Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1603: Dead road

"Li Xiaoyao, you can save it. Their personal grudges, do not intervene as masters!"

Xiaoyao Xian's figure hasn't come to him yet, yet another world is shaking, and the Ferris ancestor has shot.

The three thousand avenues of dominating the powerhouse are complete, the strengths are the same, and occasionally another magic weapon is powerful, but it is almost impossible to defeat the opponent.

The wine gourd on Xiaoyao Xian is his weapon. It rolls in the air, black cracks crack in the Three Realms battlefield, the ground explodes, and the powerful attack force makes the originally intended to see the lively crowds, one by one, change color, and flee quickly. ’

It is not that they can intervene in the **** of the strong players at the master level. They will feel trembling when they get closer, let alone stop.

"It turned out to be so powerful ..."

"I thought that more than a dozen and a half steps to dominate the big three strong will also make the master uncomfortable. Now it seems that this is not the case at all!"

"It's like an adult fighting a dozen babies. No matter how many babies, how can they be adults' opponents!"

"The point is that if adults don't want to fight, they can turn around and leave. Babies can't hurt a little ..."


When they saw Xiaoyao Xian and Ferris ancestors fighting in the sky, everyone knew the gap between them and their master.

Not the same!

Knowing this, it also horrified that this guy named Nie Yun was actually able to flee so far under the chase and kill of the two main powers, which is really terrible.

"Unfortunately, no matter how terrible it is, there is no shortage of genius in this world. No matter how powerful people die, they all have only one name, that is, a corpse!"

"It's just a pity that such a character, if you blame it, blame this guy for being too pretentious. Challenge the dry blood dynasty, isn't this trying to kill?"

"I don't agree with these words. The practitioner should follow his heart. Although Nie Yun is trying to escape, he is alive and smart, and has a sharp edge. He will be extolled after millions of years ..."

"How long has it been since Nie Yun became famous? It's so brilliant in such a short time. It's amazing!"

"Like the meteor, unfortunately ... but his story will become a permanent legend ..."


Numerous practitioners on the plain looked at the Nie Yun who was about to be killed, some with emotion. Some sympathy.

Anyone who knows the name of Nie Yun knows that this boy has risen to the famous Three Realms for only a few months. He thought he was such a character. It must be famous in the future. It now seems that there is no chance.

Geniuses appear fast and disintegrate faster. This top genius, counted by the Three Realms, can only fall down among the regrets of all people and disappear completely in the long river of history.

"Abominable, abominable!"

Nie Yun was numb all over when he saw the falling of Qi Qi splitting his head and covering his face. The palms trembled, and the broken printing wheel flew out.

The sword that dominated the Divine Soldier was just hit. Already fell into the hands of the dried blood ancestors. Seeing that the power of this move would not be resisted by the master soldier, it would inevitably be split in half, and the soul would be difficult to escape.

boom! puff!

Nie Yunhu's mouth burst and his knees fell to the ground softly. The whole person fell into the ground for hundreds of meters, as if a nail had been hit by a hammer.

Under the impact of the powerful force, the whole body muscles broke, and the blood stained his whole body red.

Confront the dominant power, even if he has improved a lot during this time, it is still impossible to complete!

The gap between dominated and non-dominated is a whole level of life, there is no possibility of comparison at all.


Fuxu dominated a long howl, and another mountain in his hand was suppressed by volley.

Look at the power, really want to be crushed, no doubt!

"Tian Xuan Temple resists!"

It was too late to recover the injuries on his body, grabbed the palm of his hand, and Nie Yun threw out Tian Xuan Dian.


Although Tian Xuan Dian is very powerful, it is only the peak of chaos. There is still a long way to go before it can be mastered. After just one click, it is pressed into powder.

"Tian Xuan Temple? It turns out that Tian Xuan's legacy has fallen into your hands, huh, when you say that, you're even more damn!"

Seeing the broken Tianxuan Hall, the dried blood ancestor stunned, and then hummed fiercely, and the dried blood knife made another stroke.


Although Tianxuan Temple did not block Fuxu Danshan, it blocked it. Nie Yungang just escaped from the mountain, and saw the opponent's sword and piercing time and space.

There was nothing to resist this time. "Flop!" The arm was cut off, and the flesh was blurred.

"No, this way, I will definitely be killed alive ..."

The injury on his body caused Nie Yun pain, but also made his spirit more concentrated than ever.

Although his life is not long, this crisis of life and death is only in the front line, and has gone through many times. Although it looks like ten deaths, but as long as you look carefully, you will definitely break through the trance and find the only way of life!

"The two masters do it, and escape is definitely impossible! The only way is to quickly break through!"

"And the most direct way to break through is to merge Dantian!"

"If you want to merge with Dantian, you can only devour the world and make the world of things more powerful!"


Brows frowned, and thoughts flickered into his mind.

Seeing the other side is so fierce, the summation will definitely not work. The only thing that can be done is to quickly improve the strength, either to escape or to kill all those who besieged him!

For others, it quickly rises, unless it reaches the level of domination, but it is different to him. There are still so many top ten Dantians floating in the air. As long as they can be integrated, the strength will definitely get a qualitative leap!

"Father, don't kill this guy so quickly, I will torture him a little ..."

While Nie Yun was thinking, a loud drink rang and looked up, only to see the Emperor Gan Xue standing not far away, yelling loudly, eyes full of cruel excitement.

"This guy is an emperor of dry blood, there must be many first-class worlds!"

Hearing this voice, Nie Yun stared at it with a sharp eye.

The Emperor Ganxue is the master of a country. He controls countless years of the Ganxue continent. There must be a lot of treasures in his body. If he can find a few more first-class worlds, even if he can't integrate Dantian, it will definitely help his strength increase!

Thinking of this, Nie Yun's vitality surged, and the broken arm immediately re-grown out. With a big hand, the broken printing wheel flew in the palm again.

"To torture me, I'll let you die first!"


The broken printing wheel kept spinning and slashed straight towards the Emperor Xingxue.

Although there is no trick for breaking the printing wheel, he exerted his best, and in conjunction with the terrible **** of the **** soldiers, a crack rushed towards the dry blood emperor.


The Emperor Ganxue did not expect to be besieged by the two main lords. This Nie Yun dared to attack him fiercely, scaring a scream, and then ignored the majesty of the emperor, turned and fled.


The Broken Wheel slammed into his back fiercely, and was blocked by his defensive master soldier, but the fierce impact still caused the blood emperor to spit out blood, and his breath was faint.

After this period of improvement, the Emperor Ganxue is no longer Nie Yun's opponent by virtue of his strength alone.

However, he possessed the defense to dominate the magic soldier. As long as Nie Yun did not reach the level of domination, although he could be injured and wanted to kill, he could not help.

"Stealing talent, steal!"

Nie Yun also knows that he can't kill the other party. The intentional attack is to steal things while chasing things. At this time, it is the best time to see the dry-blooded emperor's slump.

"There are only three first-class worlds? That's pretty good ..."

It's too late to see what the treasures are, and only see three first-level worlds, and immediately break into the world of Nawu and blend into it.


At the same time ~ www.readwn.com ~ ignites all the treasures in an instant, and the huge and vigorous vitality fills the entire world.

Zizi Zizi!

Although swallowing three first-class worlds and so many treasures added a little strength to Nie Yun's strength, it is still a waste of money compared to the master. There is no way at all.

"Beasts who don't know how to die still dare to be fierce. Today I will let you die, and die completely!"

Nie Yun's shot on the Emperor Ganxue was just an instant. Seeing this scene, the Qiang Qiang's ancestor almost fainted.

This kid is too courageous, besieged by his two masters and dare to shoot at his descendants.

With a roar, the dried blood knife split again.


Fuxu Danshan was also under the hood, with a loud noise, Daomang and Dashan fell on Nie Yun's location at the same time, smoke and dust rose, and the world changed color. (To be continued!

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