Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1606: Back to the 3 realms of battle!

"I refined the ancient battlefield ..."

I opened my eyes and Nie Yun was relieved.

In these two months, it seemed to him and King of Heaven that he was asleep, but in fact he was working hard all the time.

This ancient battlefield is not big, but the heart of space is too difficult to refine, so that his entire soul has gone through thousands of calamities, and then he broke his cocoon into a butterfly and achieved his wish!

"Refining the heart of this ancient battlefield, my solid world is already as strong as the supreme realm, even if it is a little behind, it won't be too far away!"

The spirit returned, and Nie Yun knew the transformation of the body for the first time.

Successfully refining the heart of the ancient battlefield, the material world has made a qualitative leap. It used to be just a larger first-level world. Now it is already comparable to the Supreme Realm!

Although there is still a lot of difference in area, as long as there is enough first-class world to devour, enough time for it to grow, and catch up with the oblique moon supreme realm to become the four supreme realm, it is only a matter of time!

"It seems to be stronger ..."

The world of admittances has transformed, and the whole person has become a lot stronger. With a slight movement of the body, I feel countless forces swarming, and the fighting power has increased ten times!

"Dominate the level of strength!"

Nie Yun immediately understood that, now I am afraid that I already have the strength comparable to the master!

This is still not the case with other Dantians. Once the top ten other Dantians are merged together, will the strength increase again?

"The world of Nagoya has just completed its transformation, and it is not yet possible to merge with other Dantians, and wait for several months to consolidate. One-shot fusion will have better results!"

Stubbornly resisting the urge to integrate several other Dantians into the world of things, Nie Yun was not reckless.

Although the metamorphosis world has transformed successfully. However, because of the recent transformation, there is still some instability in the source. The rash integration of other Dantians will definitely cause a lot of unnecessary troubles. We will wait for a few months to consolidate.

However, even if he did not merge, he now has the confidence to fight against the dried blood ancestors!

"the host!"

King of Heaven came to him.

"Hmm!" Seeing the King of Heaven. Nie Yun laughed and nodded.

所以 The reason why this guy appeared here. Nature is his means.

"Master, do you refine the core of the ancient battlefield in the mountains, do you also have control over the ruins of God, can you collect them together?"

King Tianwang looked over with anticipation.

His tortoise shell is in the ten most ancient places of God's ruins. If the owner can collect the entire ruins together, it will be equivalent to taking him out of here, like the King of Green Leaves and others, galloping in the vast universe and ocean.

"Let me try!"

Suddenly, Nie Yun's spirit slowly spread outward.

To be honest, he has just refined the heart of the ancient battlefield, and has not tried the real effect.

In the blink of an eye, the spirit shrouded the entire ancient battlefield, and the next moment. The remains of God are shrouded in it.

"I really don't know what caretaker there is, it's just a ruin, and the ruins of God are closed. We are still guarding here, so lonely!"

"It's really boring, but as long as the guards go back ten thousand years to get promotion, it is also a good thing!"

"Don't think about it so much, it's only 10,000 years, and you can practice with peace of mind here. Time flies ..."

At the exit of the puppet ruins, a group of soldiers stood in place. Shaking his head while drinking.

At the beginning, the four gates of the Great Sect left the ruins of the gods, and they were ordered to wait here by the order of the dried blood royal family. For months, they had not seen one ghost. I do n’t know why the general issued such an order.

There are no four gates together, and the ruins cannot be opened at all. What can be guarded?

"No way, who wants us to be soldiers, obey orders, this is no way ..."

Uh ...

"Ha ha!"

He listened to these soldiers' conversations, and Nie Yun chuckled.

When he first came to the ruins of God, his soul thoughts could not spread far, but now, he easily covers the entire ancient battlefield and the ruins of God, which is more than a hundred times and a thousand times stronger!


He shrouded the ruins of God, and Nie Yun immediately felt a sense of complete control, as if facing his own world of holding things.


With the accompanying cries, the relics of God immediately entered the world of his things and disappeared from the place.


The soldiers who were drinking and talking, then saw a huge black hole collapsed in front of the starry sky, and the remains of the **** they had guarded had disappeared.


"What happened?"

"The ruins of God ... disappeared?"

"Quickly inform the general ..."

Uh ...

After a moment, all soldiers went crazy.

The disappearance of the God of God has gone beyond imagination, and it will inevitably cause panic throughout the oblique month!

Uh ...

"The relics of God have been taken away, and they are going back to the battlefield of the Three Realms!"

He took away the ruins of God, Nie Yun explained to the King of Heaven, and looked up into the depths of chaos.

I woke up and knew that it took two months to refine the heart of this ancient battlefield.

虽然 Although it is not long in two months, it is not long after the one year agreed with my brother. If we don't return to the realm of the Three Realms as soon as possible to find the heart of the Three Realms, the younger brother is likely to be in danger.

When I came before, it was sent by the Chaos Teleporter. It did n’t take time. Now it ’s definitely not so easy to go back. I can only fly back step by step.

Fortunately, now the strength has been strengthened again, the wings of the Phoenix unfolded, as if fused with the chaotic ocean in front of them, and gently moved, like an electric awn, disappeared from the eyes.

After ten days.

The battlefield of the Three Realms once again appeared in front.

The huge battlefield is still the same as before, quietly suspended in the depths of the chaotic ocean, motionless, except that the scene of the crowds outside the battlefield before is gone, and only a dozen people remain at the entrance and do not know what to do.

"Comers stay here!"

Xie Nieyun didn't stop. He quickly flew to the entrance, was about to go in, and was shouted.

Xu looked up, and he was still an old acquaintance. Wang Zijie, who had dealt with when he bought a place, was originally.

At this time, Wang Zijie is leading a few people at the entrance. See him come and fly directly to him.

"what's up?"

When Nie Yun first met Wang Zijie, she disguised her identity and now she is back to her deity. Instead, the other party didn't know.

"Have you entered the battlefield of the Three Realms? Still bothering to register your identity history!"

Wu Zijie laughed.

"Registration? Wasn't this rule before?" Nie Yun was surprised.

The battlefield opened before, so many people rushed in at once, and no one was registered. Why did you suddenly come up with this rule?

"It was true that registration was not required before, but this time is different from before. Registration is just to record whether you are eligible ..."

Xi Wangjiejie explained.

"Well then, my name is ... Yuntong! From Xieyue Extreme Zone! A casual repair!"

Nie Yun said lightly.

After fighting with dried blood ancestors. His name must be big, and he hasn't entered the Three Realms yet. He didn't want others to know.

Otherwise, how to leave the Three Realms battlefield and escape from the three masters, even he. Can't explain.

"Yuntong ... OK, go in!"

Seeing that the name had never been heard before, Wang Zijie immediately lost interest.

In fact, they are here at the ranks and follow the orders of the Three Realms. The test of qualification is just one of them. The most important thing is to attract contacts. People with strong team can register in advance to make the top 100 list more detailed.

"Thank you!"

Seeing that the other party was no longer embarrassed, Nie Yun was happy. Kung Fu flew in.

"Master, can't this cloud copper be registered yet?"

When he saw him leave, a subordinate came over. Asked.

"What else is registered, this kind of person will die when they can't make it. It is also a cannon fodder when coming to the Three Realms, so don't bother!"

A humane behind Wang Zijie.

"Oh, forget it!"

属 The subordinate took a thick pen and put a thick flower on the name he wrote down before.

王子 Wang Zijie did not intervene in the dialogue and actions of the two subordinates. It was just a strange feeling in his heart, as if he had seen this cloud copper somewhere.

"Don't think about it. Even if I have seen it, it must not be very good. If it is so good, I can't know it!"

He shook his head, no longer thinking about it, took out a gold-colored book, and handed it to everyone: "The characteristics of these people must be memorized, in case they come over, be kind, do not be rough, and Tell me, you know? "

Some of the characteristics of the names are recorded in the book, and the gold characters are emphasized.

"Master, who are these people that make you pay so much attention to?"

下 A subordinate is a little puzzled.

这位 The person in front of him, although there is no name on the top 100 list, but the real strength is definitely around thirty names, and even has to be in the front, so that such a strong person is so jealous. Who are they?

"It doesn't matter to tell you, these are the masters!"

Prince Jie hummed.


下 This subordinate almost did not hold the book and fell to the ground.

"Yes, my Master has entered the Three Realms battlefield. The purpose of keeping us here is not to investigate some useless guys. He wants to know how many powerful people have entered the Three Realms battlefield this time. In this way, it can also be prevented in advance. Set up the appropriate means! "

Prince Jie said.

"That's it!"

Everyone just understood it, and nodded at the same time ~ www.readwn.com ~ They didn't understand why they should stay outside. The original meaning.

"Well, now that you know everything, use snacks. Don't let the master go in but don't know! Work!"

Xi Wangjiejie no longer said more, his body flickered back to his place.


For their purpose, Nie Yun ignored it and was too lazy to pay attention to it again. He entered the battlefield of the Three Realms again and immediately felt that there was no previous oppression.

Even if his dominated soul spread here, he could only scan tens of thousands of meters at most, but now it can be tens of thousands of kilometers, hundreds of thousands of kilometers!

"It's a huge gap between reaching the dominance level and the non-dominant level, and it's incomparable!"

I felt this situation, and Nie Yun was sighing.

Dominated and non-dominated, the two have different levels of life. Even if they have the same dominated soul, they can exert completely different effects. Now it seems that it is.

虽然 Although he did not reach the Three Thousand Avenues, the world of objects in his body has become the size of the supreme realm. The real combat power is comparable to the master, and the level of life has already changed.

(Back to the battlefield of the Three Realms again, no one can stop Nie Yun, wow haha, the era of **** has come. By the way, there is a selection book on the page for the vote of the annual work, as long as you subscribe to a sufficient amount, the ticket is free Yes, everyone can play with it ...)




[To be continued 『』 If you like the work, welcome to the official website to support the author. 】

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