Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1614: Meet the Huihui People


Seeing Nie Yunfei leave, he went straight to the first room, Tao Xun was almost not drowned.

怎么 Why is this guy so two?

I just walked slowly before. I was so weak that I did n’t dare to compete. This time people rushed in and rushed in. Is n’t this just for death?

Xun Sheng was afraid that his newly-acquainted partner rushed in and was killed. Although Tao Xun was afraid, he clenched his teeth and followed, and came to the room in a blink of an eye.

This room is not large, and I don't know what baby is inside, but before entering, I felt a strong killing breath, and several corpses were standing outside the room.

"Bai Yinxian and His Holiness of the Great World ... They are all dead. Who is this? Yuntong, come out soon ..."

Seeing the corpse on the ground, Tao Xun kept twitching in her face, nervous and stiff.

Before I entered the door, I couldn't stand it just by seeing a few lying at the door.

He knows these people, such as Xian Baiyin Fairy and His Holiness, and each one is more powerful than him. Such a strong person is killed without even entering the door. I can imagine that he rushed in without doubt!

If you can't figure it out, give someone a spike!

But ... don't go, this partner Yun Tong has already rushed in, and it is not enough to be angered if he is not rescued.

"Fight it, it's a big deal!"

Jiu {Long + wind hesitated for a while, Tao Xun gritted his teeth, rushed into the door, just entered, and hit a person.


Startled, startled, and wanted to show all of them to the past. I heard a doubt sounded.

"Tao Xun, what are you doing ..."

"Ah?" Looking up, I saw the person standing in front of me. It was Yuntong who had just entered, holding a pile of things in his hands, and looked strangely.

"Are you okay?"

He looked at Yuntong in doubt, but Tao Xun couldn't believe it.

怎么 How could he be fine in such a dangerous place?

Uncle's heart was weird, and he hurriedly looked around, only one glance. Almost scared to fall to the ground.

I saw corpses lying on the ground in the small room in front of me, each of them famous. Much more famous than him.

此时 At this moment, these people cut off their breath and somehow died.

"Oh, I just came in and found that they had killed each other, so I brought the good things. Let's go!"

I saw him come over in doubt. Nie Yun lifted something in his hand and laughed.

"Can you kill yourself?"

The smoky eyes were about to fall to the ground.

real or fake? This Nima is so lucky!

But if you do n’t believe me, looking at the corpses all over, Tao Xun kept shaking his head.

Each of these characters is well-known. Ten of them are tied together and can't be killed. They are almost the same as this Yuntong ... they can't be killed by themselves. Naturally it wasn't homicide ...

It seems that it can only be luck!

"What's a good thing?"

Seeing that these people had died, Tao Xun no longer worried. Look at things in Nie Yun's hands.

"Some half-step master-level magic soldiers, hold it, it is not very useful to me!"

Nie Yun threw it at each other.

几 Several weapons in this room are dominated by half steps. The treasures of this level can be copied at will, which is really useless.

"The soldiers of the poisonous dragon, Hanquan sword, Lingbo gold silk screen ... Do you give me all these things? Let's divide them equally, we can't monopolize them ..."

Tao Xun was startled when he saw what Nie Yun handed over.

No wonder these people are robbing you of life and death, these things are indeed too precious, but ... such precious things, the other side gave him at will, so that he could not afford.


Seeing that the other party insisted on sharing with him, Nie Yun was too lazy to quit, taking half.

Leaving this room, the two continued to walk to the other rooms, and according to Tao Xun's opinion, waited for the other people to go in before entering. Who knows that this guy never listens, and what is even more weird is that every time he enters the room Everyone killed himself, but the treasure was still there.

Let Tao Xun have to admit that the **** in front of this guy is really good!

He entered seven or eight rooms in a row, and took a lot of good things. When Tao Xun felt that the harvest had exceeded expectations, the copper in front of him suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong?" Tao Xun asked quickly.

"Someone is fighting in front, look over!" Nie Yun whispered and flew forward first.

"Don't go ..."

Tao Tao was mad.

有人 Someone fights in front of you, in case everyone is a strong person, if you rush over like this, aren't you trying to die?

Although Xun felt unhappy, Tao Xun followed closely the past and turned the corner. Sure enough, they saw two groups confronting each other. One of them was wearing the same clothes and knew that they belong to the same gate.

"These are the people of the Xieyue Supreme Territory. Why did they fight themselves? It seems that the people who are surrounded by the four gates are returning to the sea, and the people who surround them are also the four gates, but the other three A gate! "

Although Tao Taoxun's strength was poor, he was still very knowledgeable. He took a look and recognized the two men at war.

Nie Yun did not speak, but just looked at the crowd indifferently.

I just came here because he found out that these people knew each other.

It was Gu Yong, the patriarch of Guixu, who was surrounded by them. They actually came to the battlefield of the Three Realms and arrived here.

"Gu Yong, if you have to keep your head down, I can't take you anymore, it's nothing but unfortunately you have to come here and find yourself dead, then don't blame us!"

Suddenly the End of the World Sovereign should call Tian Tian with a sneer and look at Gu Yong, surrounded by eyes, with a gaze.

Although Gu Yong has reached the level of half step to dominate the small triple, but the last time the three major gates were beaten by Nie Yun, the Supreme Elder who can't retreat has arrived. Each of these people has the power of half step to dominate. It is a big triple state and its power is completely crushed!

"If you do n’t die, you wo n’t die. Gu Yong, Gui Xun Hai is the weakest of our four ancestral gates. There is no need to exist. Let ’s solve it here today, rest assured, you disciples who return to Hai Xuan are willing to submit to me Shiqiu Ling, I will still open the door wide and let them in. If you do n’t want to, hey, I will send them to you! ”

Shiqiuling Shi Shi, sneer again and again.

The three great gates have been prepared for a long time, and they are united again.

"Do n’t be arrogant. When Nie Yun was there, who was as scared as a dog with a tail and did not dare to speak loudly! You can kill us, but tell you, as long as Nie Yun knows this, you are the three majors. The door must be buried! "

An elder in the crowd shouted.

不错 "Yes, you do it, Nie Yun will definitely avenge us, rest assured, we will wait for you on the road!" Another elder laughed.

Although surrounded by the three main gates, they did not feel afraid, but talked about life and death without fear.

In spite of the legend that Nie Yun was killed by ancestors such as dried blood, Gu Yong and others did not see the body and did not believe it.

少年 That boy created too many miracles. As long as he didn't see death with his own eyes, it would not be possible for them to die.

"Haha ~ www.readwn.com ~ Still counting on Nie Yun? Tell you, Nie Yun is dead!" Wan Haoshan's lord Jiang Hao smiled wildly, his eyes flashed: "I admit that Nie Yun is a genius, but This guy is more deadly than you. It is bad to offend anyone. You have to offend the dying blood dynasty. As a result, the ancestor of the dry blood combined with the two masters to kill it! This is deserved, please!

"I thought you had any hole cards. I was still pointing at the waste and told you that he had been bombed into slag. I saw it with my own eyes, don't expect it! The three masters shot at the same time. Do you still think there is a way to live? I don't know if you should be naive or stupid! "

Xi Shiyang shouted.

"Well, don't talk nonsense with them, kill a hundred quickly! Wait for Nie Yun's revenge, hey, go to **** to find him!"

Ying Yingzhao sneered, grabbed the palm of his hand, a blade fell from the sky, with the sharpness of the torn space.

不 I haven't seen him for more than two months. He actually reached the half-step from the peak of the suzerain and dominated the small triple state, which is not bad compared to Gu Yong!

"Go to **** and find me? No, hell, you guys!"

As soon as the blade fell directly above his head, Gu Yong and others felt that this time when they could not escape, a cold voice sounded, and then there was a shaking in the air. A figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone. With a little finger, the blade disappeared instantly as if Never before in general.

(Last few hours, monthly tickets will not be wasted again!) [To be continued, this text is provided by the Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承 提供 带上 @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波]

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