Yun knew that once he went to pick it up, he would lose the chance to escape. He didn't dare to stay at the moment, resisted the chaos in his body, and accelerated forward.

It is terrible to cooperate with the dominating strongman who dominates the divine soldiers, and the power is not what he can resist now.

"Don't go, just stop with me!"

Xu speeded up, just as Nie Yun felt that he was about to escape, suddenly a big mountain rolled down in front of him, blocking the way.

If you continue to move forward, you will inevitably be pressed down by the mountain peaks, depending on the strength and appearance of the mountains. Once you are met, you will lose half your life even if you are not dead. In a hurry, Nie Yun has to stop.

I saw a figure appearing not far away, and the mountain in front of him was thrown out by him.

Fuxu Danshan!

Fuxu dominate!

This guy and his dried blood ancestor blocked his own way when he shot.

"Fuxu dominate, you and I have no resentment, please let go ..."

Seeing that the road in front was completely blocked by the mountains, Nie Yun was anxious, but did not lose the slightest politeness in his thoughts.

I have offended one master, and can't offend another, otherwise, this time I will really fall here.

"We have no injustice and no enmity, but if you are trusted by others, you can stay!"

Xun Fuxu dominated laziness and Nie Yun's nonsense, grabbed the palm again, another giant mountain flew in the sky, and pressed down again.


Seeing that the other party didn't give any share, he shot directly. Nie Yunqi's "Wowa" barked but there was no way. The wings of the Phoenix danced, rushing out from the pressure of the mountain peaks, and changed direction to escape elsewhere.


I haven't gone far, and the sword is broken, tearing the space in front of me, and the dried-blood ancestor has chased him.

Although the speed of the Phoenix Wings is very fast, it is still a lot worse than the speed of dominating the strong ones, and it is impossible to escape!


In a hurry, Nie Yun hurried to the ground.

A master who is powerful can have such a headache, it is difficult to escape. The two masters have joined forces in person, and each has his own weapon. It is impossible to escape!

I ca n’t escape, I have to escape, I ca n’t just sit back and wait!

The ground in the battlefield of the Three Realms was harder than the Xieyue Extreme Zone. As soon as Nie Yun entered it, he rushed straight away.

"Think you can escape by hiding underground? Dream it!"

The sneer of the ancestral ancestor sneered, and Nie Yun's figure stopped in a hurry, and then saw the splendid sword ripped off the ground in front of him, and a gully as deep as hundreds of feet appeared.

If it wasn't fast ~~ www.readwn.com ~ just stopped short, it would be torn in half by knife air.


Xie Nieyun came up from the ground.

I do n’t think it ’s possible to escape from the underground. If I do n’t get it, I will be slashed to death. I can only find a way to face it.

But ... let him face a master ... Imagination felt tremor and could not fight.

"It's best to come out, then wait for death!"

When I saw him rushing out of the ground, the dried blood ancestor grinned, and the dried blood knife in his hand slashed again in the air, and the swordmang traversed hundreds of millions of miles, tearing the sky of the Three Realms.

"Dry blood, you are the master to deal with 非 a non-master, you are really brave enough ..."

Just then, an anxious drink suddenly sounded, and then a figure rushed forward. This person was carrying a wine gourd and a glass of wine, and he was full of anxiety when he saw that Nie Yun was trapped. .

Ps: No accident, within five chapters Nie Yun will inevitably dominate, quack, really * here, Laiya is a little excited. . I took the medicine, took three days off, and slept darkly, much better. Thank you friends for your concern, thank you! !!

Also, today is Christmas and everyone is happy Christmas. .




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadows Group @ 天若有情 gwj". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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