Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1604: Refining

"Nie Yun ..."

Seeing Dao Mang and Giant Mountain falling above his head at the same time, Nie Yun had no chance to escape at all.

Although he was very angry, he has been entangled by the ancestors of Ferris, and he can't help.

"Hey, finally dead, Li Xiaoyao, I'm sorry, I have been trusted by you. If you feel uncomfortable, you can come to me and fight, I will always be with you!"

Seeing that Nie Yun was hit by two great tricks at the same time, the Supreme Master knew that he would die, and he jumped out of the circle with a smile.


Xiao Xiaoyao's face turned red, his fists clenched, but there was nothing he could do.

Although he is the master, the opponent is also the master. The strength of the master is similar. If he can't fight, he can escape. It is almost impossible to kill the opponent! No matter how angry it is!

I still have a good opinion of Nie Yun and Xiaoyao Xian. Such a young genius fell like this and made him very uncomfortable.

I ca n’t help it. I was chopped by a dried blood ancestor and crushed by Fuxu Danshan. Even him, he may not be able to carry it, let alone the other party!


Wu Dashan was lifted up by Fuxu. A huge tiankeng appeared in the place where Nie Yun was just now. The space of hundreds of kilometers was all cracked and turned into chaotic air flow.

"It has been bombed into dregs, this guy is really cheap ..."

Qian Ganxue's ancestor took a look, and searched the ground all over again. He found nothing and sneered.

He hit so hard, the kid must be dead, and he was blasted into powder. Otherwise, it is impossible to have nothing in front of you.


Xiaoyao Xian also hurriedly looked over, and the powerful soul force swept away. Nothing was found, revealing a gloom.

It looks like the ancestors of dried blood said that this Nie Yun must have been blasted into powder. At the time, he really couldn't think of it, and someone could escape.


I know Nie Yun's death, and Xiaoyao Xian has no face to continue. After looking at the dried blood ancestors and others, he waved his hands and turned away.

The grand master came over to save people. Nothing was rescued, not even the corpse was received, which hit him quite hard.

"Li Xiaoyao, don't go. I invite you to drink and enjoy your face!"

When he saw him eating, he smiled.


Xiaoyao Xian's eyebrows are like electricity, staring at each other coldly, after a moment, he turned abruptly: "Many acts of injustice must be self-defeating, if you can still live after this catastrophe, let's talk!"

After saying a full length of body, she disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

"I'm sure I can survive. Whether you can survive or not ..."

Wu Qianxue snorted and looked at the remaining two: "Thank Fuxu and Ferris for help, go. I'll take you to a place!"

With a hello, the ancient ship flew across.

"it is good!"

The two masters nodded and flew into Class A, taking the dried blood emperor out of the air.

It is very shameful that the three major masters have jointly killed a non-master. They do not want to stay here after being killed, and they are pointed.

"It's a pity. A generation of Tianjiao, that's it!"

"You can only blame him for being sharp. Young people know how to live with tolerance and can live longer!"

"Forget it, what else is there to say, people are dead ..."

Uh ...

During a battle, there were more than a dozen breaths from the beginning to the end, but everyone was in a position to look sideways and to be impressed.

A non-dominant powerhouse will allow the three main leaders to join forces to siege. Even this death named Nie Yun is legendary enough.

Uh ...


Nie Yun did not know the emotions of the crowds, nor did the masters have left. He was not dead, but was seriously injured. At this moment, he was standing in front of a broken broken stone statue, panting heavily.

"Dangerous! Fortunately, this [Chaos Teleporter] can also be used in the Three Realms battlefield, otherwise it is really difficult to escape ..."

He opened his palm, and a special rune appeared on the palm of the hand, but at this time, a crack had appeared on the rune, and a moment of time shattered into powder, flowing from his fingertips to the ground.

混沌 This Chaos Teleporter can only be used once, and has disappeared after using it.

He looked up, and the stone statue of King Shura was lying on the ground horizontally. He had lost his former majesty and seemed ordinary.

The ancient battlefield of the ruins of God!

Under the joint attack of the ancestors of dry blood and Fuxu, it was inevitable that I had to escape here!

When he left the battlefield in ancient times, the uncle gave him a chaotic teleporter, saying that even if the relic of God is closed, he can go back with this thing. After that, many things haven't come through. At this moment, in a hurry, I remembered this thing and took it. Come out, it really worked!

Even Nie Yun did not expect that this chaotic teleporter is so terrible that it can directly penetrate the distance between the Three Realms battlefield and the ruins of God and send it here!

I really do n’t know who made it, I am afraid that the powerful ones do not have this ability!

Alas, no matter how refined it is, at least he is safe.

"Cure the wounds on your body ..."

放松 Relaxed from tense pressure, Nie Yun breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly sat down on her knees, and mobilized her vitality to repair the injury.

Although the previous battle was not long, it was extremely dangerous and the body was broken. If it had not been driven here, it must have been dead.

The thick, thick woody air kept wandering in the body, repairing the broken meridian muscles in the body. I didn't know how long it took before Nie Yun spit out the muddy gas and stood up.

一 After an inverse rate-adjusting treatment, the injury was finally intact.

"Now that my own strength has reached 2,999 avenues, can I refine the heart of this ancient battlefield?"

After healing the wound, Nie Yun's expression fluttered, his eyes fell into the dense chamber below the stone statue, and the heart of the ancient battlefield was in this dense cave. At first, his strength was not enough to refine and he was forced to leave. After experiencing the Battle of the Dry Blood Dynasty, the Battlefield of the Three Realms, and many other things, the strength has reached its peak and is fully qualified and capable to refine this so-called battlefield heart.

As soon as his body moved, he re-entered the closet.

"Master, you are here!"

I walked over, seeming to be surprised by this host's coming so soon, but when he saw the strength of his body, his eyes opened.

"Master, you are qualified to refine the heart of this battlefield!"

"Well, let me try!"

Needless to say, Nie Yun also knows, two steps to the ball in the middle of the closet.

As the last time I saw the ball, it exudes a warm glow, full of regional vicissitudes.

Took a deep breath, his spirit moved, and his palm pressed.


Mild strength slowly poured from his palm to the ball, and Nie Yun suddenly felt a vast and broad force feedback.

"This is the heart of the ancient battlefield? Refining this means refining the ancient battlefield ..."

Nie Yun suddenly understood.

Refining the heart of this ancient battlefield is equivalent to refining the entire ancient battlefield and the entire remains of God!

"I am afraid that this ancient battlefield is really the core of the big world, much stronger than those refined first-class worlds ..."

Nie Yun has experience in refining more than a dozen first-class worlds. If these worlds are in a sea of ​​chaos ~ www.readwn.com ~, they are also traversing one side, but if you compare them carefully, you will fully understand. Looking at this ancient battlefield, The area is small, but the real core is as vast as the ocean, and the first-class world is not comparable at all!

It seems that this place is indeed the core of a big world, as it is said in the legend.

"Nattan Dantian merges into the core of a big world. What level will my strength rise to?"

Looking at the heart of the battlefield in front of which Han Han could not see the end, Nie Yun laughed, concentrated, and accelerated the refining process.


As soon as he accelerated, the entire secret room was suddenly enveloped by a special light. He was immediately pushed outside. The orb was connected to his world of things, and the two worlds were communicating slowly.

The entire secret room now looks like a sealed giant egg, and Nie Yun stands quietly, waiting for the day when the time is ripe, breaking out of the shell.

"Finally ... to leave here ..."

Seeing that she was pushed outside by the secret room 傀儡, instead of being disappointed, 眼睛 eyes were getting brighter.

Finally someone can refine this place, which shows that he can leave here!

And here ... it's been too long to be lonely!

(It's about to rise up soon! Quirk!)




[Unfinished To Be Continued [This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj]. If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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