Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1613: 3 circles grinding disc


Everyone answered at the same time.

Although this is the site of the Yongye dynasty, there are also a lot of casual repairs. These people gathered together, and the most feared was being treated as a bird and abandonment. When they heard the words of the Emperor Yongye, they all felt warm.

Yesterday's banquet, most people came from the Yongye Dynasty. Some casual repairs did not show up. Now everyone gathers and introduces each other. Like yesterday, Fu An Chao and others have gained great popularity. Nie Yun is the same as Passerby. No one bothered.

虽然 Although he is a strong leader, no one knows it. Everyone regards him as an ordinary person and just happens to be happy.

"This brother, you don't want to be seen!"

I was sitting in the corner of the room, Nie Yun was drinking quietly, her lips were raised, and her eyes were indifferent. At this moment, a young man came over, and it seemed that his fame was not great, and there was not much courtesy.

"Isn't this better? Look at them. Many of them are telling lies, and they feel tired when they look at them!" Nie Yun glanced, knowing that the man in front of him was Tao Xun, a casual repair in Chaos Supreme. No fame, smiled immediately.

"Yeah!" Tao Xun nodded deeply.

估计 I do n’t think it ’s easy for the strong guys in the middle. I often say things that are against my heart and do n’t want to listen.

"Brothers, our two strengths are among the weakest among them. After the Three Realms grinding disc is turned on, let's go to the end and pick up the leaks. We don't stand out and don't stand out. What do you think?"

After drinking a few glasses of wine, the smoky words also increased. "it is good!"

Nie Yun nodded.

If the strength is not good, rushing to the front will indeed die the fastest. Hiding behind, picking up leaks, the best can be found, but it doesn't matter if you can't find it, this is the way to save your life.

"Brother, let's say that, let's go together later. Don't throw me away!"

Tao Taoxun finally found a "difficult brother and friend" and said sincerely.

好 "Okay, let's all together!" Nie Yun was talking, and the ground was a sensation. The outer sky seemed to have a sunset glow, and the red light shone to the sky, shining all around.

"The grinding wheel of the Three Realms is about to start! I have a locator, everyone is better to follow me!"

Ye Yongye emperor shouted. Fly straight out.

Everyone followed closely behind.

I walked out of the room. Nie Yun looked up, the sky was red and the sky was distant, and the sky in the distance rose gradually, making a squeaking grinding disc sound, as if grinding the sky and the earth.

"This is the grinding wheel of the Three Realms. You need a command sign to open the portal. Let's follow closely behind, otherwise I'm afraid I can't get in!"

Lighten up your eyes.


Nie Yun didn't say much, followed closely behind the crowd and moved forward.

The Three Realms Mill is the same as a huge grave. If you want to enter it, you must first have an order sign, which is why Fu Anchao and others are looking for it everywhere.

一旦 Once the door is opened, anyone can enter it. However, to find the Chaos King Rune hidden in it, you must enter the core, and this place also needs the help of the Rune.

However, with so many people, many people know that Chaoling Fuling has no hope. Most of them go to the treasures in the grinding disc of the Three Realms. Those who really want Chaoling Fuling are some powerful forces or very powerful. Super strong.

Soon everyone came to the Three Realms Mopan.

The huge grinding disc is suspended in the air quietly like a ball, emitting a dazzling light, revealing the coercion and momentum of rapid breathing.

"Heart of the Three Realms is definitely inside ..."

I felt the breath in front of me, and Nie Yun knew immediately that the heart of the Three Realms must be in the millstone of the Three Realms, and my heart couldn't help but be a little excited.

The main purpose of coming to the Three Realms battlefield is to find the heart of the Three Realms. Now that I know it is right in front of me, it is inevitable to be excited.

"Weyong Ye, we all have order signs, so let's join hands to open the entrance of the millstone!"

I stopped in front of the Mojie of the Three Realms. Nie Yun searched for a while, but didn't find the entrance. She was wondering. Then she heard a shout sounded, and Liang Liang resounded through the clouds.

Wei Yongye is the name of Emperor Yongye.

"it is good!"

Emperor Yongyong Ye promised to fly forward, and soon there were several people gathered under the suspended Three Realm grinding discs, each of which was very strong and had a certain seat on the top 100 list.

"There are still old acquaintances ..."

I glanced at the several people gathered, Nie Yun chuckled, there were actually old acquaintances in it, and the Emperor Ganxue was among them!

Now open the mill of the Three Realms, I ca n’t find them to take revenge, wait for them to enter, kill this guy first, then say, as long as he kills him, I do n’t believe that the ancestors of dry blood will not appear!

There are a total of eight Xunling Symbols, as long as four pieces can be opened to open the portal of the Three Realms Mill, so Nie Yun did not take out the Xiling Symbols in his hand, but stood still watching them.

The four runes hang in suspension, emitting golden light, coming into contact with the three-world grinding discs in the air, and the sky shakes suddenly.


The huge portal opened suddenly.


The Emperor Yongyong and others took their own order-seeking charms and rushed straight to the portal.

Everyone who had been waiting around did not dare to hesitate and moved forward quickly.

"Master ..." Fu Anchao and others were surrounded by a group of people, and their positions were far ahead of Nie Yun.

"Go ahead, I'll look for you then!"

Nie Yun Chuan Yin ordered.

"Okay!" Fu dark tide is not nonsense. When he went ahead, he quickly entered the Three Realms mill.

Seeing them leave, Nie Yun flew behind without hesitation.

"Brother, don't throw me away, let's be together ..."

Wu Taoxun followed.

Behind the gate of the Three Realms Mill is a straight corridor, hundreds of meters long and wide, boxy, full of all kinds of reliefs. Once inside, a majestic breath suddenly blows at you, which makes people deep from the heart. Everywhere feels small.

I looked up at the relief, these things are actually similar to the Carved Carvings of the Three Realms. Long observation will help to understand the Avenue.

"This is a good thing ..."

I looked for a while, Nie Yun's eyes lightened.

大部分 Most of the practitioners who entered here knew about these boulevard runes and left without looking. They wanted to enter them as soon as possible to find treasures. In fact, for Nie Yun, these reliefs are real treasures!

Even if there is something in it, even the master soldier is not as precious as these reliefs.

The sculpture tells the meaning of the Three Thousand Avenues in a simple way. If you observe for a long time, even if you can't become the dominant one, it will not be difficult to become the half step of the two hundred and ninety-nine Avenues.


As he moved forward, he looked at the reliefs on the wall. When the spirit moved, the same corridor appeared in the world of things.

These reliefs can't be removed, so copy them, anyway, it's not difficult for him to have one idea.

兄弟 "Brother, let's go quickly, there is no one behind, I said to pick up leaks behind ... just mean, you can't really leave ..."

I didn't know that Nie Yunna's thing world was copying the relief, seeing that he went slower and slower, Tao Xun shouted in a hurry.

In his eyes, this guy is too sincere ~ www.readwn.com ~ He said that he was leaking behind everyone, but just for fun, there is something good to grab. I didn't expect this guy to take it seriously, but stopped Originally, they came in later than others, and now there are not even half of them in the back!

还 What else does this grab?

"Okay, I'll be right here!"

I took down all the reliefs in front of me, and the same thing was copied in the world of objects. Nie Yun was relieved, then laughed and followed closely.

"Let's catch up quickly, or even the soup is gone!"

Seeing that he was grinded, he could not see a ghost in front of him. Tao Xun regretted cooperating with this guy, but he agreed before and didn't speak well.

Seeing his expression, where did Nie Yun know what the other person thought, he laughed softly and didn't say much.

I have to say that this guy is still more moral, if he changes to someone else, he is so slow, he must have left.

Since he talks about morality like this, it doesn't matter to give him any good.

I looked up and looked forward. I saw that at the end of the embossed corridor of the avenue, there were closed rooms. The sound of killing kept coming from these rooms. It should be that the people who were on the move found the treasure and were fighting for it.

"Go, look over!"

Yun Nieyun looked at the first room and flew over. [Unfinished To be continued This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承 Provided with @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波]

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