Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1632: Drive away

"Asoka, he is not your homegrown life in the Oblique Moon Supreme!"

育 Asoka did not continue to speak, the king of the king on one side looked cold, and the light squirmed like a snake.

"I am indeed not a person in the Extreme Moon!"

Upon seeing the King of Kills, he saw his identity at first glance, Nie Yun exploded his scalp, knew that there was no use to deny it at this time, and held his fist: "Hui Huiwang, I am a creature of a small world. After reaching strength, he enters the oblique moon. Supreme Realm, only today's achievements can be achieved through cultivation! "

He directly acknowledged, dispelled the other party's doubts, and prevented the other party from talking about their identity.

As a large world, there is also a lot of other small worlds who have succeeded in cultivating their lives. Not to mention others, Zitong's destruction is the success of a mountain of chaos in the ocean. The person who is not born and raised in the supreme region cannot judge him. It has something to do with King Shura.

"A person in a small world who has cultivated to the master level for more than 30,000 years and can kill other masters. This promotion speed can be fast enough!"

He seemed to see what he meant, and killed Wang sneer.

"More than 30,000 years?"

"Nie Yun has lived for more than 30,000 years?"

"Isn't it possible. I realized that for more than 30,000 years just by one avenue, is he so powerful with such strength?"

"Since the King of Fighters said, there will be no problem!"

Uh ...

The Emperor Yongye, Lord Sunless, and others underneath you heard the news, and they were all shocked.

Thirty thousand years is impossible for life on the floating heavens and continents, but for people in the Extreme Moon region, it is no different from breathing for an instant.

Take Xiaoyao Xian as an example. He is very likely to be drunk once, and it will take hundreds of thousands, millions of years to wake up, and practice in such a short time to become the master ... Nie Yun is too bad!

Everyone thought he was powerful before. They all thought that they had lived for hundreds of millions of years, and they did not sing has become a blockbuster. No one expected that he was so young.

"Where is King Shura?"

Ignoring the words of the king, Ashoka stared with no joy or sorrow.

"King Shura?"

Seeing each other so direct, Nie Yun's heart seemed to explode, and her heart was tense. But his face didn't show anything at all, and he was in a state of consternation, with a confused look: "I'm just an ordinary master. How do I know?"

His tone is very simple, as if to say, you do n’t know as the strong kings, how can my little master know?

"You do not know?"

育 Asoka raised his eyebrows. A violent force swept over immediately. Storms shrouded the wild.


The chaotic ocean behind the whirlpool violently boils, like a tidal wave rolling by a typhoon.

Under this violent force, all the masters, the Emperor Yongye, and others could not help but soften their knees and fell to the ground.

的 At the core of stress concentration, Nie Yun felt a universe pressing on his head, his face crested. All the blood in the body seemed to freeze, without the slightest resistance.

Although oppressed is about to explode. But he knew that he could not admit it at this time. Once he acknowledged it, he would die without doubt. Immediately holding his head up, resisting the urge to kneel, he gritted his teeth, "I really don't know!"

"I don't know? Although your fate cannot be estimated, it can be inferred from the people around you. According to your whereabouts, it will only take you about a year from entering the Xieyue Supreme Realm! A year ago, you just smashed heaven. In the early days, even the oblique moon soldiers were not counted, but now they dominate the strong. If you say that there is no Wang Fengqiang behind to help, do you think I will believe it? "

Seeing this stubborn boy in front of him, Ashoka sneered.

Although they are the powerful kings, but now so many strong players are in front of them, they are not willing to kill people at will, let alone the other party is a master.

He is not afraid, but doing so will cause them to lose their high prestige and face.

"From about one year's cultivation to **** ..."

Others didn't dare to interrupt, but took a breath of air at the same time.

I previously thought that it would be terrible to be promoted to dominate in 30,000 years. When I heard that I had achieved such strength from the early days of the heavens, everyone felt crazy.

This promotion speed is really terrible!

These geniuses are at this speed of cultivation, and they are no different from a shit.

Hearing the other person's estimation of the people around him, Nie Yun took a deep breath and hummed, "The king saw my cultivation speed in the Xieyue Supreme Realm, but did not see the efforts and hardships I had previously paid. Therefore, the promotion is fast, but it has accumulated to the extreme accumulation before! Besides, is n’t the practice of cultivating fast, there is a strong king behind him to help? Then I ask the king, who is the cultivator you help? Does he have the speed of my practice? "

问 This direct questioning is very rude, which is tantamount to challenging the majesty of the powerful king.

"Hum! Strong words take great courage!"

King Ashoka's face sank, and the calmness of his former appearance became iron blue.

He once supported the cultivation of others, but if he wants to reach the level of dominance, he cannot succeed without tens of millions or hundreds of millions of years. He has achieved dominance in just 30,000 years. He has never seen such recognition in his knowledge.

Although there is no precedent, Nie Yun's violation of him is tantamount to challenging his majesty. Lightning flashes between Asoka's eyebrows, a more magnificent force is constantly oppressed, as if to kill him alive.

This power is more powerful than the master soldier. The Three Realms seem to be unable to withstand this power.

The other masters and strong men kneeling on the ground shivered one after another, like the weeds in a hurricane, which would be uprooted at any time and lose their lives.

Sealing Wang Qiang is too scary. Even a simple idea is not something they can compete with.

Under the pressure of violent pressure, Nie Yun's body kept trembling, but he still insisted that he didn't kneel down, his whole body was upright and full of pride.

"If the king feels that I am being rude to tell the truth, please kill me! I think I know that King Shura ’s news can be shot without telling me! Anyway, I have a clear conscience! My Nie Yun practiced from nothing to dominate the realm, and I have so-called backbone The king wants to kill people with subjective assertions. I have nothing to say, but ... the whole Three Realms will know that Asoka sees me practicing fast and is scared. I am afraid that I will steal his position as king, so Kill me! Kill and kill. It's ridiculous to use such an excuse for nothingness, and I don't want to lose your identity as a strong king! "

Xie Nieyun sneered, with a strong irony.

看 Anyway, depending on the attitude of the other party, killing is born, and they will always do something. It is better to kill him than to be killed!

不是 Don't you think that I know the news of King Shura?

I also think that you are afraid of 惮 I practice fast, I am afraid that it will steal your position as the strong king, and solve the hidden dangers in advance!

Although this statement is nonsense, after all, if you want to become a strong king, you must first have the Chaos King's approval, but other people don't know about this ... Many people in the Three Realms will believe it!

You kill me by hand, it is a chicken belly, a strong king, because you are afraid of a master to surpass him, and you shoot in advance, I don't believe you can afford to lose this person!

"You ... do you think I dare not kill you?"

I heard that, Ashoka's lungs almost exploded.

He is a respected Wang Qiang, respected by everyone, and the master in front of him dare not speak loudly, when has he run into such a run!

I was contemptuous of him!

Although he is a strong king and controls a supreme realm, he doesn't know everything, especially Nie Yun, he can hardly predict anything about him. When he entered the oblique moon supreme realm was actually his first time. What appears to be speculative from the message.

The other side said this, even at the cost of challenging his majesty, is it true that it has nothing to do with King Shura?

"Of course you can kill me, you are the strong king, and the chance is good to get chaos approval! If you are the masters, you will be my opponent?" Nie Yun laughed.

Xie Nieyun looked more scornfully at Ashoka, full of mockery.

I seem to say that if you have something great, it will be a good chance. If I get chaos approval, I will definitely find you full of teeth ...

Despise, naked, without any concealment!

"Fun, interesting, this is the first time I have seen a master who dares to challenge the strong king like this! Asoka, please hurry up, I can't help but want to see you kill him!"

The Chaos King on his side smiled loudly, and his eyes were spinning, and I didn't know what to think.

"Being under the power of King Weiya, without kneeling, the kid's bones are very hard. If you do n’t take the shot, Asoka, I'd better let me do it. I promise to take him back for a few days and let him completely yield!"

The king of lore also laughed.

The two kings were hurriedly called by Ashoka, saying that they knew the news of King Shura, but they rushed over to deal with a little master, which made them a little unhappy, and their words were all ridiculous.


I heard the words of King Chaos and Lore King ~ www.readwn.com ~ Asoka looked ugly, I do n’t know how to answer, and his eyes were dripping with low eyes.

Killing a person like Nie Yun is very simple for him. It doesn't take much effort and can be completed with one idea. But killing him will cause bad reputation to pass on. Ashoka is jealous and afraid of the reputation of being stolen Will definitely spread it!

Although these things are unnecessary, he can not afford to lose this man!

"The king wants to kill me, please do it now, if not, please leave!"

Seeing the expression of King Ashoka, Nie Yun knew that the previous general had worked, and his heart was secretly relieved, but his neck was lifted.

"Very good, I was the first time I was overwhelmed by a general. You are very capable! Rest assured, I will investigate immediately and thoroughly understand your origin. If I wait to find out thoroughly, I dare to say so, I Will kill you on the spot! "

Anger was extremely anti-smiling, and Ashoka sneered.

I am now forced into this situation. If I do it again, it will definitely be considered by others as a small belly chicken intestine. Once we have evidence and kill it, no one will dare say anything.

After he finished speaking, the dark whirlpool he was in was roaring, slowly disappearing in front of everyone, and his huge and coercive face gradually dissipated.

I actually ... left!

(The first one is here!) [To be continued] This text is provided by the flash **** group @ 影 承

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