Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1605: success!

"What did you say? Nie Yun ... was killed by the ancestor of the dry blood?"

In the battlefield of the Three Realms, Gu Yong, the patriarch of Guixu, has just entered it.

Relief on the research avenue of the Three Realms City during this time, Gu Yong successfully promoted to half-step dominance, became a half-step dominated small triple strong, and his strength was promoted. I planned to find Nie Yun to show off, and I heard this news that made him unbelievable.

"Yes, many of us have seen this matter with our own eyes. The three masters, the dried blood ancestor, the Fuxu lord, and the Ferris ancestor, all shot at the same time. How could he survive!"

人 This person seemed to be at Tianshu Pavilion at the time, and he knew this very well, and said for sure.

"This ..." Seeing the chirping of the other person's words, Gu Yong felt that his whole body was stiff. Although he couldn't believe it, he had to believe it.

"I tell you so much, I want you to be careful, you have resentment to return to the sea and the dry blood dynasty, here, be careful not to argue with them ..." This man kindly said.

"Thank you, I know!"

Wu Guyong nodded quickly.

Although I can't believe that this miracle-ridden boy is dead, what is going on when he hears the legends of the people?

The three major players who dominate the shots themselves are really hard to escape ...

"Master, what shall we do?"

Nuo followed the elders behind Gu Yong, at this time they looked nervously, with the meaning of inquiry.

"I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I don't believe he will die, we continue to stay in the Three Realms battlefield, but we must be careful and low-key, and investigate this matter carefully ..."

I meditated for a while, ancient Yongdao.

Even if Nie Yun is dead. After all, they are the people who return to the sea from the four ancestral gates, and they can't run away because they are afraid of the dry blood dynasty, let alone say. This boy named Nie Yun has great gratitude for the return to the sea. Whether they are really dead or not, the people who return to the sea have the responsibility to investigate to the end, to see people alive, to see dead bodies.

This is a kind of trust and persistence!

Uh ...

The most terrible place at the very core of the Jue Jue Ancient Land, the King of Heaven waits quietly outside the tortoise shell palace. Looking at the chain hovering above or even without a trace.

"I don't know how the masters are doing. Xuan Chan and Aoba are really alone after they leave!"

Twenty unique places are closed. The King of Heaven did not fall asleep as before, but waited here for nothing.

Although I know that the master's strength is still a little bit short of the peak, I'm afraid it will take me a long time to take him away. But somehow. He had the illusion that he would soon be able to leave here and ride the sea of ​​chaos.

感觉 This feeling came for no reason, but it made him firm.

"The master can certainly do wonders ..."

I recalled the bits and pieces when I first saw each other. Although the time of contact was not long, the particularity of the young boy remained deeply intact and indelible.


When he was feeling, he suddenly felt that the chain in front of him kept shaking. A huge force seemed to be pulling it away.

"How is this going?"

Suddenly a sudden change occurred, and the King of Heaven was stunned. What came to mind, his body trembling tremblingly: "Don't ..."

Before the thought was over, I felt that my body was shaking, and the whole person had already appeared in a tall temple.

"the host……"

In the large hall in front of his eyes, Nie Yunzheng was quietly suspended in the air. The previous ball and him kept blending, and it seemed to be fused in his body at any time.

"What happened to the master?"

After I was shocked, I looked at the one beside me.

"He is refining the core of this ancient battlefield. Once he succeeds, the entire remains of God will be carried by him!"

I said excitedly.

"Can you carry the relics of God with you? Doesn't that mean ... I'm leaving here?"

King of Heaven's eyes lit up, and his excited fist clenched.

From the beginning of his memory, his tortoise shell was fixed. He raised this ancient battlefield. He thought that he could not leave here for half a step until he died. He would be locked in here forever.

"Huh!" 傀儡 Nodded, understanding how he felt.

"Master ... how long will it take for the fusion to succeed?" King of Heaven asked quickly.

"I don't know, it's been more than two months now! Wait, anyway, we have time!" 傀儡 said.


King of Heaven is full of excitement.

Relative to his excitement, King Qingye, Xuan Chan, Fu Anchao, and others in the world of fascination all looked dim.

"It's been two months. What happened? Why is there no news?" Zi Tong said in a sigh of relief if she could not hold back her heart.

"Master Nie Yun was chased and killed by the ancestors of the blood that day. In order to protect our safety, we are placed here. It has been so long. Is there anything, why is there no news?"

The paragraph is also strange.

Two months ago, the ancestors of dry blood chased Nie Yun. They were directly received here in order to keep them from being implicated. Later, there was no movement. What happened and what happened to the master did not know.

"Don't worry, it should be okay. If something happens, this space should have been broken, not as solid as it is now!" Said the bald head.

"This is it!"

Everyone nodded at the same time.

空间 This space belongs to Nie Yun. If something really happens, it will definitely not be so stable, but it will be broken long ago.


They were worried, and suddenly the whole space kept shaking.

"How is this going?"

Fang Fuchao and other people's faces twisted ~ www.readwn.com ~ At the same time stood up.

As soon as I talked about the stability of the space, I kept shaking. Could it be that this master had been killed by the dried blood ancestor?

"No, how do I feel that this space is not about to be broken, but ... more and more stable, with the breath of the Supreme Realm?"

Tong Zitong does not destroy the fierce road.

"Extreme Realm Breath?"

Everyone was surprised at the same time.

At this level, they will also refine some of the world into weapons or ancient ships. Although these worlds are stable, they are still far from the big worlds such as the Supreme Realm.

The space that Lord Nie Yun brought them to, although the space is very stable and cannot escape, it can clearly sense that it is not the supreme realm, which is far worse than it is in essence.

How come ... the sudden breath has completely changed all this, giving them a feeling, this is the Supreme Realm!

what's the problem?

"What the **** went through?"

Xifu Anchao and others looked at each other. Although they did not know what happened to Nie Yun, they knew from the scene in front of them that they must be shocking and horrifying.

"Are you finally going to succeed?".

At the same time, the eyes of the puppet of the ancient battlefield and the King of Heaven were brightened.

I saw that the light ball in front of Nie Yun finally completed the last point of integration and completely fused.


Nie Yun opened his eyes. (To be continued)

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