Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1626: Dominate the Clouds (1)

Appearing in front of me is a huge light film, with the runes flowing on it, emitting an inviolable and powerful breath. In the middle is a suspended stone platform, a golden list, standing quietly in it.

This list is closed together, but you can't see the writing on it, but you can feel the coercion on it.

"This is the Chaos King Rune?"

Nie Yun's heart moved.

"That's it!" The Emperor Yongye looked forward, his eyes flashing with excitement.

"Wang Fuling is just ahead. Why don't you take it and wait here?"

Nie Yun was strange.

These people are all for Wang Fuling. They should be the same as enemies. Why did they come to Wang Fuling and stay still?

"Do you not know the master?"

Seeing his expression, the Emperor Yongye looked weird.

Nie Yun shook his head: "What's wrong? I must know?"

"I don't mean that ... it's just weird!" The emperor Yongye hurriedly explained, turning his wrist, a jade card appeared on the palm of his hand: "Look at this!"

This is just an ordinary jade card for communication. There is nothing special about it. The spirit swept away and Nie Yun's face became very strange.

"The Lord of the Sun asks you not to touch this light film first, he wants to come over?"

There was only a brief message on the Jade card, which was left by the Sunless Lord. There was only one sentence, asking him not to touch the light film, and to come in person later.

"Yes!" Emperor Yong Ye nodded: "I thought there was an agreement between your masters, and I thought you knew ..."

"Maybe I have just become the master and I have no relationship with them. No one told me ..."

Seeing the meaning of the jade brand without the rule of the day, most of the masters will come in person, what is the appeal of this Chaos King Rune. Let so many masters shoot at the same time?

"You dominate the ancestors. They don't. Why don't they stop here?"

Nie Yun pointed to others.

There are still many people around the light film. He almost never knew these people. The Emperor Yongye had a master to preach the ancestors. These people should not have them, so why stop. No one is attacking light film?

This doesn't make sense!

"If you can come here, no matter which one is the Big Mac power, this kind of power. How can it be possible if you do not do the backstage? Besides, even if you do not do the backstage, they have to break through the light film in front of me. The 39th place in the list is complete. Hastily shot, it has been burned to ashes! "

Emperor Yongye smiled bitterly.

"Complete?" Nie Yun faced Zhengzheng.

To be able to reach 39th place in the top 100 list, the strength is bound to be extremely strong. Compared to Fu Anchao and others, they are not weak at all. Such a strong person is actually burned to ashes. What is this light film? How could it be so powerful?

He looked up and suddenly hesitated.

There are special runes flowing on this light film, and these runes keep flashing. Send out cowardly coercion.

Of course, it wasn't this coercion that made him frightened. But ... these runes, he had actually seen them before!

These are the extremely ancient places, the ones depicted on the iron chain that binds the extremely heavenly tortoise!

These runes, when he crawled on the iron chain, completely integrated into the body, changing his physical structure, great power, how can it be seen here?

Is it ... this is a seal unique to Wang Fengqiang?

"Can't you open it with a search sign?"

Seeker is the necessary thing to get Chaos King Rune. Since it is necessary, it must have its role and should be related to this light film.

"The search command can be turned on, but you must have all eight search commands. Now we only have four here. I heard that there are still four in the hands of the master, so ... wait for them!"

The Emperor Yong Ye was helpless.

Once the Lord came, the Chaos Rune would definitely not have their share, but without waiting for the Lord to open the light film, it now seems as if there is a Baoshan in front of them, and they can only see and cannot take it. Any way!

When I opened the Three Realms Grinding Wheel, I only used four hunting symbols. Nie Yun thought that other symbols were in their hands, but they didn't take them out.

"That being the case, then wait ..."

Nie Yun said only half of the words, and suddenly his mouth raised, "They are coming!"

"Come? Here comes the master?"

The Emperor Yong Ye was stunned, and hurriedly turned to look back, but there were no half figures in sight.


My heart was wondering. With the eyes blooming, several figures appeared not far away, and the speed was staggering.

"I know so much in advance ... Is this the power of the master?"

Seeing the speed of the visitors, the Emperor Yongye looked at Nie Yun in shock.

These people are so fast and know so much in advance that this perception is much stronger than his half-step dominating the big three strong, and the two are completely incomparable.

"It doesn't seem to be late!"

A hearty laughter sounded, and the person flying in front retracted his wings.

Like Nie Yun, he has a pair of huge wings that can be hidden into the body. It is wider than the wings of the Phoenix and fully spreads with the color of the night sky. I do n’t know whether it is refined or formed. Magic soldier.

"This is [Master of the Starry Night]. It is said that it is the starry sky of the Oblique Moon Supreme. The entire chaotic world is dominated by the first inanimate thing! A pair of wings spread out, which can make people fall into the starry night and sink forever ... ... "

Fu dark tide quietly passed on to Nie Yun.

He is over billions of years old, and although many of the masters have not seen it in person, they can be distinguished by looking at their physical characteristics.

"The starry sky is transformed?" Although Nie Yun was surprised, he didn't feel too shocked.

The inanimate thing is derived from the spiritual wisdom, but it has not been encountered before. Zitong's not destroying the body is a chaos **** mountain.

However, it is indeed not simple for an inanimate thing to attain dominance after it is derived from spiritual wisdom.

"As long as we still have a sign in our hands, it won't be too late!" Starry Lord dominates a middle-aged humane behind him.

There was no trace of emotion on this person's face, and the whole person kept releasing the chill around him, as if winter was coming, and countless snowflakes were flying around his body, which was strange.

"If this is a good guess, it should be [Xuehan Master]. It is said that after the death of his wife, he cut off his feelings and buried his body under the ice of thousands of years. It has been frozen for thousands of years. He wanted to die. Who knows? But by chance, he got the pseudo-origin avenue and became the master! It is said that when the ice broke out that day, the cold air burst into the sky, frozen for millions of miles, and countless people died of undead ... Because of this, many people do n’t know his life. , All call Xuehan the master. Later, when he heard it, he was not angry and changed his name to this directly. After a long time, what is his life, I am afraid no one remembers it ... "

Fu dark tide continued.

He knew that Nie Yun didn't know these masters, and he said what he knew without reservation.

"If the person behind Xue Han is a good guess, it should be [heavy pupil dominates]. He is born with twin pupils. It is said that he can watch life and death, see the blessings, and see the golden light. He can kill with his eyes. , No one can block his eyes, create pupil-like martial arts, the world is famous ... "

"The last one is [Master of the Dan God], but everyone wants to meet the master of the bandit. He is also very generous. He must recruit a disciple every ten million years. In order to become his disciple, many people break it. When I get my head off, I often hit my hands and blood flow! "

"Oh? Why do you want to be his disciple?"

Nie Yun asked.

Dadao can only understand the unspeakable. Even the master's disciples, the most material wealth, more famous, but it will not let countless people rob the scalp!

"I heard that the master of Dan God can refine Dadao's comprehension into elixir. Taking this elixir, it is easy to comprehend the corresponding avenue. This one alone has infinite appeal and makes people unable to refuse ..."

Fu dark tide also shows envy ~ www.readwn.com ~ refining the road into elixir? Great! "

Nie Yun was startled and could not help but admire.

The avenue is unspeakable. Even if he wants to let others understand the avenue, he can only use other means, such as portraying the relief of the avenue, so that others can realize it slowly.

Like this way, Dadao can be made into elixir, which can be easily realized by others.


Just after introducing the four masters, there was a roar again, and several more masters flew over.

For a moment, they dominated the crowd, and the powerful forces raged around, making everyone face cold and afraid to speak up.

(Chapter two is coming, two chapters today, and yesterday will make up yesterday! Somehow the Internet speed suddenly opened the webpage slowly, and passed for a full half hour, speechless ...) (To be continued ,!

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