Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1625: Sunless Master

In the world of things, Nie Yun immediately saw the essence of this elixir even if he didn't need to glance at it. He smiled immediately: "This Kaitiancaodan is the highest elixir even in the chaotic ocean. You take it now, It should be able to successfully break through the immortal monarch, scold the sky mirror, and even reach a higher level! These treasures can not be found! Brother Xiaoyao is really generous! "

开 This Kaitian Cao Dan is even more terrifying than the original chaos gold order. Even if it has a great effect on the top of the 境 heaven realm, it is a waste for the old alcoholic.

"Thank you, Master!" Seeing that this elixir was so precious, the old drunkard turned red and thanked him quickly.

"No, these things are out of body. You gave me so much wine before. If I ca n’t even give anything, I will be ashamed!" Xiao Yaoxian waved his hands at will, a move in the palm, a misty dress Appears in the palm of your hand: "This master robe is also given to you, which can help you resist the pressure of the Three Realms battlefield, so that even if it is not repairable, you can follow into the sea of ​​chaos!"

The dominating robe is the defense method left by the dominating level. The clothes formed by the integrated three thousand avenues. Although this dress is only a virtual one, not a chaotic warrior, it combines the power of the dominating level. It is almost impossible to break this suit!

东西 It is extremely difficult to make this thing. It is really generous to send two such treasures as soon as they meet.

I recognized a disciple, and Xiao Yaoxian and Xia Xing were all very happy. The three drank for another while, Xiaoxianxian bid farewell: "You are so powerful now, I don't need to follow along. Leave it now!"

I finished walking with Xia Xing and left.

Xiaoyao Xian has always been at ease, most restrained, and Nie Yun has a kind of gratitude to him, which makes him feel a little overwhelmed!

Anyway, he did not come to the Three Realms battlefield for the Chaos King Rune. It was not a big problem to get them. After leaving the world of objects, he flew away from the Three Realms battlefield.

I stayed several times. Seeing that the other party's intention had been decided, Nie Yun would not say more. Xia Xing was his benefactor when he was on the floating continent. At this time, he can help him find a master like Xiaoyao Xian, which is definitely a great opportunity, only good. There was no harm in seeing him leave without stopping.

"He's gone, I just happened to find the Heart of the Three Realms!"

Seeing that Xiaoyao Xian left, Nie Yun didn't make much sense to stay in place. He was trying to find the heart of the Three Realms. Suddenly, his heart moved, and a wrist card appeared on the palm.

Is news from Fu An Chao.

After reading the news, Nie Yun's eyes brightened.

Although not the news of the heart of the Three Realms. But it was Chaoling Wang Fuling, and everyone who rushed into the mill of the Three Realms finally reached the core and found where Wang Fuling was. According to Fu Anchao's message, the Heart of the Three Realms should be near the Chaos King Rune.

"This guy definitely wants me to bring the hunting sign over!"

Although the meaning of Fufu Anchao is not obvious, Nie Yun smiled slightly where he did not know what he was thinking.

He was separated from the other party before and did not give him the order sign, so. Even if Wang Fuling was in front of them, there was no such thing. It is also impossible to get a sign.

I wasn't doing anything anyway, Nie Yun didn't stop, his body fluttered, and he flew straight towards the three realms of the three realms.

He didn't go far, and reentered it shortly after.

There is nothing to attract him's treasures in it, and speed up to move forward.

The channel of the Three Realms grinding disc is not vertically downward, but spiral, similar to the grinding disc. In the wide passage, there are countless dead bodies lying horizontally.

These were all famous figures in the Three Realms before their lives. Because of the siege or being killed for fighting for treasures, all the spirits were scattered.

"People die for wealth, birds die for food! This is the eternal truth!"

Nie Yun shook his head.

如果 If these big men don't come here and have no plans, they will certainly be able to live very easily in their respective forces, but they will all die here, which shows the horror of the word "greedy".

"But ... if I can't break through after hundreds of millions of years, my loved ones will die, and I will definitely come over to break through!"

Although I was emotional, but thinking about it, I can't just say that these people are greedy.

After living for hundreds of millions of years, all his loved ones died, without any concern, if he learns that entering here has the opportunity to change his destiny and enhance his strength, even him, he must not refuse this temptation.

Bian Nieyun had a short time in the past life, and things lingered in her heart. Besides, Xiu Wei had never encountered the limit. Because of this, she had never felt this way and could not appreciate it.

I am afraid that even if these people die, they will feel very happy and have a sense of relief.

I live too long, and sometimes it is not a good thing.

The further down I walked along the millstone, the more dead people were, and the more powerful the dead body looked, even here, there have been many dead bodies of the top 100.

"Three Realms Battlefield, Chaos King Rune ... Feng Wang Qiang deliberately made this, do you want to let countless masters fight and kill each other?"

Suddenly, an idea came up.

It is logical to say that there are countless means to seal the strong king, and one idea can cover the entire supreme realm. This kind of strong man wants to do very simple things. Why do some high heaven powers do?

After all, if it is so difficult that they can't do it, let alone 诛 the peak of heaven, even the master can't be completed!

In this case, the cats came out. The three powerful kings deliberately created the battlefield of the Three Realms and promulgated a king rune. Will they just kill each other?

If that's the case, what is the purpose of their doing so?

I looked at the corpse everywhere, and Nie Yun shook his head.

Poor, undecided riverside bone, is still in the spring dream!

人 The relatives of these people may be waiting for them to return, but at this time, they have become corpses and can no longer be reunited.

I felt in my heart, kept on my feet, and quickly passed a bend, and a huge wheel-shaped disc appeared in front of me.

Countless strong men are standing on the roulette at this time, one by one looking nervously to the middle.

Xie Nieyun glanced at it, Fu An Chao and others were in the crowd, and Emperor Yong Ye and others were with them.

The crowd didn't do anything at this time, as if staying in the middle, they seemed to be afraid of something.

Xie Nieyun flew over and landed in front of Fu Anchao and others.

"the host!"

Fu Fu An Chao and others no longer taboo at this time, they all came up.

Before I saw them, they felt very humiliated to recognize the other party. When they saw that Nie Yun directly killed the dominated ancestors, this view changed immediately.

的 The competitors that can make a person jealous are basically equal to his own strength. When Nie Yun's strength is too much higher than the other's strength, jealousy and envy become joke.

"the host?"

When the emperor Yongyong Ye heard the names of Fu Anchao and others, he couldn't help but smirked, "You deceive me, I'm so bitter!"

Since these people are Nie Yun's servants, he must have known his cultivation for a long time. When he first came to the station outside the Three Realms, he did not remind him that he was so ugly and blind to Taishan.

"You can't blame us, Her Majesty, the master doesn't want to reveal his strength, we can only obey it!"

Seeing him, Fu Anchao laughed.

The Emperor Ye Yongye shook his head and came to Nie Yun in a few steps: "I have seen Nie Yun dominated the Emperor Wei Yongye of the Xia Yongye Dynasty!"


Nie Yun nodded, not minding.

The strength corresponds to the status, the strength is poor, others look down on it is normal, he is not angry with the Emperor Yongye's approach, and he does not approve.

"My ancestor is [Sunless Master]!"

Seeing that Nie Yun didn't care much, the Emperor Yongye quickly introduced his origins.

"Sunless dominance?"

Nie Yun frowned, remembering a name on the Top 100 list.

The Sunless Lord is also the old one. He has lived for hundreds of millions of years, and is equal to Xiaoyao Xian and others. The three worlds have rumored that this person is cruel and unforgiving. He has no descendants. His legacy!

This is really hidden in the city!

"What happened, don't you look for Chaos King Rune? 怎么 Why don't you move?"

There was a sigh in my heart, and Nie Yun saw nothing moving from the crowd. One by one was worried about staying on the ground, and asked strangely ~ www.readwn.com ~ Dominate it! "

Seeing his doubts, the Emperor Yong Ye pointed forward.


Nie Yun looked up and only glanced at her, and her eyebrows frowned immediately.

(Khan, Lao Ya is only a substitute teacher, has a small salary, and is bullied ... I just recruited some time ago, so I decided to take the exam .... Lao Ya decided to review the previous knowledge and study it carefully ... As a result, I went ruthlessly every time I read a book I fell asleep and sweated. I still had to code during the day, so I could only read at night. I finally persisted for a week and started the exam ... Yesterday's results came out. Laiya looked at me and was crazy ... The province has the second highest professional degree, hehe, I didn't expect it to be so strong ... Because only one post was accepted for Laoya's examination, although I took the second place close to six points, the second uncle seems to be the principal. Everyone knows ... In order not to be killed, Lao Ya can only review it recently, and strive for an interview blockbuster ... Keke! In addition, because there is going to be a holiday this morning, there are many things in the school, there is no time code, and there is still at night Things ... Only time in the afternoon, the chapter yesterday yesterday owed tomorrow. Try to get two chapters today. Do n’t hit me if you ca n’t finish, because the main plot is written, Wang Qiang, who will soon appear, the old fear of wrong career, particularly slow code, one hour a thousand words can not write, you do not rush, let the old idea of ​​a good career and strive to write better, thank you, ah!)




[Unfinished To Be Continued [This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj]. If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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