Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1624: Worship

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Seeing this figure, the Emperor Ganxue trembled involuntarily, creating endless panic.

Although the other party could not exert pressure, he still felt palpitations, fears, and no resistance at all.

"Back to the great Ashoka, the person you are looking for is called Nie Yun, who is now in the Three Realms battlefield!"

Thinking of the hatred in his heart, the dried blood emperor clenched his teeth and said quickly.

"Nie Yun?"

There is no expression on the skull in the air, and God is indifferent, but his eyes reveal the deterrence that sees through the human heart.

"So brave!"

After a moment, the huge human face snorted violently, and the violent pressure was rippling around, causing the entire chaotic ocean to stir. A huge pressure fell like nine days. Toad.


The blue veins came out of his head, and the dried blood emperor's face was ugly. He didn't know why the Ashoka would suddenly show power.

"Nie Yun snatched the dried blood dragon seal and beheaded the dried blood ancestor. You feel hopeless for revenge. You want to use my hand to see him kill? Huh, the abacus is playing well!"

Eyebrows raised slowly, and Ashoka's voice gradually became cold.

Just now, it seems that this huge human face in the sky has observed the entire chaotic ocean and understood everything.


The dry-blooded emperor soaked his spine with cold sweat, and the whole man kept talking.

As the birth and birth of the Oblique Moon Supreme Realm, know the consequences of concealing Wang Fengqiang. Once it is found to be deceiving, the communiqué's personal hatred will certainly vanish instantly. No one can save!

If you die directly, you may still learn tuō, or you may be imprisoned and thrown into the bustling street.

If that's the case, he's a **** emperor, and it's better to die!

Fist clenched. The Emperor Ganxue knew that Lima would definitely become miserable if he was found to be deceiving. He gritted his teeth and said, "Go back to the great king. I have absolutely no deception and no intention to make you avenge! This Nie Yun's killing atmosphere may be hidden OK, I ca n’t find it, but the remaining two are all in line with the conditions you gave. The practice speed is extremely fast. Good at using swords! If you do n’t believe it, you can go and see for yourself! ”

On the other hand, the Emperor Ganxue would never dare to speak to King Ashoka in this way. Now that he knows not to push into despair, and can't control so much, he growls loudly.


Ashoka's face sank and he stayed still. The dark eyes seemed to spin the entire universe, and a moment passed again: "If you lie to me. It will make you die terribly!"


Suddenly, the powerful pressure cháo disappeared like water. The huge face disappeared instantly from the black hole.


The Emperor Ganxue felt that the whole body was under pressure for a while, and the whole man could not help but pant heavily, and his whole body was weak.

After only a few words with Ashoka, he felt exhausted and could die at any time!

The Wang Fengqiang is really terrible!

The other person can let him die without any thought.

To deceive Asoka is hardly a human task, no matter if he flees to the ends of the earth or even the chaos, as long as the other person has a thought, I am afraid he will die directly, and no one can save it!

"Although the adventure was successful, Ashoka didn't say it. He must have doubted this Nie Yun in his heart. Hey, Nie Yun, I don't think you're dead this time!"

His face was full of sè, and the **** emperor's eyes showed a ruthless meaning.

Before I'm sure, it's a bit risky to tell these to Ashoka, but it is worthwhile to kill Nie Yun!

Because he has no way back!

However, he may have never dreamed that this time he was wrong, but it turned out to be the right person.

King Ashoka is looking for Nie Tong, and it's not much different to go to Nie Yun.


"Haha, good wine, good wine! I feel sad when I think of good wine when I can't drink it later, and you don't have to be too concerned. I actually saved you for good wine!"

On a towering mountain in the Three Realms battlefield, Xiaoyao Xian waved his hands while drinking, and it was indifferent to Nie Yun's gratitude.

"Oh, since Brother Xiaoyao said this, I will not be embarrassed. In the future, whenever brother Xiaoyao has anything to do, tell me, if it can be done, never quit!"

Nie Yundao.

Before he became the master, Xiaoyao Xian made many attempts to help. This kindness was not small. The other party said that for the sake, it was obviously to ease the embarrassment. Since the other party didn't want to say, he didn't mention it.

"If you're really sorry, just give me a few more gourds ..."

Xiaoyao Xian smiled.

"Rest assured, I will give you as much wine as you want! I am afraid that you will drink enough!" Nie Yun grabbed the palm of his hand, and the sky immediately flew countless wine gourds, thousands of them in front of him .

The thing world is promoted to the highest level. As long as it is completely stable, the master soldier can be copied, let alone these fine wines. As long as he is willing, he can have as many as he wants, and it will take up a bit of power.

"Then I'm welcome!"

Xiaoyao Xian looked at the wine gourd in front of his eyes, his eyes exhilarated.

This is the real drunkard who encounters fine wine and can no longer resist it.

"Let ’s take it. I want to drink and find me in the future. I have so much wine!" Seeing him, Nie Yun rang an old alcoholic and chuckled: "Yes, I will introduce you to someone. This guy is also a drinker As promised, if you know each other, there must be a lot of topics! "

The old drunkard has not been in the world with the Luo Qingcheng and others because of his insufficient strength.

At this time, the six heavens and earth are in the world of things, and they can be summoned at any time.

"Oh? Where is he?" Xiaoyao Xian asked someone who had a good wine, and while talking, he took away the wine from the sky, for fear of Nie Yun's remorse.

"The space is too oppressed here. His strength is still a bit weak and he can't come out, but I can take you in, in my small world!"

Nie Yundao.

The strength of the old drunkard is not even Xianjun. It is difficult to bear bronze armor and gold armor in places like the Three Realms, let alone him.

"Your little world? Take me to see!" Said Xiaoyao Xian, his eyes clear and his eyes indifferent.

Entering someone else's small world is actually very dangerous. Once the other party wants to keep him, it is definitely very simple.

Because of this, when hearing the small world, many opponents of the same level will be very daunting. Xiaoyao Xian casually said that there was no discomfort at all, which shows his trust in Nie Yun.

"Okay, don't resist, go!"

Xiaoyao Xian believes in himself, unlike the last time he trusted him and entered his small world, because the strength of Xiaoyao Xian far surpassed him last time. He really has to do it. Even if he doesn't use the small world, he is definitely not an opponent! So, it didn't have much to do with trust at that time.

Now, both of them are the masters. Once in Nie Yun's small world ~ www.readwn.com ~, it is easy to kill him, but they have not resisted since then, which shows the heart of Xiaoyao Xian.

"it is good!"

Xiaoyao Xian nodded his head, his body flashed, and immediately entered the world of things.

"Is this ... Extreme Domain?"

Upon entering, Xiaoyao Xian was as surprised as his dried blood ancestor, and his eyes were about to fall to the ground.

His small world is the supreme realm ... Is he a powerful king?

"It's just a relatively powerful little world, where is the supreme realm!" Nie Yun couldn't explain, and said casually, jīng moved, and the old alcoholic came to him: "Senior Xingxing, this senior Xiaoyao Xian is a good drinker Man, if you can worship him as a teacher, there is absolutely no future! "

"Pray him as a teacher?"

The old drunkard suddenly realized what Nie Yun meant, and immediately fell to his knees: "Master is on, please worship!"


Xiaoyao Xian didn't expect Nie Yun to make such a place. When he came, he was worshipped as a teacher, and he cried and laughed. However, he was happy and did not have a disciple. He could receive a disciple similar to himself and inherit the mantle. It may be a beautiful thing.

"I treat you with good intentions. I thought of this idea ... well, this disciple recognizes me, but the cultivation is too low. Here, Master has a Kaitianzaohuadan. You eat it, maybe Some help! "

Suddenly, Xiaoyao Xian shook his head with a bitter smile, and it was not easy to refuse. He flicked his wrist and took out an elixir.

"Thank you, Master!" The old alcoholic knew this elixir must be extremely precious, and quickly took it, nodding excitedly.

(I have a severe headache today, and I feel a little bit uncomfortable. Just one more, and three more tomorrow. Sorry !!!)

. . . (To be continued ...)

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