Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1608: Dance of the Quicksand

"Let's go!"

Make a decision, and the crowd stops no longer and walks forward together.

Through chatting, Nie Yun knows that the two people who have always refused just now are called "Aunt Feng" and one is called "Li Sheng".

Of course, this is the nickname or name, he was too lazy to ask carefully, anyway, the top 100 list has not heard these two names, should not be considered a big man.

"Now that you have decided to leave, you have to say something in advance!"

As she moved forward, Feng Gu said.

"Say something!" White Wing laughed.

"After a while, we will inevitably encounter Yan Liusha. If he is good at speaking, we can pay some treasures by ourselves. It can be passed. It is not a big problem. If we are not good at speaking and we are strong, what should we do?"

Feng Gu said.

"What else can I do? Give him a fight, even if this Yan Liusha is terrible, we can't kill us all!" Said a guy.

"Can you kill us all? I don't know, but it will definitely leave us with many means! I mean, what means do you have or what kind of life-saving tricks, you might as well say in advance, who are prepared Gao, use his to increase the chance of escape! "

Feng Gu expressed her thoughts.

Since it is a union, we must first understand the strengths and weaknesses of the other side, otherwise, we ca n’t achieve better results.

"Since Fenggu said this, I'm not polite. Let me talk about my strengths first. What I am best at is the knife method. The seven-knife knife can continuously cut seven knives. The knives are empty and good at confronting forces. ! "

White Wing Road.

"My cloud dance is good at walking and escape. Really bad, you can let White Wing block the first wave of attacks, and I will take everyone to escape!"

"My eight stitches can block time and space, and block attacks from others ..."


Knowing that there are better arrangements for introducing unique tricks, everyone didn't hesitate to say their own famous skills.

"Yuntong Brother, how about you?"

Soon everyone said it best. Look to Nie Yun.

"I? I ... are all pretty much the same! There is nothing particularly good or particularly bad ..." Nie Yun scratched his head.

Promoted to the Extreme Realm level. Regardless of his soul, body, or other aspects, he has reached the level of dominance. He is round and wishful, neither too strong nor too weak.

What he said is true though. It's different in other people's ears. Everyone looked strangely.

"Yuntong brothers, it's okay, even if there are no strengths, it doesn't matter. Since everyone is alliance, we will not give you up!" Bai Yi glanced sympathetically and patted his shoulder: "Don't panic, just follow the order. ! "


I did not expect his truth. When he heard nothing in the ears of others, Nie Yun couldn't help crying.

But it ’s hard to explain right now, you ca n’t tell them directly. I am the master!

I really want to say this, it is estimated that the other party will definitely say that he is crazy.

"Although these people have poor eyesight, they are all pretty good!"

Although everyone misunderstood that he would not have anything, he did not abandon it, indicating that these people are not bad by nature, which is very gratifying to Nie Yun.

Know the "features" of everyone. Everyone began to discuss tactics.

Because everyone knows that Yuntong's methods are not high, they are too lazy to continue talking with him.

Nie Yun happened to be happy. Traveling all the way, after walking for half a day, I saw a special canyon in front of me.

"This is Jiuxuanpo, everyone be careful!"

As his face sank, Bai Yi pulled out his sword, and walked forward cautiously.

Hearing Jiuxuanpo's arrival, each one showed a solemn expression, each turned to the extreme, and looked around vigilantly.

Nie Yun looked at it without any nervousness.

This is a narrow gorge that only allows three people to pass side by side. The cliffs on both sides are really dangerous. All kinds of weird currents, air waves, and lore arrays are densely packed. If you do n’t follow this road, you will enter it halfway Step dominates the big three strong players who are very passive.

When he came last time, which way of the Ghost Valley did he pass through? He didn't know that there was such a dangerous place.

The spirit slowly spread around, immediately covering the whole valley, glancing at it, shaking his head.

Many people in the valley are guarding it. However, they do not dominate the strong. The most powerful one is similar to Fu dark tide. It should be the Yan Liusha they said.

Yan Liusha was not far away at this time, and seemed to be waiting for everyone to enter.

Without his such powerful soul power, Bai Yi and others could not find each other, and could only move forward step by step.

"Stop it for me!"

After walking for a while, the crowd heard a violent drink, and a group of men in black surrounded them and stood in front.

This place is slightly more spacious than before, and a few men in black set aside the words, sealing all the roads ahead.

The first one is exactly the one that Nie Yun saw just now.

"Sir, we pass by here, obeying orders, as long as we can afford it, never frown!"

Knowing that this matter will come sooner or later, Bai Yi's original flustered state of mind has stabilized, and quickly said.

"Yo? Yes, it's kind of interesting! Give everything to you, I can let you go, if you find out what you have hidden, all die here!"

Yan Liusha hummed forward.

"Give it all?"

Everyone froze, their faces sinking.

I thought that paying some money would save us from the disaster. Now it seems that this Yan Liusha is even more greedy than I thought, and actually let them hand over everything!

The treasures on them are accumulated after countless years, and letting them take them out is no different from killing them.

"Adult laughed and gave everything in his body. The price is too high!"

White Wing Road.

"High? It's OK if you don't pay, I will kill you all and take it myself!"

Yan Liusha sneered, his palms lifted, and the sky was instantly yellow with sand. The whole valley seemed to be instantly shrouded in sand and dust, and the ground was golden.

His master, the soldier of the quicksand dance, has the ability to block time and space and completely cover the space. As long as his strength does not exceed him, he cannot break this blocked space!

This is a terrible move, and many powerful people have died here.

"Since you haven't said anything, you can only do it!"

Seeing that the other party said that the weapon was out of sacrifice, Bai Yi sank in his heart, yelled loudly, the long knife in his hand whistled, and chopped out.

Breaking the empty seven-swords, as he said, the swords are empty, and every time they go down, there is a thick knife stabbing straight, just like the tide, it is hard to resist!

Although he only dominated the small triple strength in half a step, this trick was used, and it seems that he can fight against the middle triple and even the big triple strong, no less!

"Everyone follow me!"

As soon as the White Wing's swordsmanship was exhibited, the one who was good at fleeing whispered, grabbed the palm of his hand, and covered the crowd with a gas line, rushing straight ahead.

They have torn their skins and can only manage to escape.

"Want to leave? How could it be so easy!"

Yan Liusha seemed to know their actions long ago, smiled coldly, and grabbed the palm of his hand upwards. The sky immediately changed the direction. Wow, like a giant yellow sand, came out.

Obstructed by the yellow sand, the fleeing people immediately fell into a quagmire and could no longer walk.


I did not expect that the dance of the quicksand of the other party was so powerful, far beyond imagination. The people were tight at the same time, and the person responsible for fleeing was trying to continue to perform mystery to pull everyone away. Suddenly his eyes flickered, and he froze.

"Yuntong, what are you doing?"

I saw that Yuntong hadn't run away with them, still standing not far, motionless, as if frightened, and there was no expression on his face.

"How dumb is this guy?"

"Leave him alone, let's go ..."

His exclamation ~ www.readwn.com ~ also attracted the attention of others. One by one, he showed unhappiness.

This cloud copper is simply a burden, and it can't do anything. Even running away can't even do it. Alliance with him is simply a self-death!

"Want to escape, let me die all!"

Ignoring the expressions of the crowd, Yan Liusha laughed, and the yellow sand seemed to be shattering like heaven and earth.

"It's over ..."

After seeing this scene, there was luck before, and everyone who thought that they could escape was stunned, and then realized that falling into the quicksand dance of the other side was equivalent to the death sentence, and it was no longer possible to escape.

"Dead? Who's dead is not sure yet!"

When the crowd was desperate and thought that death would be undoubted, Nie Yun, who had not been moved suddenly, spoke, moving his fingers slightly forward, and the yellow sand disappeared in the sky, and the sky was clear again.

(Finished in advance, hey! Happy weekend everyone, see you tomorrow!) (To be continued)

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