Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1622: 2 scared away

"it is good!"

Feeling the change of Tianxinteng, Nie Yunxin is ecstatic.

Xuan Tianxin Teng's successful promotion to the dominate level, plus one gasification and three clear moves, is equivalent to four dominate the strong, even if there are other people who plan to misbehave, don't worry.

After processing the dried blood ancestors and the Celestial Heart Vine, Nie Yun consciously returned to his deity, his wrists were flipped, and the Chaos Meditation Bottle was collected into the world of objects, looking up at the Lord Fuxu and the Ferris Celestial Father.


Master Fu Fuxu and the Ferris ancestor looked at each other, all of them froze, and fled without turning around.

Being able to become the masters are all savvy generations. Seeing Nie Yun take away the meditation bottle shows that he has completely controlled the dried blood ancestor and even killed him. He can be taken away without waiting to be escaped. Grab?

The grievances have ended, and escape is the right way, otherwise they will anger the other party, and they will certainly repeat the mistakes of the dried blood ancestors.

"These two guys ..."

Only when I returned to God did I see that these two guys had lost their tracks, and Nie Yun was choked and a little drunk.

The lord of Tangtang escaped in this way, and he didn't dare to let the fart go, and he didn't even dare to leave a word, it would be too shameful!

Although I think so, I also admire the decisiveness of the two at the same time. If they don't leave, they will definitely shoot. By then, these two guys will surely be killed like the ancestors of dry blood!

I was able to distinguish the pros and cons in such a short time, turned away and escaped, at the expense of my face, these two people were really cruel.

I am also right, can become the dominant power, not only high above. With countless sights, they have also experienced dangers that countless people have never experienced, and that is why. Only natural sensitivity to danger, knowing why can not be done.

The moment Bie Yun captured the dried-blood ancestors, they knew that the boy in front of him could not deal with it. When he saw that he took away the meditation bottle, it showed that the situation had been completely controlled. Such people were no longer able to compete with them.

Seeing Fuxu dominate and others fled. Nie Yun knew that he couldn't catch up, so he would not catch up.

His current strength is still the dominant level. With the Chaos Meditation Bottle and the World of Nags, other masters can be killed, but the speed is no different from other masters. Once the other party escapes, even if he uses all his means. Can't catch up.

呢 "What about the ancient ship of the Dry Blood Dynasty?"

I did not chase the Lord Fuxu and others, Nie Yun looked around, and at a glance, the ancient ship of the dry blood dynasty disappeared!

Maybe the Emperor Ganxue saw that his ancestor was arrested, and knew that it was not good. He turned and fled.

He is indeed an emperor of the empire, and his eyesight is really powerful if they do not escape in advance. It must be caught and killed directly.

Alas, monks can't run the temple. Unless they don't want to work in the foundation of the blood dynasty, otherwise, as long as they return to the Xieyue Supreme Realm, it is very easy to catch him.

"Nie Yun dominated the dried blood ancestors?"

"Isn't the Lord unable to kill the Lord? It should just be stuck ..."

"Grab one and scare two away, this Lord Nie Yun is too great ..."

"This is the strong! Idol!"

"Quickly pass the news to the family. Nie Yun and Guixu Hai are both untouchable people ..."

Everyone watching around. Not long after the battle, Nie Yun seized a bit of the place, scared them away, and they all went crazy.

Puppet master is a legend. High above him, almost no one can hurt. This Nie Yun breaks this pattern. Don't think about it, it will inevitably cause a sensation in the Three Realms and shock the world.

For a moment, Nie Yun's status had been overriding the dominator, and he became a well-deserved Xeon of the Three Realms!

"Unfortunately, we haven't made a good relationship with such a strong man. We really have no eyes!"

The emperor Yongyue Ye saw the "cloud copper" that they did not value, showing great power, and even took away the masters. They looked at each other and regretted each other.

Yesterday, I talked and laughed with this person. I felt that his strength was too weak to be worthy of association. I saw this scene today, and I knew how unsightly!

At first, people hide their strengths and make friends with them, and they will definitely be recognized. But now they will pass by and the other party will definitely ignore them!

"Good relationship with Tao Xunfu in the future!"

Emperor Yongyong turned to look at the minister behind him.

Before, they didn't pay much attention to the boy named "Yuntong". Only Tao Xun had a good relationship with him. I am afraid that in the future, if he wants to associate with the other party, he can only pass Tao Xun.

Casually making an unknown person is the master, Tao Xun's luck is so bad.

"Nie Yun ..."

At this moment, the Emperor Yongye's heart is so lucky that he is looking at the floating figure in the air, his body trembling constantly.

I knew that the "little man" who had followed him before was a master, and Tao Xun's face changed, and his heart was full of awe.

I also said that the "two" people have now discovered that the "two" is themselves!

He didn't realize the strength of the other party, what isn't it stupid?

At the same time I was in awe, I was secretly glad.

Fortunately, the opponent was not abandoned because he was "not strong", otherwise, I'm afraid he is already a corpse.

Uh ...

Xie Nieyun did not know what kind of psychological changes he had brought to the people around him. Even if he knew it, he would certainly not care.

The strength has reached the level of domination, and the level of life has changed. The thinking of these people is no longer important.

She smiled gently, looking at Xiaoyao Xian not far away, her eyes full of gratitude.

If it wasn't for him to show up, he would definitely expose his unique skills of one gasification and three Qings.

"Thank you for your help!" Nie Yun bowed, feeling inspired.

"You're welcome, we are now strong at the same level. We don't need to call seniors, just call me Xiaoyao or Li Xiaoyao!" Xiaoyao laughed.

"Let's be happy then!" Nie Yun nodded.

"Oh, I ca n’t think of it, your boy is making progress so fast, he hasn't seen him in just a few days. He already has this kind of strength. It seems that I don't need my protection in the future!"

Xiao Xiaoyao's eyes were full of praise.

When I first met this boy, it was just an ordinary half-step dominating Xiaosan, and in just a few months, it was incredible to reach this strength!

"No protection is needed, someone needs to be accompanied to drink, I wonder if the seniors are interested?" Nie Yunha laughed.

"If there is the last monkey heart wine, you can't ask for it ..."

I heard drinking, Xiaoyao Xian's eyes let out the light, but there was no outlet water, there was nothing to dominate the look.

"Gu Yongzong, I'm going to drink with Xiaoyao Xian. If you continue to stay in the Three Realms battlefield, here are three runes, which I just refined, with my full blow, and can be used directly in case of danger! , With the ancient Yongzong lords, I will not be with you! "

Xie Nieyun turned his head and gave a command, flipped his palms, and threw a few Fuyu in his palms towards Gu Yong.

The strength is exposed. Wherever you go, it will definitely cause the idea of ​​countless people. If you want to find the heart of the Three Realms, you can only do it quietly. Therefore, it is better to leave for the time being.


Seeing that Nie Yun succeeded in dominating and taking away one master and scaring away two, Gu Yong still felt a little dizzy.

The sea of ​​Ziguixu has always been weak. Because there is no backing, there is a master now. It can be foreseen that the future status will definitely rise up. Other ancestors dare not talk nonsense!

In addition, the Zong Zhibao of the three Zongmen towns were taken away by Nie Yun ~ www.readwn.com ~ The suzerain and the Supreme Elder were killed. Do n’t think about it, it wo n’t take long for these three cases to be completely destroyed and no one can catch up The pace of returning to the sea!

"Elder Nine Immortals have a good vision!"

I remembered that Nie Yun was highly recommended to bring it by Elder Jiuxian, and Gu Yong could not help feeling.

If it wasn't for the elders of Jiuxian, who brought him, I am afraid that Guihuihai would lose a chance and be completely wiped out.

"Master ... what shall we do?"

Seeing that Nie Yun was leaving, Fu Anchao and others hurriedly spread their voices.

"You continue to stay in the mill of the Three Realms, and once there is news of the Heart of the Three Realms, send me a message immediately!"

Xie Nieyun explained.

"Yes!" Fu Anchao nodded quickly.

Although he didn't know why he wanted the Heart of the Three Realms, since he gave him the order, he would obey it resolutely.

"Let's go!"

After all the arrangements were made, Nie Yun's body flickered and Xiaoyao Xianyu disappeared from the crowd, as if there was no such thing. Even the strongest Emperor Yong Ye among the crowd did not find any clues.

"This is the strength that dominates the strong ..."

He sighed, and the Emperor Yongye and others continued to fly to the depths of the Three Realms Mill.




[Unfinished To Be Continued [This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj]. If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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