Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1610: Dynasty of night

"Look at you as a casual repairer, join us, we are the loreless world [the heartless palace]. Even here, it is one of the best forces, and we certainly won't suffer!"

After taking a few steps, a middle-aged man stopped him and gave a careless introduction.

"Wu Xin Gong is really good, but is it too good for us [Jiu Chao Ge]? This brother, join us in Jiu Chao Ge. We have the most detailed clues. Just join us and we will make you good! "

Another middle-aged person came over and looked coldly at the one just now.


Nie Yun couldn't laugh or cry.

He now pretends to be a casual repairer, how can he be drawn when he arrives? What type of situation is this?

Is it so popular now?

Wuxin Palace, Jiu Chaoge, although I have not heard of it before, but the battle should belong to a large force that is not weaker than the dry blood dynasty. What does such a large force draw some scattered repairers to do?

"This brother, come with us. Our group of people are all casual practitioners and they can take care of each other!" The two of them were arguing, another person came over, his face was straight, and he quietly spread a voice: "They Great forces, they like to use casual repairs as cannon fodder. With them, I'm afraid you won't get any benefits, but people will die first! "

"Eh?" Nie Yun scratched his head. "I just arrived and don't know anything. What's going on?"

"You do not know?"

The man hesitated for a moment, then came to understand, and pulled him: "Let's talk!"

After finishing talking, they walked behind behind the two people, Wuxin Palace and Jiuzhao Pavilion. "The millstone of the Three Realms is about to open. Everyone wants to share a sum of money. Everyone also knows that the Chaos King Fuling cannot be completed by one person. . Only then can there be confidence, otherwise, if you go in alone, you will fall down! "

Then Nie Yun came to understand.

In order to find the Chaos King Rune, he must first open the Three Realms Grinding Disc with the Spirit Searching Rune. He knew this before and thought that more than two months had passed. Chao Ling Wang Fuling has been found long ago, but it seems that this is not the case.

"How about. Join us. Everyone is a retreat and they can trust each other. These big forces. They have never paid much attention to our retreat. Joining them can be easily regarded as cannon fodder!"

Seeing Nie Yun moving, he said in a hurry.

"Although casual repair is not exclusive, cohesion will also be much worse. At that time, it will be difficult to grab the baby!" Nie Yundao.

San Xun and San Xun together say that they can be good without harming each other. In fact, they are a group of black people. There is no cohesion in this situation. The alliance formed by casual repairs has little deterrent effect.

The composition of the big forces is different, they have a collective sense of honor and shame, and the strong take the lead. The unity must be stronger than casual repair.

"Eh ... you can rest assured that our group of casual repairs is organized by Lord Kuilin. You should have heard of his strength. The thirty-fifth strongest in the Top 100, this kind of strength is enough to order the heroes. , Convincing! "

This man was busy.

"Kui Lin? Kui Lin in the Oblique Moon Supreme?"

Hearing this name, the description on the Top 100 map appeared in my mind.

This Kui Lin and he are from the same big world, and are strong in the oblique moon supreme domain, but they do n’t belong to any force. They are a casual practice. It is indeed not easy for a casual practice to make such a big name.

"That's right, it's this man who presides over us. Who dares not to accept it? Therefore, you don't have to worry about a loose sand situation, it will definitely not be weaker than Wuxin Palace and Jiu Chaoge!"

This humane.

"Oh, but I'm sorry, I'm used to being idle and don't want to be **** behind others! Still forget it, thank you for your kindness!"

To figure out what happened, Nie Yun was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with him, and said directly, "Although leisure is very good, but it is easy to be robbed and killed by others. Would you like to think again?" The person did not expect that he would refuse, slightly stunned.

The general casual repair hopes to find a backing, and everyone can be safer if they are united. If they are alone, they are either bold or have a problem in their minds.

"Don't think about it! Thank you for your kindness!" Nie Yun said lightly, no more to say.

"Okay, if you want to find someone to join, you can come over!" Seeing his firmness, the man knew there was no way to dissuade him and turned to leave.

"How's it going?" The man returned to his station and walked alone.

"It's just a ghost who doesn't know how to die. I miss someone!" He hummed.

"Want to be alone? Well, after a while, I will take a few people to extortion. This place, the one who is not the most afraid is one!"

The second person laughed.

"Be careful!" The first person explained.

"Relax, it's just a casual repair. It's not obedient. It's a big deal to die. No one or two people die in this place!"

The second person's eyes flashed, and he turned around and walked aside. After a while, three or four people appeared behind him, Wu Yan went out.

"It really isn't a good thing ..."

After Nie Yun separated from the man just now, he didn't leave in a hurry. He looked at the scene and shook his head.

Seeing these people come out for trouble, their bodies flickered and disappeared from their place.

If he doesn't want to be seen by others, let alone these people, even other masters will definitely not find out. How can a group of half-step masters know where to go.


Find a quiet and unmanned place, grabbed the palm of your hand, and assisted the dark tide and others appeared in front of you.

Now that the millstone of the Three Realms has not been opened, it is not a problem to wait here, first look for the place where Fu Anchao said before, and see if we can get a few more masters.

"the host!"

Knowing that Nie Yun had successfully escaped from the ancestors of dry blood, and had advanced his strength, he assisted the dark tide and others to completely worship, and had no other thoughts.

"Where's the place where you said the Seal Pseudo Origin Road? Take us over!"

Nie Yun said.

"It's nearby ... in that direction!" Fu Anchao stood there for a while, turned around, and suddenly pointed in one direction.

Nie Yun looked at it. This location is very close to the center of Tianshu Pavilion. I am afraid it is the core position of the Three Realms battlefield.

"Check it out!"

Recognizing the direction, Nie Yun led everyone straight forward.

Tianshu Pavilion has gathered a lot of people now. The more you go in, the more powerful you are, and the more powerful you are.

Compared with Wuxin Palace and Jiu Chaoge, which Nie Yun saw just now, they are not at the same level.

Fortunately, people such as Fu Anchao are not weak, and many people also know that their appearance also deterred many young people.

"Master, it's near here, but ... this place seems to be occupied by people and it has become a stronghold!"

After walking for a while, Fu dark tide suddenly stopped and pointed to a road.

"right here?"

Nie Yun looked up.

The place in front of him is indeed occupied by a force, and even a lot of buildings have been repaired and lived on it.

"Well, it should be underground here. If we want to go in, we must communicate with this force! I'm afraid that it will cause a lot of trouble for them to know our purpose ..."

Help the dark tide.


Nie Yun glanced at ~ www.readwn.com ~ eyebrows frowned.

This place was occupied by the forces in front of it. Not only did they build a house on it, they even arranged a large array and rushed in, it would definitely cause a lot of movement, and it would be troublesome for others to know their purpose.

"Let's go and see if you know anyone, tell them we want to join their power, and then find a chance to act!"

After thinking about it, Nie Yun had the experience just now, and said.

Since these people have come for the Chaos King's order, there are certainly not many suspects. There are such people as Fu Anchao, Duan Yi, and Bald Lord. They are also very deterrent. If the other party is willing to accommodate them, it is best to enter the range. Staying here, you can completely sneak into the ground while the night gods are unaware of the ghosts, and look for the seal where Fu An Chao said.

"Well, let me check it out!"

Fu dark tide nodded and walked over.

The crowd followed closely behind.

After a while, Fu Anchao figured out and quietly transmitted a message to Nie Yun: "Master, the eternal night dynasty of the chaotic world, stronger than the dry blood dynasty ...

"Eternal night dynasty?"

Nie Yun nodded.

He has heard of this name. It is definitely the biggest force in the world of chaos. It is even more terrifying than the dry blood dynasty. No wonder it can occupy such a large place here. It is no secret that this level of power does have this qualification.

ps: The second time is to arrive. Ask for a monthly pass. If you don't cast a double monthly pass, you will lose. . (To be continued ...)

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