Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1669: He is the master?

As soon as he pointed to the past, the yellow sand scattered all over the sky, and then everyone saw that the cloud copper in front of him stepped in front of everyone, like a towering giant mountain, blocking all attacks.

"who are you?"

Xun Yan Liusha did not expect that the rabbit in front of him turned into a wolf, his face became very ugly, with a roar, two palms and one point, the yellow sand of the sky was divided into two sections, quietly hiding behind Nie Yun, a deadly attack would erupt at any time.

"It doesn't matter who I am. If I were you, I would definitely take this quicksand dance and apologize, instead of making this action!"

Xie Nieyun smiled slightly and stepped forward. The yellow sand scattered everywhere he went, he could not reach him at all.

"Apologize? Do you think you are the master? If I don't kill you today, I won't call Yan Liusha!"

Yan Yan quicksand grimace and growled wildly.

他 In his opinion, the young man in front of him is just a half-step master with a relatively strong strength. He is trapped by his master and can definitely be killed! Nothing to be afraid of!

The reason why Xun thinks this way is not because he is stupid, but because there are so many masters in the Three Realms. He is such a strong man, I do n’t know how long he has lived. Although he has not seen all of them, he must have heard of them.

As long as you are not the master, as the 33rd strongest in the top 100 list, you can be sure to kill!

"Then ... you die!"

Seeing good words and persuasion, the other side didn't listen, Nie Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense, and pointed to making a sword and move forward.

Let's sizzle!

Qi Jianyi is not broad, but with unstoppable speed and strength, he rushes straight forward. In a blink of an eye, came to Yan Liusha.


With both palms together, the yellow sand gathered like a carpet together, toward the middle. Countless grit formed a diamond-like shield, blocking out the sword.


碰 The hard shield touched the sword and did not block the attack, but made a crackling sound of the glass plate.

Jiangman seems to melt the light of steel, it is indestructible, and no matter how strong the gravel can't stop it.

"Dominate ... This is a master-level attack ..."

As soon as Pu's pupils shrank, Yan Liusha realized how terrible the young man should be. The whole body trembled, no longer paying attention to his face, and yelling, "Master, I was wrong ..."

But he now knew that it was obviously too late, the light pierced the diamond-like shield instantly, and penetrated his throat at the same time.


His eyes dimmed.

I ca n’t believe it until I die, the person I have never heard of before. Actually a master!

Dominates self-care identity. Rarely disguised as someone else, which adult is this ...


The corpse lay on the ground.


As soon as he died, no one was presided over by the Huangsha array, and the power was greatly diminished. Nie Yun chuckled and grasped the palm of his hand, turning it into a ball-shaped weapon.

Dominate the magic soldier. Dance of Quicksand!

Although the strength has reached the level of domination, dominating the magic soldiers is still very helpful to him. The show will enable better combat effectiveness.

"Some of you, don't go!"

Now that Nie Yun was too lazy to cover up, he killed Yan Liusha, and looked at the remaining people. Tianxinteng violently spread out. After a few breaths, all the guys who blocked the road and turned into corpses.

"Sure enough, there are many good things, they are all collected!"

I killed all of these people, and the countless treasures they looted fell in front of them. Nie Yun took a move in the palm of his hand and collected them into the world of things.

Although these treasures are not very useful to him, they are also thrown away. They are not needed and can be taken back to Luo Qingcheng for use.

Although he can copy anything, he needs a copy. There are many treasures here, even if he has never seen it.

The dance of the quicksand was cracked, and everyone returned to the canyon again. Nie Yungang finished putting things away, and then felt a fiery look around him. Then he turned to look at it, and then saw Bai Yi and others looking over in awe, rubbing them one by one. His eyes seemed unbelievable.

"what happened?"

"Master, are you ... dominating the strong?" Bai Yi asked full of doubt.

怎么 "What? Not like it?" Nie Yun smiled when they saw how they looked, obviously not convinced.

"No ..." Bai Yi was scared to speak, and quickly shook his head.

The name of Yunyun Copper has never been heard before, and they did not dare to think in the direction of the master before, but seeing the fighting just now, they would not be able to think about it!

The 33rd superpower in the Top 100 list is just like a child in the other's hands.

No wonder there is no fear of this Yan Liusha, even "outspoken words", people really have this strength!

It's funny that they don't understand anything, and they laugh at others for "outspoken words" and "I don't know the heights and heights".

Especially Feng Gu and others who had satirized Nie Yun before, all trembled with fear, for fear of accounting with them.

"Yan Liusha has been resolved, this road is no longer dangerous, leave now!"

I know that it shows strength, these people have a fear, and no matter how difficult it is to get along, Nie Yun will not say more, smile a little.

Although the senses of these people are good, after all, Pingshui meets, there is no need to mess with them.

Cultivate them to such a state, each of them has enemies, in case there is more affair, the other party hopes that he can take revenge, even if there are 10,000 avatars can not finish!

"grown ups……"

I didn't expect him to be so decisive, Bai Yi shouted, and before the voice was over, he saw that the boy in front of him had lost his trace and could not be found anymore.

"White Wing, is he really the dominant one?"

After a while, Aunt Feng came over nervously.

"Kill Yan Liusha at will, this kind of strength, I can't think of anything except to dominate ..." Bai Yi sighed.

"The speed at which he left just now we can't see with the naked eye, I'm afraid only the master can do it, don't worry, this one must be the master!"

Another person affirmed.

"Ah, unfortunately, the Lord Master didn't recognize it in front of him, it was too stupid!"

"Seeing the Lord with your own eyes, this opportunity will never be seen in hundreds of years. If you can draw on him, even if you don't have to do anything, you only need to rely on his reputation, and no one will dare to mess with us!"

"Remorse! I actually talked to the Lord like that, Yan Liusha didn't count anything in his eyes, of course it didn't matter!"

Uh ...

I knew Nie Yun was the master, and everyone was dumb, and countless people began to regret it.

If you know that the other party is the master, and have a good relationship, even if you do n’t use the other party ’s shots, you can enjoy the benefits by relying on your fame. Unfortunately, there is no chance now.

Sometimes the opportunity is so short, and once missed, I can't regret it anymore.


Qi Nieyun stopped.

虽然 Although he left, everyone's comments and expressions were still in his eyes, and he could not help shaking his head.

The heart is really greedy. If this group of people are not with themselves, they will be killed by Yan Liusha. In this case, they not only do not know how to be grateful, but also want to draw on themselves. Depending on their fame, they are greedy and helpless.

Fortunately, I just left, so I didn't give the other party a chance, otherwise, there must be a lot of trouble.

"It's no wonder that the masters have no place to live and prefer to live incognito. This is why ..."

Bian Nieyun now knows why the masters like to remain anonymous, making people wonder where they are.

I'm afraid I'm just afraid of these troubles.

Some people, okay, the other party will definitely use the name ~ www.readwn.com ~ don't return it, and will be scolded as ingratitude, it is better to be anonymous, people ca n’t find it, even if others want to say it, they definitely say no come out.


I thought for a while, Nie Yun still disguised his appearance.

I thought that the strength had reached its peak. Even if there was no need to hide his body, others would not dare to do it. Now it seems that hiding is not a fear, but an end to trouble.

After the disguise, Nie Yun is not stopping, speeding up.

With his strength and speed, as long as he is not the master, it is difficult to find that, all the way galloping and not long, he saw the mountains surrounding him, and Tianshu Pavilion appeared again in front of him.

I met the ancestors of dried blood as soon as I came here last time. I do n’t know the situation here. Now I have time to observe them carefully.

Wu Tianshu Pavilion is a wide plain, and it doesn't look strange at all. Just like last time, there were crowds everywhere, forming a lot of forces, one by one being afraid of each other.

Xie Nieyun disguised himself as a loose repair and walked over slowly.

(I didn't expect to double the monthly pass. Everyone has a monthly pass as much as possible, thank you !!!)




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 雨 爱 亭". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】 Bring your friends (@ 影 承 @ 新城 神 @ 字 书 文 @ 玉树 琼花 满目 春 @ Can't resist your sister)

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