Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1619: 1 stroke and 2 injuries

"Senior Daen, Nie Yun remembers Wuchi!"

Nie Yun was grateful that Xiaoyao Xian was so supportive of himself and offended the three masters.

"I don't need you to remember, just give me a few gourds for the wine I gave last time!"

Xiaoyao Xian's eyes light up and she keeps pouting, as if she is remembering some kind of peerless deliciousness.

"Okay, I have so much of this kind of wine. If you want to drink, I will get you as much as I can to ensure you drink enough!" Nie Yunhaha smiled.

Although it seems that Xiaoyao Xian is because of his fine wine, he knows that it will not be so simple.

If you can become the master, no one is confused. Even if the monkey heart wine is beautiful and unparalleled, it is impossible for such a strong person to be so strong!

Of course, since the other party is unwilling to say, excuse fine wine, not too much to ask, had to laugh at homeopathy.

The two talked like this, and when they heard others, they really thought that a pot of fine wine had bribed Xiaoyao Xian, showing their envy one by one.

Especially those who watch the lively crowd are wondering what kind of wine Nie Yun is, which can make this drunk and dreamy Jiuxian in the world remember this.

"Li Xiaoyao, I think you are dazzled by wine. As long as you leave right away, I have more wine and blood in the palace, how much!"

The dried blood ancestors were angry.

I thought that Nie Yun was Li Xiaoyao's illegitimate son or some intimate relationship, but I didn't expect it to be just a pot of wine.

"You dried blood palace is also called fine wine, it is almost the same as urine, old alcoholic I would rather quit drinking than drink that thing ..."

Xiaoyao Xian scratched his head.


This is equivalent to beating his face, and the dry-blooded ancestor's eyebrows beating constantly. Almost no blood spewed out alive.

The wine you drink at home is urine. The whole family drinks urine ...

"Since you don't want to leave, don't blame us for being rude. Let's do it! Ferris, you first block Xiaoyao Xian, Fuxu and I will kill that kid first!"

Knowing that no matter how much it was useless, the dried blood ancestor also stopped the useless nonsense and turned to tell.

"it is good!"

The ancestral body of the Ferris ancestor stretched up, straight like Xiaoyao Xian.

The two had previous playing experience and knew a lot about their respective strengths. No one beats anyone when they are evenly matched.

"Nie Yun, obediently make a vow of chaos. Today, let's stop this matter, otherwise don't even want to leave!"

Fuxu dominated the palm of his hand, and the two mountains flew up. Floating overhead to cover the sun.

"What's so much nonsense with him. Let's do it!"

The dried-blood ancestor was too lazy to talk nonsense, his body bowed, his chest was pulled out, and the palm of his hand moved like an arrow.

This method is not a sword-type martial art, but a method of shooting bows and arrows. It accumulates all the power of the sword and shoots it out. A different power broke out.

In order to reach their realm, Xiu is not a martial art. But the masters are mixed, and it is definitely a peerless method.

"Do it!"

Seeing that the ancestors of dry blood were so direct, the Lord Fuxu didn't say much more. Haha smiled, and the palm of his hand shook and the mountain volley was depressed.

The two major dominators shot at the same time, and the sky was wrapped in fierce force, and Nie Yun's whole body was completely shrouded.

"Well, let me see the power of the two of you together!"

Seeing the shameless joint attack of the two, Nie Yun looked dignified, and his eyes flashed on a solution. He didn't rush to show off a one-powered Sanqing trick, but a roar.

In the shouting, his body grew rapidly and became tall and big. With his right hand raised, a spear pierced out, like a poisonous dragon, and stabbed out straight ahead.

Streamer spear!

The place where he was stabbed by the gun was neither the place where the dried blood ancestors cut the blood, nor the place where Fuxu Danshan fell, but a gap, irrelevant, strange.

However, no one was surprised at the next moment. A shot stabbed, Nie Yun shook his left hand, and a large Indian volley appeared, flying across the sky, welcoming straight to the mountains of Fuxu Danshan.

"Dried Blood Dragon Seal? Damn! Help your hands and don't hurt!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the big seal, the dried blood ancestor's face sank.

Dried Blood Dragon Seal!

Although the level of this thing is not high, it has not reached the level of master soldiers, but it is a great cost for him to extract the entire dry blood continent spiritual refining. Suffering for so many years of power, vanished.

"it is good!"

The leader of Fuxu also recognized the big seal and hurriedly lifted Fuxu Danshan upward.

Although the weapons of the Dashan class are infinitely powerful, their flexibility is not as good. Although this big mountain is his weapon, he tried his best when he hit it just now. This time he suddenly retreated, and the power ratio was directly on his body. It was even more uncomfortable. The whole person's blood rose and he took a nap.


Ju Shan was strongly stopped by him. Although he stopped attacking, the dry blood dragon seal controlled by Nie Yun did not stop, and he still ran straight into the mountain.


I ran into this at the moment, and the dried blood dragon's seal was about the same. The dried blood ancestor's face was green and hissing, his dry blood knife was picked, and his direction changed. The whole man fit and grabbed the dried blood dragon's seal.

"Come down!"

His action was in the range of Nie Yun's calculation, which was exactly the position of the gun tip. Nie Yun's eyebrows were raised, and his violent gun strength came out!


Waiting for the rabbit, this is equivalent to the dried blood ancestor hitting the tip of the gun, with great power, stabbed him in the chest, a crack in the space, the latter immediately shot out like a shell.

"Defend the masters? Definitely the masters, really rich!"

One shot stabbed the dried blood ancestor, and Nie Yun stood up.

Although the gun was right in the middle, the dry blood ancestor was not killed. The reason is very simple. The opponent has a defense to dominate the magic soldier!

But even so, the power of this gun was so great that it caused the other person to breathe quickly, his chest was upset, and a blood spurted out.

"I didn't expect the two of us to work together, but let you calculate, boy, you are really powerful, but the battle depends on absolute strength, not calculation!"

Fuxu dominated the mountain with both hands, and the brows were full of evil spirits.

The mountain that had been blasted away just now was forcibly taken away and was slightly injured. The young man only stabbed a shot not only to dissolve the two main offensives, but also to cause the two to be injured at the same time. Shocking.

However, the real battle cannot be won by counting alone. He can count two people once, and it is impossible to win the next time!

Nie Yun knew this, and smiled lightly: "It's enough to count once!"

With the palm of your hand, the dried blood dragon seal is once again included in the world of things.

In fact, this dragon seal does not want to be damaged than the dried blood ancestors. But this thing was explained by Nie Tong himself. In case it broke, he can't let him become the strong king again, but he must not cry.

Of course, he also knew that the dried blood dragon seal was the face of the dried blood dynasty. Once destroyed, the face will be greatly damaged, so he deliberately enticed the enemy to throw in the dragon seal to attract the dry blood ancestors' idea, and broke the joint attack of the two. , And both suffered minor injuries.

"Damn, I'll make you pay for what you just did!"

The dried blood ancestor flew over again, his face pale and ugly.

If it weren't for wearing the defense to dominate the soldiers, this one would definitely have been seriously injured!

Thinking of the previous dangers, I felt that I was out of breath, and my heart was ruthless—this man must be killed!

Otherwise, it will be his nightmare!

"Pay the price? I don't know what I will pay ~ www.readwn.com ~ but I know you have paid the price ..."

With a slight smile, Nie Yun flipped his wrist and put the streamer into his body. There was one more thing in the empty hand.

"You ... stole my stuff just now?"

Seeing the extra items in his palm, the ancestor of the dry blood couldn't help glancing at his body, and his face became cold.

The treasure on his body was stolen by the other party! Now he is clean and slippery. Except for the dried blood knife and the defense of the gods, other treasures are gone!

"You're smart!" Nie Yun smiled slightly, his mouth raised.

"What's the use of stealing it? Haha, this Qiankun pot has been used for more than one billion years. If I get it, I think it can be used against me? It's ridiculous!"

The dried blood ancestor laughed.

What Nie Yun held in his hand was exactly the Qiankun pot in his mouth, which was originally included in the chaotic meditation bottle in it! (To be continued!

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