Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1621: Killing the dried blood ancestors (1)

"Really? Then try if I have any luck!"

I didn't leave the other party's ridicule, Nie Yun's spirit moved and spread into the bottle.

Instantly communicating with the meditation inside, an excitement flashed in his eyes.

混沌 This chaos meditation bottle really can be refined by reaching the dominating level. Before the strength was not available, there was no way. Now it has reached the dominating level. In a blink of an eye, it has been fully refined.

I refined the meditation bottle, and Nie Yun already knew how to use this magic weapon, and it was extremely powerful and terrible.

I lifted my palm, and the chaos meditation bottle immediately flew into the air, and when I saw the wind, it grew to the size of a mountain, the bottle mouth was dark and deep, like another world, terrible.

嗯 "Huh? Get bigger ... How can you use this magic weapon?"

Wu Qianxue's ancestors did not refine this treasure in the end. There was no imprint of his soul in it. He did not know that in a short period of time, this magic weapon that had given him confidence was already a true master.

However, even if you do n’t know, when you see the chaos meditation bottle change in the other hand, the control is simple, you also know what special means the opponent must have used to control it, even more proficient than him!

"How can I use it without you, Chaos Meditation Bottle, devour!"

I was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, Nie Yun patted his hand, and the bottle mouth suddenly produced endless swallowing power, whistling and swallowed it to the dried blood ancestor.

"Huh, this power wants to swallow me in, and you look down on me too!"

The ancestor of Qiangan Xue sneered, and his body changed. A giant is like an arm, and his hands are shaken. He resisted the devouring of the Chaos Meditation Bottle, and at the same time he made a big move, like Nie Yun shot over.

"The response is very fast, but I said today is your death, it is your death!"

As soon as Nie Yun's palm moved, a long sword appeared on the palm ... Ji Xujian!

This stalk of the dominating **** soldier fell when he was chased and killed by the dried blood ancestor. He stole it from him just now and regained control.

With a long sword in hand, Nie Yun's momentum suddenly increased.

Although has martial arts talent. His firearms can be used in all fires, just like years of practice, but what he really makes powerful is swordsmanship.

A sword stood upright, and the sword's meaning came mistily. As if appearing from the deepest part of the world. Endless, there is no end.

As time goes on and on, sometimes there is no end to this hate!

Pity the moon sword in the ninth style, a sword forever!

剑 The sword is a little bit of his memories and Lingtai Lingyue, and all the love and hate are merged into it. A sword is stabbed, endless, like a thin line of emotion. You cannot get rid of it when you get contaminated.

This trick is more terrifying than Lingyun, which is just a physical attack. And this trick pierced the soul, and once it appeared, it seemed as if a large net appeared in the sky, covering the dried blood ancestors.

I live in sorrow and joy, and gather pain, as long as I have persistence in my heart, I will be injured. The dried blood ancestor is enveloped by the sword, the time in front of me freezes, and the whole person is stagnant.

In front of his eyes, another picture appeared, the dried blood dynasty that had been hard built was instantly broken, and some effort was lost.

最大 The greatest pride of his life is the dried blood dynasty. At this time, when he saw the empire annihilation, his heart was sad. It was as if his soul had been destroyed, his eyes became red, his throat was sweet, and blood spit out.

"Don't ..."

Long hissed, his palms grabbed forward, but the sight in front of him slowly disappeared like sand in an hourglass, unable to grasp the slightest.

"The dynasty is broken, what's the point of my being alive?"

Looking at everything slowly disappearing, the pride in the heart of the dried blood ancestor gradually faded, and the whole person lost his soul, like stagnation.

The biggest persistence and goal loss, even if dominated, some can't bear it.

"Dry blood, wake up!"

When he was depressed and didn't know what to do in the future, suddenly a loud drink rang, and then the ancestor of the dried blood sounded like a thunder, and the whole person was shocked.


All the illusions in front of his eyes disappeared, and then he saw a white sword light coming to him.

剑 This sword is bright and bright like Haoyue. It has no impurities and is light and elegant. What people see is not death, but an expectation. It seems that there is a kind of expectation in my heart, and I hope that Jian Guang will be stabbed.


However, he deserved to be a strong leader. With the sword in his eyes, all the negative emotions in his brain disappeared. The ancestor of the dried blood hurriedly turned away from Jianguang's killing blow.


Ji Jian light thorn was blocked by the defensive master soldier in front of his chest, but the violent impact still made his blood boil, and his whole face turned pale.

"Shit boy, what kind of sword trick are you doing, abominable ..."

After several consecutive fights in the air, he finally stopped, and the dry-blooded ancestor gasped heavily, his face full of horror. At this time, he discovered that it was only a few steps away from the entrance of the chaotic meditation bottle. The sound of violent drinking awakened him, and I'm afraid it has been swallowed by the bottle in front of him and sunk.

Let the dominator be confused, know nothing, terrible swordsmanship!

"It's a pity!"

Nian Yun shook his head, unlike the anxiety of the dried blood ancestor.

I have just exhibited a sword. If I can dry blood into the chaos meditation bottle, with the hopeless water and the fire of the sky clouds, even if the other party is the master, I am afraid it can be refined!

Unfortunately, at the critical moment, it was destroyed by Fuxu.

第 一次 A strong player of this level was able to make a move for the first time because he didn't understand the horror of his sword moves. The next time he performed it again, the other party was prepared, and it would no longer be effective.

"Hey, eat another sword!"

How can Nie Yun explain to him that when the sword moves, the wind rises.

One sword Ling Yun!

Lingyun, a sword this time, is much more powerful than it was at first. The fierce sword air seems to tear the sky, straight down, wherever the sword-mang goes, everything becomes void and cannot withstand the slightest.

"Hum, today we two have joined forces to give you the upper hand, and we don't have to live!"

Ji Fuxu dominated with a rage, and the two mountains in his hand flew straight up, traversing east and west, suppressing the Quartet.

The space originally broken by Lingyun of a sword was restored under the suppression of Jushan, and it seemed that nothing had happened.

Xun is indeed the master of the heavens. With a specific weapon, Nie Yun's sword Ling Yun was cracked in a single move and could not be maintained.


In the face of the opponent's fierce strength, Nie Yun did not panic. Instead, he showed his color and made a step forward. He pushed forward in the volley, and the huge chaotic meditation bottle in the air rushed forward, like a bamboo.


The violent suction of the meditation bottle mouth can be countered, and the two mountains are somewhat irresistible. They are shrouded by the air flow, and a violent shaking occurs.

"What? My baby ..."

Xun Fuxu didn't expect Nie Yun to wait for him here, wait for him to throw out the mountain, devour it with the chaos meditation bottle, his face froze, and he almost fell from the air.

炼 In order to refining these two mountains, he spent countless energy and materials, and is the master soldier he is best at. Once lost, his strength will be greatly damaged.

"come back!"

I hurriedly urged the tactics on my hand to urge the giant mountain back, but found that it was like a mud ox entering the sea, which was of no use at all.

Although the Chaos Meditation Bottle is not the master of the soldiers, it is more powerful than the master of the soldiers. Because of this, the dried blood ancestors can be so confident.

Of course, more importantly, after refining the chaos meditation bottle ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun brought the space inside with the world of his objects, swallowed the giant mountain, and immediately transferred it to the objects world.

In this world, he is the only creator, let alone a master soldier. Even if he is a king soldier, he will not rise up.

"You have thoroughly refined it?"

I saw that the chaos meditation bottle can devour the weapon controlled by Fuxu, and the ancestors of dry blood realized that the other party is not just so simple to use, I am afraid that this treasure in front of me has been thoroughly refined!

He worked hard for hundreds of millions of years without success. The other person took a few breaths. In his eyes, the whole person and eating **** were generally uncomfortable.

不错 "Yes, I know it's too late now, you can go in too!"

The wings of the Phoenix unfolded, and Nie Yun's body flickered suddenly. He had already appeared in front of him.

有了 This time with precautions, although the dried-blood ancestor hadn't been psychedelic for a long time, he was moving too fast, with one foot in the chest.

The sword, foot, and bottle are perfectly matched, and time is not bad.


The old ancestor of Qiangan did not respond, and as soon as his head sank, he was devoured by the Chaos Meditation Bottle and disappeared from the crowd.

(The first one is that everyone else is on vacation, and the hard-working class has to go to class. Oh, it ’s so miserable .... Ask for two monthly passes to console ...) [To be continued. Cheng provided to bring @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波】

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