Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1612: Burn a corpse


As soon as she hid her body, she saw a flash of light in front of her, and two figures flew over.

"It's them?"

I hid in the enchantment, Nie Yun quietly looked at them, and the two who appeared in front of him actually knew each other.

The emperor of the Yongyue Dynasty!

What is he doing here in the middle of the night? And look at the way he is familiar with the road, did he already know the existence of this crack?

The emperor of the Yongyong dynasty stopped, and the people behind him also met Nie Yun during the banquet. He was an extremely loyal minister named Yong Zhao, who was a half-step leader of the triple junior.

"Okay, here it is!"

The emperor Yongyong came to the crack, and looked around left and right, but found nothing. Pressing it, the whole person stopped in the air.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Yong Zhao nodded, grabbed his big hand, and a cloud flew from his palm, spreading densely.

"what is this?"

When I saw the other person throwing out so many things at once, Nie Yun first stunned. When I saw what it was, the scalp exploded, and his face became very ugly!

I was actually a corpse!

Wu Yongzhao threw millions of corpses densely, each one was cold and rigid, and at a glance, he knew how long he had died.

"let's start!"

Seeing these corpses, the Emperor Yongye had no expression on his face, his fingers moved forward, and a huge hearth-shaped thing appeared on the rock on the edge of the crack.


Flick a finger, a hot flame burns under the furnace, and the fire is sky-high.

Let's sizzle!

抓 Grab gently. The corpse of Mantian hovered and flew over to Ding Ding. Under the hot flames, it turned into dense green smoke.

His Majesty the Emperor Yongye and his most trusted minister. Came here to burn corpses without sleeping most of the night!

What's the matter?

I saw this scene in my eyes. Rao is Nie Yun's strong strength and firm mind. He still feels incredible and weird.

"Huh? Can these burning bodies strengthen the seal?"

I wondered for a while, and Nie Yun saw something unusual.

These corpses burned by the furnace. All turned into special green smoke, and the green smoke and the seal on the crack merged immediately and immediately. Do not distinguish each other.

There was also a heart-warming breath before I swelled. After the green smoke and the seal were fused, the breath faded, as if the seal was reinforced again.

Burning Corpse Reinforced Seal ...

Bian Nieyun is getting harder to understand.

His Majesty "Your Majesty. Help the dark tide come here today. Will you know the existence of this crack and have a bad heart?"

Silence remained for a while, Yong Zhao asked.

"It's very possible, just be prepared. They are not weak in helping the Undercurrents. If they make a fortune, they can only be forced to stop it!" The Emperor Yongye slowly said.

"Well! I have sent someone to guard against them, if there is any move. Will tell me directly! Make preparations in advance!" Yong Zhao said.

"Very well, these five people. The darkest tide is the most powerful and the strongest, and the main defense is him! The other few are not afraid!" The Emperor Yong Ye waved his hand.

"Yes, Your Majesty, why have I never heard of that copper copper? I can be with Fu An Chao, they should not be weak, but I tried several times, but I didn't find anything, and I didn't know if it was He pretends to be too good, but still really weak! "

Wu Yongzhao asked the young man in the crowd.

"This person doesn't need to pay too much attention, it should not be a master. Seeing his appearance, he really has to do it and can kill him directly!" The Emperor Yongye thought of Nie Yun and didn't care.

"Huh!" Yong Zhao believed unconditionally about the emperor's judgment, and looked at the seal below, his eyes were full of strangeness: "Your Majesty, why do we strengthen this seal, what is it underneath?"

"I don't know what it is. This is the order that Chaos King personally gave me. What was it? He didn't say it. I didn't dare to ask. It only involved a lot of secrets. I don't know how to die! "

The emperor Yongyong solemnly explained.

"Yes!" Yong Zhao no longer asked, and nodded cautiously.

The two chatted casually and continued to burn the body.

Oven Ding is very powerful and burns fast. Although there are many dead bodies in front of you, it takes a short time to come to an end.


The last corpse burned clean, the green smoke melted into the seal, and completely solidified.

"Let ’s go, do n’t tell anyone about today, otherwise, you know the consequences!" Before leaving, the Emperor Yongye explained again.

"Yes!" Yong Zhao nodded quickly, followed behind the emperor, and flew outwards. After a while, the two lost their tracks.

As soon as the two of them left, Nie Yun stepped out of the magic refining enchantment, and his eyes became stranger.

The pair of monarchs came over in the middle of the night to burn the corpse to strengthen the seal, which actually sealed the order of the Chaos King. What did Chaos King make them do?

"Is it ... as Fu Anchao guessed, there are nine pseudo-origin avenues of Shura Supreme Realm sealed here. In order to prevent the avenue from escaping, it is deliberately covered up with the breath of death?"

Xie Nieyun thought of a possibility.

How powerful the Puppet Origin Avenue is, he didn't see it with his own eyes and didn't know, but it can be seen from the fact that people can directly become masters. It is by no means simple.

Nine roads of pseudo origins are equivalent to the seal of nine masters. The general seal is definitely difficult to maintain. Even if it can be blocked, there must be a special breath to emit. Burning the corpses to form this kind of dead air, will it be to pollute these? Pseudo-origin Avenue, making it impossible to escape?

解释 If you explain in this way, it really can explain!

As for why this place would give him the feeling of despair over the corpse in the ocean, it may be because of burning so many corpses that he had the illusion.

"It may be a game between Wang Fengqiang, wait until Nie Tong wakes up, let's talk!"

I thought about it for a while, but couldn't think of it, so Nie Yun stopped thinking about it.

Since it is related to the Chaos King, it must be a game between the strong kings. This kind of thing, he knows too little news and can't guess anything. Rather than making random guesses, wait for Nie Tong to wake up and ask carefully.

"Let's go back!"

I stayed there for a while, and found nothing, knowing that it didn't make sense to stay on, and Nie Yun flew up quickly.

When I returned to my residence, the sky was about to brighten, and after a while practicing, I saw Fu Anchao and others taking it over.

"Master, the Emperor Yongye wants us to pass, as if to say ... the millstone of the Three Realms is about to start!"

As soon as Fu Fu entered the room, he hurried.

"Oh? Open now? Okay, let's all together. I heard that the Three Realms Grinding Disk is similar to a maze. There are countless treasures unique to the Three Realms battlefield. You can just go over and see!"

Qi Nieyun stood up.

磨 The Three Realms Grinding Disk is the most important part of the Three Realms battlefield. Like a huge maze, it has countless treasures that are not available in the other Realms. If it can be obtained, it will be very helpful for refining the master soldiers.

Although Nie Yun now has the power of the master, he has not refined the master soldiers. If he can get enough treasures and refine his own soldiers, it will definitely be more handy to use.

It is good for him, and naturally more useful for people such as Fu dark tide. It is because of this ~ www.readwn.com ~ Tianshu Pavilion only gathers so many people. In fact, everyone wants to wait for the Three Realms grinding disc to open. .

It is just that the treasures are born and the battle is constantly going on. Now it looks like a harmonious group. Once you meet the real treasures, you will definitely be in a situation of life and death. It is difficult to say how many powerful people can survive in the end.

Everyone soon came to the Yemen night hall of discussion, and the wide room was full of people, each of whom had the power to dominate by half a step, with excitement.

"People in front just reported to me that the grinding wheel of the Three Realms has been loosened and it will be opened soon. We should also start. Before that, let's get to know each other so that when we enter the grinding table, we can also take care of each other!"

Emperor Yongyong sat on a high throne and said lightly.


The people in the room all nodded in agreement.

Everyone in the Three Realms knows danger, and now knowing one more person means one more safety, so as not to be blind.

"I say here in advance, since we are together, we must be united. Do not kill each other in order to compete for treasures. If I really find such people, I will kill them by myself!"

Emperor Yongyong looked around for a week, with a strong majesty on his face.

(End of two chapters!)




[Unfinished To Be Continued [This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj]. If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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