Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1611: crack

"Knock in directly!"

Nie Yun ordered.

Although the Yongyong Dynasty was powerful, it was absolutely a huge thing for them before, but now it is nothing.

Knocked on the door, Fu An Chao reported his name.

A moment later a large group of people greeted.

"It turned out to be the dark tide, Zitong is not destroyed, the bald lord, Duan Yi brothers please ..."

The emperor of the Yongyong Dynasty came out personally with a smile on his face.

No matter in which world, Fufu Dark Tide and others are considered to be high-ranking beings, and it is worth drawing attention to.

"Who is this……"

The Yongyong Emperor looked at Nie Yun.

"My name is Yuntong, I am from Xieyue Extreme Zone!" Nie Yun said lightly.

"Oh! Please inside!"

Seeing that the name of copper copper had not been heard before, the crowd stopped paying attention and concentrated on Fuyang Chao.

When I arrived at the place, the Emperor Yongye dynasty also specially set up a banquet and hospitality. Countless strong men heard the names of these people and came to stagnate.

"Fu Chao is a veteran strong player with extraordinary strengths, can build good relationships, and will be of great help in the future!"

"Although Zitong does not destroy, although it has no name in the top 100 list, its real strength is extraordinary. It is said that the flesh is comparable to dominating the magic soldier, and the fighting power is even more powerful and terrible!"

"Who is the copper bronze behind Duan Yi? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"It's probably their nephew. They don't have much strength at a young age. Don't worry about him. This kind of person's Three Realms grinding disc is only used as a cannon fodder, don't care!"

Uh ...

A group of strong men are mostly around Futanchao, Zitong is not destroyed, and Duan Yi, etc. Nie Yun is not surrounded by anyone.

Nie Yun happened to be lazy. Halfway through the banquet, he left in advance and went to the accommodation arranged by the emperor of the Yongye Dynasty.

I see this scene in my eyes. Fu An Chao and others laughed secretly, feeling speechless for these people in the Yongye Dynasty.

The real strong guys didn't see it, but surrounded them and complimented them everywhere, it was really helpless.

The banquet went away in the middle of the night. As soon as he arrived at the residence, Fu Anchao and others laid down the restraint and came to Nie Yun's room.

"Probably right here. But this place is full of prohibitions laid out by the Yongye dynasty. Going straight will definitely attract their attention!"

At the banquet, Futianchao observed the terrain again. Pointing down.

The place where they lived is probably the place he had previously calculated, but this was banned by the Yongye Dynasty and went straight down. Will definitely trigger. Cause unnecessary trouble.

"This kind of prohibition can't help me, let's join me!"

Nie Yuntian's eyes flickered, he looked for a while, chuckled, a big hand grabbed, a crack appeared on the ground, and everyone flew straight down.

以下 There are indeed many restrictions below the ground. Although this kind of restriction can help the tide and others to break it down. But it is inevitable to touch and cause other people to be alert. But to Nie Yun, it was nothing.

The master-level power was exerted, and God passed through the restraint without knowing the ghost and flew down.

I went all the way down and flew for tens of thousands of kilometers. Sure enough, I saw a huge crack appear in front of me.

Below the cracks of the cricket is like an underground melting fire, extremely hot, a huge seal sealed over the prohibition, completely sealing everything around.

封 "Seal! Sure enough, there must be a seal here!"

Fu Fu dark tide flushed with excitement.

Xie Nieyun glanced at the seal in front of him, with a terrifying seal and a chilling bone marrow. Even when he stood in front of him, he felt small.

"go back!"

I paused, Nie Yun was not reckless, and his brows grew more and more tight. After a moment, he gave a command and flew all the way.

"Go back? Why go back? We came here with all our hard work, wouldn't it be a shame to go back this way?"

Seeing that he turned and left, he didn't stay there. Fu Anchao and others were anxious.

"Even if we have a broken seal wheel, this place ca n’t be broken. This is the method left by the strong Wang Fengqiang. If you do n’t want to die, it ’s better to touch less. Otherwise, I ’m afraid that you ca n’t dominate. ! "

Nie Yun Lengheng.

"The means left by the powerful king?"

Fu Fu An Chao and others looked at each other, although their hearts were full of unwillingness, but there was no way.

Although I want to be the master and have the power of the master level, I can't lose my life because of it.

"Rest assured, I will find a way to make you dominate, but now is not the time, this seal cannot be moved, or it will definitely suffer great disaster!"

Xie Sheng was afraid that these people would feel unwilling, and Nie Yun explained again.


Seeing the dignity he said, Fu An Chao and others will not say more.

They know that Nie Yun has always been calm and cannot be targeted. Since he said so diligently, he must know what he is, and no longer ask more, return to the residence, rest each other, and no other actions.

When I returned to my residence, Nie Yun didn't practice but flew into the world of Nawu.

The World of Relics has completely integrated the remains of God into it, forming a special place. When the spirit moves, he appears in the ten ancient sites of the remains of God.


The body broke open countless times, and a moment of effort came to the desperate place of the ten sacred ancient places, standing above the wide water of despair, Nie Yun quietly looked at the rolling water vapor in front of him.

The corpse, which had been soaked in the middle of the seawater, has long disappeared, and the seawater has rolled without the power that made people tremble.

The most embarrassing thing about him is this heartless place. The corpse that had been stricken in the past is now trembling.

Now his strength has reached the level of domination. He knows clearly the ability to dominate the strong. After death, it is impossible to graft the soul of another person and resurrect it!

In other words, I was afraid that the corpse before was a terrible existence than the powerful one, even now he can't see what it is!

Fortunately, this corpse was directly cut off and lost in the water of despair after receiving the sword of the dominating **** soldier. Otherwise, if we let it develop, we really do n’t know what it will look like.

"The seal of the underground crack just now ... It actually feels the same as this body, what is it?"

Looking at the empty lake in front of me, Nie Yun thought.

I came to the crack in the ground just now. When I saw the seal, I let Fu dark tide wait for others to leave. It's not nothing but the seal that actually gave him the same feeling of encountering this corpse.

This is a deadly breath, which directly makes the soul feel sad, even if he is the master, it is difficult to break free.

Even before the seal is opened, it makes people feel this way. It really needs to be opened. It is foreseeable that Futianchao and others will die! Even if it is him, it is not necessarily known if he can resist it!


Why is there such a place in the battlefield of the Three Realms?

"Check it out again!"

Standing quietly on the desperate ocean for a while, I found that the breath associated with the corpse had disappeared without trace, and could no longer detect anything. Nie Yun flew out of the room and followed the previous road toward Fly underground.

After a short time, I came to the top of the canyon again.

Deep in the canyon, the special breath that makes people's heart looming, seems to hide a ferocious beast, and will jump out at any time to devour people.

Nie Yuntian's eyes opened above the canyon, and he slowly looked around and looked around for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun's head exuded sweat.

"This ... the forces that have dissipated in the Three Realms battlefield have actually gathered here? Nourishing this seal?"

Through the eyes of the sky, he clearly saw the energy of the entire Three Realms battlefield, and gathered here in a special way, slowly strengthening the seal in front of him.

的 The power in the battlefield of the Three Realms, with the unique atmosphere of the battlefield, killing, death, and apathy, using this power to strengthen the seal is unprecedented, and I have never heard of it!

到底 What exactly is under this seal? What's hidden?

Frown frowns, Nie Yun's urge to tear the seal and look at it, but this urge is suppressed as soon as it appears.

Although he is now the master and stands at the pinnacle of everyone, it is not immortal. The seal in front of him is not something he can completely surrender.

Woo! call!

When Nie Yun stood and looked carefully above the crack, her heart suddenly moved, and a voice broke into her ear.

"somebody is coming!"

With a stun in his heart, he gently grasped the palm, and the magical enchantment was unfolded. The whole person solidified into a point, and immediately disappeared from the place. The place where it disappeared was difficult to find even the dominant one.

(If you do n’t have a monthly pass, it will be wasted, double ...)




[Unfinished To Be Continued [This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj]. If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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