Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1623: Ashoka

"so close!"

In a quiet and chaotic world, an ancient ship flew out and stopped, and the emperor on the deck looked pale, and now he was pale and a little flustered.

"Your Majesty, why should we escape ..."

A minister came over from the cabin and saw that his calm emperor became so incomprehensible.

The old ancestor was just arrested, and it might not take long to rush out. Why did the emperor turn and fled. Once the ancestor came out and knew he had escaped like this, he would definitely be angry.

"Look at this!"

The Emperor Ganganxue seemed to know that the other party had such a doubt. When his wrist was flipped, a jade card appeared on the palm. This jade card originally contained infinite power, but now there are cracks. If it is not maintained by Xianli, I am afraid it has been broken into powder.

"What is this?" The minister wondered.

"This is the jade card that my ancestors saved me. It contains his soul imprint and strength!"

Dried blood emperor road.

"Contains the ancestor's imprint and strength, why ... will it break?" The minister was startled, and then he remembered something, his face became pale.

不错 "Yes ... the ancestor must have been dead! Killed by this Nie Yun! If he does not die, the jade charm containing his soul imprint will not be broken!" The dry blood emperor's eyes showed a deep sense of fear.

的 The ancestor he has always trusted, was actually killed by the other party. Before it was changed, it was absolutely unthinkable!

But that's the truth!

玉 When Yufu was broken, he immediately understood that there would be no chance if he did not run away, so he didn't care about the others. Turn and run!

此时 At this time, Nie Yun was handing over the puppet origin road to Tianxinteng Refining and Chemicals, not paying attention to the outside world, and did not know that he had left. It was during this time period that he escaped from the Three Realms mill and the realm of Three Realms and rushed into the ocean of chaos.

"My ancestor is dead ... What should we do, Your Majesty?" After seeing him confirming, the Minister was also trembling, and finally felt afraid.

的 The ancestors of the master level have been killed. What should they do?

"According to Nie Yun's character, he will definitely rush to the dry blood dynasty to ask us troubles. It may even destroy the entire dynasty ... if you go back now, once you are caught, you will never escape!"

The Emperor Ganxue shook his head. His eyes were filled with despair.

The old ancestors died, and they had no backing, and the demise of the dynasty was a matter of course.

"Unless ... there is a way to kill this Nie Yun! Otherwise, I really don't know what to do!" The Minister looked bitter.

聂 Killing Nie Yun is definitely the simplest and most direct method. But ... can it be killed?

His grandfather was killed by him. If you want to kill him, you must have several masters at the same time, but ... Once the ancestor died, who can find so many masters?

"Yes, kill Nie Yun and our crisis will be lifted ..."

Minister Chan just said casually, and suddenly saw a cold and even ... excited in the eyes of Emperor Ganxue!

"But ... how do we kill?"

Seeing the appearance of the emperor, the minister wondered.

"I have a way. Now I will arrange something for you and do it immediately. You can only succeed but not fail. Once successful, Nie Yun will die! If you fail, you don't have to come back to see me!"

The Emperor Qiang hummed.

"Yes!" Seeing the dignity he said, the minister nodded quickly.

"You will immediately send more staff to the Three Realms battlefield and go to the Three Realms to circulate the news that the **** ancestor was killed by Nie Yun. It means that the ancestor is dead, and Nie Yun already has the power to kill and dominate!"

The dried blood emperor explained.

"What do you preach about this? Isn't this Tieyun raising his prestige?" The minister wondered.

What can you do to improve your opponent's reputation? Moreover, once the death of the ancestors is announced, everyone knows that the dry blood dynasty has lost its backing, the former opponents will definitely take action, and the dynasty will face a greater crisis!

"Declaring the ancestor's death to the outside world will bring a crisis to our dynasty, but it will also bring a sense of crisis to other masters. Since then, other masters are likely to unite and hunt Nie Yun!"

The Emperor Ganxue explained.

这 "This ... is really a good idea!"

Minister Chan first looked at him, and then his eyes were fiery.

It's true that the crisis of their blood dynasty is only a trivial matter. If you know to other masters that Nie Yun can kill the master, you will definitely feel panic, and it is very likely that they will unite to surround him!

平衡 The balance of the dominance of the master is broken, which many masters do not want to see!

"Go, do it right away, I have a second method, these two methods can be used to ensure that Nie Yun is 100% dead!"

The dried blood emperor's eyes were dazzling.

"Okay, I'll go now!"

Seeing that the emperor was so confident and the minister was infected, he quickly nodded his body and flew out of the cabin. He flew straight to the chaotic ocean and disappeared.

The Minister Wu left, and the Emperor Ganxue took a deep breath, his face twisted, and he seemed to be making some kind of decision.

After a short while, he gritted his teeth.

"Nie Yun, this is your own death, don't blame me ..."

After I said, I turned my palm, and a golden list-like thing appeared on my palm!

Chaos King Rune!

Before all the strong men ran to the Battlefield of the Three Realms to find the Chaos King Rune, he got the order issued by King Ashoka. Although I do n’t know how this order differs from the Chaos King Rune of the Three Realms, but also know that once used Well this thing, that Nie Yun will die.

Open the list, and then the ancient chaotic characters flickered brightly and flew out. As big as a lamp, when the power of the seal world appeared, the chaotic ocean trembled.

"Looking for such a person, his soul breath is killing, he is good at using swords, progresses quickly, and his fate cannot be calculated ... Although this person has not been found so far, it can be said that this is Nie Yun!"

Eye fell on the list, and the dry blood emperor face 狰狞.

He Bangwen asked him to find a person who met three conditions. Originally, Prince Fu Jiang was arrested. He always thought that it was Nie Yun, but later found that there was no killing breath in his soul breath, and he was ruled out.

Nie Yun is putting too much pressure on him now. He knows that the person whom Ashoka is looking for may not be Nie Yun, so he must try it!

After all, this Nie Yun is also good at using swords, progressing quickly, and destiny cannot be calculated. Although the first soul breath does not match the taste of killing, these two are consistent!

In the event that King Ashoka heard what he said, he determined that this Nie Yun was the one he was looking for, and that the strong Wang Feng shot it. If this Nie Yun is strong, he will surely kill him!

This is the biggest hole card of the Emperor Dried Blood!

"If King Ashoka finds that this Nie Yun is not the person he is looking for, he will definitely say that I deceived and I will die very badly! However, there is no retreat now, the dry blood dynasty is overthrown, the minister may be able to surrender and escape, I only have a dead end, so ... Nie Yun, you forced me! "

Complexion, dry blood emperor Lengheng.

Due to the first condition not being met, the Ganxue dynasty had never been able to confirm that Nie Yun was the one that Asoka wanted to find, and had never dared to report it, just because he was worried that Asoka thought he was deceived. If he did, he would die very miserably!

Alas, there is no way now!

Nie Yun is not dead, he must die, and want the former to die, this is the best way!

I took a deep breath, stood on the deck, and threw the list up.


There was a roar, and Bangwen made a huge sound, and the whole chaotic ocean that shone was trembling.


After a short while, the chaotic ocean boiled ~ www.readwn.com ~ A huge black hole slowly appeared above the dried blood emperor.

The black hole is huge, the Emperor Dried Blood and the ancient ship he rode under the vortex are ridiculous like a cricket ant.


Under strong pressure, the Emperor Ganxeng knelt down.

The black hole in front of my eyes seems to represent the consciousness of the chaotic ocean. Even if he is a strong man of the two hundred and ninety-nine Avenues and possesses the guard of the master soldier, he still feels a lot of pressure.

压力 This pressure comes from deep in the soul and cannot be resisted at all.

He reasonably said that he was an empire emperor, with imperial power in his hands, and the power was immense, but in front of this breath of breath, he was nothing, and he was no different from an ordinary citizen.

力量 This power is so terrible, it has terrified the Chaos Ocean to shake it.

Seal the power of Wang Qiang!


As soon as the Emperor Ganxue knelt down, a huge human head slowly emerged from the black hole, his eyes were cold and deep, like a spinning universe.

"Where is the person I'm looking for?"

The head sounds slowly, but with majestic majesty!

育 Asoka appears!

(End of two chapters!)




[Unfinished To Be Continued [This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj]. If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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